Texas is Relying on Batteries

Because some WaPo dolt wrote it?

There is no national power grid. Our nation is a collection of hundreds of power grids. There are many interconnects between these grids, but those can only supply a small amount of power to adjacent bulk electric systems (BES). Power cannot be pushed over long distances well, it loses way too much efficiency.

It is also a lie to claim the Texas Interconnect (TIC) is not connected to adjacent states. It is. But Texas is so fucking big there is no way these adjacent grids can supply the bulk of their power if Texas is having major generation issues. Texas generates nearly half a million Gigawatt hours, no state adjacent to it can make that much less fork it over to them over interconnects.

I work in the industry and I can tell you the idiots that write these articles have zero fucking clue how anything in our power grids work.

Well tell it to Fox News.


They are having to turn to battery power because of their failed energy policies, and not being connected to the national grid.

Heat is battering Texas’s power grid. Are giant batteries the answer?
The worst may be yet to come, with extreme weather forecast to persist into next weekend

The outsize role battery storage is playing in keeping the power on is welcome news to clean energy companies, which have been fighting the fossil fuel lobby’s efforts to place blame for the state’s electricity woes on the increasing share of renewables in its energy mix.

Battery storage is a boon to wind and solar, as it allows them to capture and store the energy created at times when it may not be needed and then make it available to ratepayers at peak hours.

But amid this heat emergency, batteries have also proved useful in bailing out more traditional power plants.

When a large coal facility got knocked offline during peak hours this week amid the stress of the extreme heat, energy that was being stored in batteries elsewhere in Texas was quickly dispatched to carry the grid through the evening.
The batteries were also crucial to keeping the power on when a nuclear plant hiccuped and went offline earlier in the week, said Doug Lewin, a Texas energy consultant.
More bs spew.
Well tell it to Fox News.

Now he's going to lie and say he doesn't watch Fox.
As someone who's lived in Texas for over 5 decades I have to disagree.
We've never lost power for more than a few days after a hurricane.
when the infrastructure is wiped out, you are going to lose power.
If you don't like it, move away from the coast, or invest a whole house generator.
when the infrastructure is wiped out, you are going to lose power.
If you don't like it, move away from the coast, or invest a whole house generator.

Thats a whole different problem.
But even with a whole house generator you still need natural gas to run it.
As it is I have enough generating power to run one of my three central A/C units as well as one of the six fridge freezer combos.
I can also run a chest freezer fridge combo on solar and batteries.
Thats a whole different problem.
But even with a whole house generator you still need natural gas to run it.
As it is I have enough generating power to run one of my three central A/C units as well as one of the six fridge freezer combos.
I can also run a chest freezer fridge combo on solar and batteries.
A Generac runs on Propane or Natural Gas.
An Emergency Plan includes a Propane Tank dedicated for such events.
Propane does not doesn't have a shelf life or an expiration date.
If Natural Gas is not available, use the Propane.
A Generac runs on Propane or Natural Gas.
An Emergency Plan includes a Propane Tank dedicated for such events.
Propane does not doesn't have a shelf life or an expiration date.
If Natural Gas is not available, use the Propane.

You're not telling me anything I dont already know.
And yes you can use propane...assuming you have the proper orifice on hand.
Once after a hurricane.
The power was out for three days.
We generally dont have a problem with power outages where I live since the lines are all buried.
The area is wealthy so no unsightly power lines.
I have never been without power in my entire life.
No, I am not going to tell you how I did it.

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