Texas jury rules against divorced dad trying to stop 7-year-old son’s gender transition

After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.

I thought all Mexicans were supposed to be disease infested rapist drug dealers.

That's BrokeLoser you're thinking of. I haven't seen any diseased people or drug dealers. But then, I don't live in a city like Juarez or the bad part of Tijuana. :dunno: lol
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.

I thought all Mexicans were supposed to be disease infested rapist drug dealers.

That's BrokeLoser you're thinking of. I haven't seen any diseased people or drug dealers. But then, I don't live in a city like Juarez or the bad part of Tijuana. :dunno: lol

That is the vast majority of Trump Supporters.
Btw, for anyone who wants to learn more about this case, visit this site: Save James

Apparently there's so much more to this case, and some of the stuff I was reading is unbelievable. It sounds like there was a bitter, ugly battle between the father and the "mother." And I wouldn't be surprised if some of the things she is doing is purely vindictive.

I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading here. I just started reading it, but here are few things so far....

MS. GEORGULAS FORCES JAMES TO COME OUT AS A GIRL. At James’s fifth birthday party, an event full of people from church, Ms. Georgulas forced the boy to wear a dress. Witnesses tell Mr. Younger that his son hid in a corner and cried. Again, this occurred because Blake Mitchell failed to do his one job of investigation to protect kids.

JAMES NEVER SELF-IDENTIFIES AS A GIRL OUTSIDE MS. GEORGULAS’S HOME. When with his Father, James is a normal boy and acts like a normal boy. He does not exhibit any liking for girls toys, steadfastly refuses to wear girl’s clothes, refuses to engage in typical girl’s play, is in fact hyper-athletic. The purported gender dysphoria affecting James never shows up at his Father’s home. This can be attested by scores of witnesses. The only time we see James exhibiting a female gender self-expression is with Ms. Georgulas.

MS. GEORGULAS IS USING THIS ISSUE TO TAKE THE KIDS FROM MR. YOUNGER. Ms. Georgulas is well aware that Father’s religious beliefs preclude any affirmation of a false gender self-identity. Ms. Georgulas has chosen to intentionally socialize James to a false gender self-identity to push the Father out of the child’s life. It is the most unimaginably cruel form of parental alienation one can imagine.​
Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.

I thought all Mexicans were supposed to be disease infested rapist drug dealers.

That's BrokeLoser you're thinking of. I haven't seen any diseased people or drug dealers. But then, I don't live in a city like Juarez or the bad part of Tijuana. :dunno: lol

That is the vast majority of Trump Supporters.

Start a thread with a poll and ask them, do you oppose ILLEGAL immigration, or do you hate all hispanics? I don't think most are like him, but anyway, I'm not a Trump person, and I don't want to get off topic here.
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

I've raised six seven year olds...this is BS. A seven year old in no way would think like this.

The mother is a whacked out progtard and it's child abuse.

You know this but you're afraid to leave the progressive bubble you inhabit.
This is sad. I would try again and again.
The child "mom" is going to ruin that poor kids life.
Kids dont have the self awareness to THINK "biology got it wrong"
From what I have seen about this case, the kid doesnt have an illness, the mother does.
This is sad. I would try again and again.
The child "mom" is going to ruin that poor kids life.
Kids dont have the self awareness to THINK "biology got it wrong"
From what I have seen about this case, the kid doesnt have an illness, the mother does.

It's nothing short of child abuse.

I see Ted Cruz has taken an interest in the case. Maybe he'll bring some sanity into the situation
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

From what I have studied about children is their views will change vastly as they mature and grow. It maybe that the child is influenced by social pressure to please a figurehead in their life. We don’t allow children to smoke, drink, sign a legal contract, marry or vote because their minds are not developed enough to fully recognize the weight of their actions. Do you believe that a 7 year posses such awareness of their current and future needs to consent to a permanent life long decision such as this?
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.
So if a 7 year old decides he is a pot head. You agree he should receive pot to consume?
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.

No thanks to a cave, but I wouldn't mind living in a remote, beautiful private place to get away from the insanity of this world. Actually, I live in Mexico now, and people are normal here. Very family-oriented and not indoctrinated like in the US.

I thought all Mexicans were supposed to be disease infested rapist drug dealers.
Most of them come here. They know your kind will support them. Further putting the United States into a shit hole. Liberalism destroys anything it touches. Including little kids.
Texas Gov Announces Investigation Into Case Of Mother Transitioning 7-Year-Old James Younger Against Father’s Wishes
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced an investigation into the case of a 7-year-old whose mother plans to transition him to a girl against his father’s wishes.

It's about time . this mother should lose her license and the kids!!

Just 15 yrs ago or so that mother would have been put in the funny farm jus tlike manny other cases we've heard about these past few years.
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After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

I've raised six seven year olds...this is BS. A seven year old in no way would think like this.

The mother is a whacked out progtard and it's child abuse.

You know this but you're afraid to leave the progressive bubble you inhabit.

We can only hope those kids are now getting the psychological help that they must surely need.
I don't understand how a child of such a young age can come to the conclusion they are of the wrong gender? Maybe I'm just to damn old to comprehend all this stuff?
The child is being influenced by liberals before he is old enough to deal with such issues
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

From what I have studied about children is their views will change vastly as they mature and grow. It maybe that the child is influenced by social pressure to please a figurehead in their life. We don’t allow children to smoke, drink, sign a legal contract, marry or vote because their minds are not developed enough to fully recognize the weight of their actions. Do you believe that a 7 year posses such awareness of their current and future needs to consent to a permanent life long decision such as this?

I don't know if it is a choice, and I'm very glad nobody is coming to me to decide. I do know there are experts in the field who have dedicated years of study to the matter, and they are 1000 times better qualified to make that decision than I or any other anonymous person on the internet who knows virtually nothing about the subject or the people involved. I can only assume the judge in the case has had adequate input from those experts to make a fair decision.
After reading all the responses so far in this thread, I just wonder if all the opinions and wisdom expressed came from actual knowledge gained from study and a well grounded base in child psychology, or from rants by religious nuts, right wing radio, and Trump rallies.

Oh my gosh. If you don't see anything wrong with this case, then you're too deeply indoctrinated to even bother with. Even Emily who is not a conservative sees how twisted this is, read post #5.

And no, no one has to tell me what to think, my views are mine, I don't care what any politician or talk radio host has to say. And even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still hold the same view on this, because for me it's not even about politics or religion, it's just common sense and a basic grasp of ethics. For crying out loud, a person's brain is not even fully developed until the age 25, obviously a 5 year old isn't mature enough to understand this topic, let alone the long-term ramifications of something as serious as changing one's gender. So it's evil to push this on a child, and the fact that some people are actually supporting this is just more proof that this world is lost and upside-down, because of continual lies and cultural-marxist indoctrination.

If you feel that way about the world, you should go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries. Your call on that one.
So if a 7 year old decides he is a pot head. You agree he should receive pot to consume?

I'm pretty sure it's not a decision the kid has to make. The decision is being made for him by adults.who have evaluated him.

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