Texas makes it easier for 3rd parties to get on the ballot


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Republicans may have found a crafty way to keep Democrats down in Texas

Of COURSE the leftists are whining about it! I think its great! The duopoly in America SUCKS! I vote 3rd party as much as I can and I plan to in 2020 for president and VP more than likely. As for the leftists claiming this helps the GOP,The Constitution and Libertarian party voters are USUALLY GOP voters so that doesn't help the GOP that hurts the GOP actually.
IS it true that Texas has more uninsured people than anywhere in the USA, maybe they do need a third party?
I always vote Libertarian in Texas just to help keep them on the ballot every year.

I don't think it will peel away many anti-trump votes in 2020.

I don't think Texas is ready to turn blue yet, but they might go against Old Trumpybear.
Depends who the Third Party is

Libertarians take votes away from Republicans
Green Party takes away from Democrats
Depends who the Third Party is

Libertarians take votes away from Republicans
Green Party takes away from Democrats
Yep...and Constitution party takes from Republicans as well. Not sure if there are other parties in Texas I would have to check.

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