TEXAS Number One

Many more reactionaries to the far right than lefties out there are against.

No state or federal law should permit parental opt out on vaccinations.

The most liberal state in the Union, California, permits opt out. Damn those right wingers in Sacramento. YUK!
I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.

you can give YOUR children whatever you want.

everybody else - f*** off, nazi :D

Public health is not fascism, missy, so stop your hissy and quit being a sissy. :lol:

If unvaccinated children threated the health of the population, you bet the government of We the People can tell you and make you do what it says.

Dam right. This is a highly contagious disease.
More about Texasss nutters. I swear, these idiots actually take pride in being inferior and ignorant.

Many more reactionaries to the far right than lefties out there are against.

No state or federal law should permit parental opt out on vaccinations.

Uncle Sam is the know all and end all of everything?

When it comes to health matters like this: no question about it.

Any deliberate violations should result in at least a one-year suspension of parental rights.

A parent can mess with disease with their own child but no one else's. And the are scores of millions of children whose right to a good life precedes any silly parental goofy science belief.

That gives me an idea. If the gubmint can dictate what a parent has to do with his child to prevent the spread of decease, (sp) why can't they ban sex between gay men to prevent the spread of AIDS? That is, until they have a vaccination that will prevent it.
I recently got a pneumonia shot. Jim Henson died of the pneumonia type I got the shot for. This type can kill you before the symptoms get too bad to seek care.

That's what my doctor told me.
Uncle Sam is the know all and end all of everything?

When it comes to health matters like this: no question about it.

Any deliberate violations should result in at least a one-year suspension of parental rights.

A parent can mess with disease with their own child but no one else's. And the are scores of millions of children whose right to a good life precedes any silly parental goofy science belief.

That gives me an idea. If the gubmint can dictate what a parent has to do with his child to prevent the spread of decease, (sp) why can't they ban sex between gay men to prevent the spread of AIDS? That is, until they have a vaccination that will prevent it.
Plenty of heterosexual people get aids too.
When it comes to health matters like this: no question about it.

Any deliberate violations should result in at least a one-year suspension of parental rights.

A parent can mess with disease with their own child but no one else's. And the are scores of millions of children whose right to a good life precedes any silly parental goofy science belief.

That gives me an idea. If the gubmint can dictate what a parent has to do with his child to prevent the spread of decease, (sp) why can't they ban sex between gay men to prevent the spread of AIDS? That is, until they have a vaccination that will prevent it.
Plenty of heterosexual people get aids too.

If I ever get AIDS, I hope it's "Magic Johnson AIDS"

That dude has lived longer with it than he did without it
The RonPauLibertarians that hate to be told to do anything by the fedrull gubmint`

or just smart parents who know that American vaccination schedule is INSANE.

about 2/3 of the vaccinations in American schedule are not needed.

I've had all my shots and I turned out okay

i think

I highly suspect that at that time it was much less.

Look at this - this schedule is idiotic. 2/3 of it is not needed:

CDC - Vaccines - Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules

and 2/3 of what is recommended to pump in to the children in the US NOBODY else does.

Hep A? are you freaking kidding me? or rotavirus? or pneumococcal vaccine? influenza? meningococcal? why not create vaccines to all known organisms and pump them in

are they insane or do they consider ALL children in the US never wash their hands and are all immunosuppressed?
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I recently got a pneumonia shot. Jim Henson died of the pneumonia type I got the shot for. This type can kill you before the symptoms get too bad to seek care.

That's what my doctor told me.

are you over 65 years old?

are you immunosuppressed? ( well, if you are obese, have DM, COPD, HTN, CAD and ESRD and all the gentleman's pack for the typical American, then - maybe :lol:)

why do you need pneumonia shot if you are healthy otherwise? :rolleyes:
I recently got a pneumonia shot. Jim Henson died of the pneumonia type I got the shot for. This type can kill you before the symptoms get too bad to seek care.

That's what my doctor told me.

are you over 65 years old?

are you immunosuppressed? ( well, if you are obese, have DM, COPD, HTN, CAD and ESRD and all the gentleman's pack for the typical American, then - maybe :lol:)

why do you need pneumonia shot if you are healthy otherwise? :rolleyes:

Because I don't want to shut the barn door after the horse has run away.
I recently got a pneumonia shot. Jim Henson died of the pneumonia type I got the shot for. This type can kill you before the symptoms get too bad to seek care.

That's what my doctor told me.

are you over 65 years old?

are you immunosuppressed? ( well, if you are obese, have DM, COPD, HTN, CAD and ESRD and all the gentleman's pack for the typical American, then - maybe :lol:)

why do you need pneumonia shot if you are healthy otherwise? :rolleyes:

Because I don't want to shut the barn door after the horse has run away.

if you are generally healthy chances of getting a pneumococcal pneumonia are extremely low. Higher in the specific age group or with some medical problems.
Which I, suppose, you have, since it was recommended by your doctor.

Nothing wrong with particular instance, but it does not mean EVERYBODY should get it.

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