TEXAS Number One

Did a quick google search and am finding mostly individual reasons for not vaccinating, but papageorgio may have cause correctly to say that the religious reasons are not as important as I thought. I can't find enough critical evidence either way.

I did find this for religious reason to avoid vaccination: Biblical Reasons Not to Vaccinate | ChildhoodShots.com

Depends on what you google. I googled " reasons given for not taking vaccine shots"

I didn't specify any bias, and the CBS link made its conclusions recent research.

I'll go with the CBS news story.
Did a quick google search and am finding mostly individual reasons for not vaccinating, but papageorgio may have cause correctly to say that the religious reasons are not as important as I thought. I can't find enough critical evidence either way.

I did find this for religious reason to avoid vaccination: Biblical Reasons Not to Vaccinate | ChildhoodShots.com

Depends on what you google. I googled " reasons given for not taking vaccine shots"

I didn't specify any bias, and the CBS link made its conclusions recent research.

I'll go with the CBS news story.

In American reality it is much easier to give religious reasons and get everybody off your back than to actually provide the real medical concerns - because THEN you won't be exempt.
Therefore what comes as statistics for the reasons of refusal most definitely is not the real picture.
I am not saying there was a connection, just that the source of the mistrust had nothing to do with religion.

The vast majority of parents who refuse vaccinations do that absolutely NOT because of religious beliefs.

vaccines are NOT BENIGN products - it a foreign protein and it can cause a lot of harm ( not talking autism here).

American vaccination schedule is so overloaded that being a responsible parent one SHOULD refuse it and work out their own, individual schedule - but that requires a lot of personal reading and learning on the issue.

I say the most ridiculous one is the chicken pox vaccine. News flash: you WANT your children to get chicken pox! Ideally, between ages six and ten. It's no big deal for a child, and after getting it, they are immune. (I was seven.) The vaccine is less effective (I recall, only about 65%), and an adult getting chicken pox can be in serious trouble! (My grandmother never had it, and her doctor told her that it could kill her!)

true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.
The vast majority of parents who refuse vaccinations do that absolutely NOT because of religious beliefs.

vaccines are NOT BENIGN products - it a foreign protein and it can cause a lot of harm ( not talking autism here).

American vaccination schedule is so overloaded that being a responsible parent one SHOULD refuse it and work out their own, individual schedule - but that requires a lot of personal reading and learning on the issue.

I say the most ridiculous one is the chicken pox vaccine. News flash: you WANT your children to get chicken pox! Ideally, between ages six and ten. It's no big deal for a child, and after getting it, they are immune. (I was seven.) The vaccine is less effective (I recall, only about 65%), and an adult getting chicken pox can be in serious trouble! (My grandmother never had it, and her doctor told her that it could kill her!)

true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.

I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.
I say the most ridiculous one is the chicken pox vaccine. News flash: you WANT your children to get chicken pox! Ideally, between ages six and ten. It's no big deal for a child, and after getting it, they are immune. (I was seven.) The vaccine is less effective (I recall, only about 65%), and an adult getting chicken pox can be in serious trouble! (My grandmother never had it, and her doctor told her that it could kill her!)

true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.

I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.

you can give YOUR children whatever you want.

everybody else - f*** off, nazi :D
true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.

I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.

you can give YOUR children whatever you want.

everybody else - f*** off, nazi :D

Public health is not fascism, missy, so stop your hissy and quit being a sissy. :lol:

If unvaccinated children threated the health of the population, you bet the government of We the People can tell you and make you do what it says.
fakey, you can give your own children whatever you choose.

f*** off everybody else, you leftard Nazi.

This is USA not USSR or Hitler's Germany :D

and no, you can't and you won't :lol:
Vox, stop being whatever you are trying to be? Silly? Yes, name calling makes you look silly.

Public health is not a fascist issue, no matter how much blow yourself up. A puffer fish you are not.

This is the USA, and yes the government of We the People can tell you and make you do it if that is what the legislature so decide.
Immigrants [mostly Asian] are spitting on the ground ['everywhere'], and in shopping malls.
Mrs bianco growled at one older Asian man and his group after the man spat on the floor of the mall.
His young female relative then told him why.
fakey leftard Nazi does not know the laws of this country and as always lied - about being on a school board - anyone who has any connection to school knows that in the US one can be exempt from vaccinations AND attend public school without a problem.

All fifty states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students. Although exemptions vary from state to state, all school immunization laws grant exemptions to children for medical reasons. Almost all states, except Mississippi and West Virginia, grant religious exemptions for people who have religious beliefs against immunizations. Nineteen states allow philosophical exemptions for those who object to immunizations because of a personal, moral or other beliefs.

School Immunization Exemption State Laws
Where Does Your State Stand on School Immunization Exemptions? | Shot of Prevention

rhetorical question:
is there at least one area where fakey does not lie? :lol:
Good. I knew Vox is so curious that she would open and read it.

What she has learned is (1) that all states have these laws, and (2) the states can give and take away certain privileges (they are not rights) to parents.

All good Americans are working to remove religious exemptions that endanger the public health.
fakey, you've been proved a LIAR once again :lol:


fakey it is.
Vox, in other hands, has been shown up.

She has learned that vaccination exemptions are privileges either granted or not granted by the legislature.

The move has to be limit such privileges, which is good government that does the most good for the most folks.
I say the most ridiculous one is the chicken pox vaccine. News flash: you WANT your children to get chicken pox! Ideally, between ages six and ten. It's no big deal for a child, and after getting it, they are immune. (I was seven.) The vaccine is less effective (I recall, only about 65%), and an adult getting chicken pox can be in serious trouble! (My grandmother never had it, and her doctor told her that it could kill her!)

true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.

I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.

The vaccine is less effective that the child simply getting chicken pox!
Vox, in other hands, has been shown up.

She has learned that vaccination exemptions are privileges either granted or not granted by the legislature.

The move has to be limit such privileges, which is good government that does the most good for the most folks.

You seem to be experiencing DEEP delusions, JakeTheFake. Are you off your medication AGAIN?!
true. The reason the vaccine started to be pushed so hard is because of the shingles in elderly and immunocompormised ( on chemotherapy) - and the government calculations that is will be cost-effective to immunize everybody to avoid treating shingles later.

I would rather have the children get the vaccine that the elderly get shingles, by far.

The vaccine is less effective that the child simply getting chicken pox!

Can you prove it?
The government gives vaccinations. They don't like government in texas.

This proves that Obama care is not needed.

Texans rely on natural selection and the Lord Jebus.

And all this time I thought it was Doctors that gave vaccinations.

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