TEXAS Number One

Anybody parent who refuses willingly, knowingly, and stupidly refuses to vaccinate their child should be report to Child Protective Services.
We just had an outbreak of the mumps in my area

The freak'n mumps?

What is so hard with vaccinating your kids? Mumps should have disappeared 20 years ago. But the vaccinations are the devils work is still winning out

So who isn't vaccinating?
We just had an outbreak of the mumps in my area

The freak'n mumps?

What is so hard with vaccinating your kids? Mumps should have disappeared 20 years ago. But the vaccinations are the devils work is still winning out

So who isn't vaccinating?

The RonPauLibertarians that hate to be told to do anything by the fedrull gubmint`

Their kids must not go to public schools. Can't get in without them. You know the saddest cases are the polio outbreaks in Nigeria and Indonesia. Pretty much wiped it out decades ago, but people think it (vaccination) is some sort of conspiracy and polio is making a come back.
Texas is number one in whooping cough this year.

Congratulations Texas.

Why some much bad health in Texas. The refineries?

Whooping cough reaches epidemic level in Texas: official | Reuters

California beat Texas a few years ago.

Over 9,000 cases of pertussis were reported in California during 2010, the most in over 60 years, including 10 infant deaths. Pertussis continues to circulate throughout California and the rest of the world.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

So California passed a new law, for whatever good the new law did:

New California Law Mandates Whooping Cough Booster Shot for Teens - ParentDish

But even with the new law in place, some families will decline to have their children vaccinated, choosing instead to file a personal-belief exemption (PBE) form with the school or submit a doctor's letter saying the booster "is not indicated" for their child, which forces schools to waive the requirement, the newspaper reports.

PBE waivers have become much more common in California, with 10,280 granted for kindergartners in the state in fall 2009, compared to 2,719 in 1990.
A lot of religious fanatics don't believe in vaccinations.

A lot of people don't for reasons that have nothing to do with religion;

Swine influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alarmed public health officials decided action must be taken to head off another major pandemic, and urged President Gerald Ford that every person in the U.S. be vaccinated for the disease.[28]

The vaccination program was plagued by delays and public relations problems.[29] On October 1, 1976, immunizations began, and three senior citizens died soon after receiving their injections. This resulted in a media outcry that linked these deaths to the immunizations, despite the lack of any proof the vaccine was the cause. According to science writer Patrick Di Justo, however, by the time the truth was known—that the deaths were not proven to be related to the vaccine—it was too late. "The government had long feared mass panic about swine flu—now they feared mass panic about the swine flu vaccinations." This became a strong setback to the program.[30]

There were reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing neuromuscular disorder, affecting some people who had received swine flu immunizations. Although if a link exists is still not clear, this syndrome may be a side effect of influenza vaccines. As a result, Di Justo writes, "the public refused to trust a government-operated health program that killed old people and crippled young people." In total, 48,161,019 Americans, or just over 22% of the population, had been immunized by the time the National Influenza Immunization Program was effectively halted on December 16, 1976.[31] [32]"

I am not saying there was a connection, just that the source of the mistrust had nothing to do with religion.
Texas is number one in whooping cough this year.

Congratulations Texas.

Why some much bad health in Texas. The refineries?

Whooping cough reaches epidemic level in Texas: official | Reuters

More than likely it's all those illegal aliens who haven't been vaccinated. but pointing the problem to a specific ethnic group is racist!

why is it racist? Maybe the Mexicans didn't have access to healthcare like the Americans did. If Illegals who have not been vaccinated come in and spread a very contagious childhood disease, it seems more in the realm of possibility than racist. Most Americans know that if their kids don't get vaccinated they will look like bad parents and the kid might not be allowed in school. Vaccinations are pushed and made easily available by the government for poorer American familys at clinics so there is no excuse except when religion doesn't allow them.

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