TEXAS Number One

I am not saying there was a connection, just that the source of the mistrust had nothing to do with religion.

The vast majority of parents who refuse vaccinations do that absolutely NOT because of religious beliefs.

vaccines are NOT BENIGN products - it a foreign protein and it can cause a lot of harm ( not talking autism here).

American vaccination schedule is so overloaded that being a responsible parent one SHOULD refuse it and work out their own, individual schedule - but that requires a lot of personal reading and learning on the issue.
We just had an outbreak of the mumps in my area

The freak'n mumps?

What is so hard with vaccinating your kids? Mumps should have disappeared 20 years ago. But the vaccinations are the devils work is still winning out

Reported mumps cases connected to D'Jais bar rises to 27, 1 confirmed | NJ.com

Considering you're in Jersey, I doubt that there is no shortage of communicable diseases far more concerning than mumps.

mumps can be very harmful for the boys.
We just had an outbreak of the mumps in my area

The freak'n mumps?

What is so hard with vaccinating your kids? Mumps should have disappeared 20 years ago. But the vaccinations are the devils work is still winning out

Reported mumps cases connected to D'Jais bar rises to 27, 1 confirmed | NJ.com

Considering you're in Jersey, I doubt that there is no shortage of communicable diseases far more concerning than mumps.

mumps can be very harmful for the boys.

So can STDs
Considering you're in Jersey, I doubt that there is no shortage of communicable diseases far more concerning than mumps.

mumps can be very harmful for the boys.

So can STDs

yes, but you can be harmed for life by mumps way before you may get STDs.

Hep B, mumps, tetanus, and polio were the only diseases my son got vaccinated against in infancy and early childhood.
Measles and rubella much later and only once and only because we could not refuse it ( immigration)
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Oh for gods sake's read the article and not just the headline.

Last year, 49 states reported an increase in whooping cough cases, but most states have experienced declines so far this year, data shows. Researchers attribute the rise to a new type of pertussis vaccine, which is safer but less effective over the long run, and to a decline in the number of children being vaccinated.
So who isn't vaccinating?

The RonPauLibertarians that hate to be told to do anything by the fedrull gubmint`

or just smart parents who know that American vaccination schedule is INSANE.

about 2/3 of the vaccinations in American schedule are not needed.

Careful you'll get the left wing liberal reactionary going. After all, he feels his opinion is the best and wants to force it on everyone.
Oh for gods sake's read the article and not just the headline.

Last year, 49 states reported an increase in whooping cough cases, but most states have experienced declines so far this year, data shows. Researchers attribute the rise to a new type of pertussis vaccine, which is safer but less effective over the long run, and to a decline in the number of children being vaccinated.

Why did they change to a new type of pertussis vaccine, which is safer but less effective over the long run? Why is there a decline in the number of children being vaccinated? Is that because of all the reports of dangerous vaccines scared many of the parents?

National Network Immunization Information (NNII) said data from July 2003 study in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: "Data on race and ethnicity was incomplete but suggested that a disproportionate number of fatal cases were Hispanic or Native American."
I am not saying there was a connection, just that the source of the mistrust had nothing to do with religion.

The vast majority of parents who refuse vaccinations do that absolutely NOT because of religious beliefs.

vaccines are NOT BENIGN products - it a foreign protein and it can cause a lot of harm ( not talking autism here).

American vaccination schedule is so overloaded that being a responsible parent one SHOULD refuse it and work out their own, individual schedule - but that requires a lot of personal reading and learning on the issue.

I say the most ridiculous one is the chicken pox vaccine. News flash: you WANT your children to get chicken pox! Ideally, between ages six and ten. It's no big deal for a child, and after getting it, they are immune. (I was seven.) The vaccine is less effective (I recall, only about 65%), and an adult getting chicken pox can be in serious trouble! (My grandmother never had it, and her doctor told her that it could kill her!)
Anybody parent who refuses willingly, knowingly, and stupidly refuses to vaccinate their child should be report to Child Protective Services.

not your business, nazi :lol:

A Nazi like you doing the name calling? Priceless.

If what you do harms the public's interest (public health in this case), then it is everyone's business.
We witness from the far reactionary right a lack of critical thinking.

(1) vaccines are safer than ever

(2) states are working hard to make children safer through vaccinations, but

(3) we have folks here who argue for non vaccination for their unhealthy children who threaten everyone else.
I am not saying there was a connection, just that the source of the mistrust had nothing to do with religion.

The vast majority of parents who refuse vaccinations do that absolutely NOT because of religious beliefs.
No, it is not.

I have been reading articles and not one mentions religious reasons as reasons given for not getting vaccination shots. Some talk of environmentalists, or parents who worry about child development. Some talk about herd mentality where one area just starts refusing and it catches on, like Marin county in California. A lot are poor people who just can't get transportation to get the shots. Most of the refusals I have read are because of a fear the shot could damage their children's health.


Parents cite several reasons for not vaccinating their children. Many think vaccines aren't necessary any more, because the diseases they prevent are rare in this country. Others believe children should develop "natural immunity" to disease, instead of with vaccines.

But most believe vaccines, or the mercury-based preservative once used in some vaccines, can cause diseases like autism, diabetes and multiple sclerosis -- diseases that have increased in recent years.

Many anti-vaccine parents believe the medical establishment, in collusion with the government and vaccine-makers, is hiding these dangers from the public.

The article states that those who don't want their kids vaccinated are married, well educated and higher income brackets.

Religion is not mentioned at all in any article I've read so far. Common sense tells me there are bound to be a few, however, it seems very few.
Did a quick google search and am finding mostly individual reasons for not vaccinating, but papageorgio may have cause correctly to say that the religious reasons are not as important as I thought. I can't find enough critical evidence either way.

I did find this for religious reason to avoid vaccination: Biblical Reasons Not to Vaccinate | ChildhoodShots.com

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