Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I did watch it. He pulled that boy's arm down... that was not an assault. If you think that is an assault ... you need to grow a pair.
No need to grow anything when you can simply look the word up.

noun as·sault \ə-ˈsȯlt\
law : the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically

: a violent physical attack

: a military attack
And how did he try to threaten or hurt that first boy?
By a violent physical attack like I bolded in the definition.
Tugging on an arm is not a violent physical attack, ya mamby pamby.
Your attempt to attack my manhood doest really quite deflect from the fact he assaulted the kid.
He assaulted the girl.. he barely touched the boy. Your belief that a cop barely touching a boy to direct him to sit down is an assault, shows everyone what they need to know about your manhood.
No need to grow anything when you can simply look the word up.

noun as·sault \ə-ˈsȯlt\
law : the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically

: a violent physical attack

: a military attack
And how did he try to threaten or hurt that first boy?
By a violent physical attack like I bolded in the definition.
Tugging on an arm is not a violent physical attack, ya mamby pamby.
Your attempt to attack my manhood doest really quite deflect from the fact he assaulted the kid.
He assaulted the girl.. he barely touched the boy. Your belief that a cop barely touching a boy to direct him to sit down is an assault, shows everyone what they need to know about your manhood.
Your belief that what everyone thinks of my manhood is a concern of mine is amusing. He assaulted the kid by grabbing his arm. Just like patting a woman on the ass is sexual assault.
And how did he try to threaten or hurt that first boy?
By a violent physical attack like I bolded in the definition.
Tugging on an arm is not a violent physical attack, ya mamby pamby.
Your attempt to attack my manhood doest really quite deflect from the fact he assaulted the kid.
He assaulted the girl.. he barely touched the boy. Your belief that a cop barely touching a boy to direct him to sit down is an assault, shows everyone what they need to know about your manhood.
Your belief that what everyone thinks of my manhood is a concern of mine is amusing. He assaulted the kid by grabbing his arm. Just like patting a woman on the ass is sexual assault.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
By a violent physical attack like I bolded in the definition.
Tugging on an arm is not a violent physical attack, ya mamby pamby.
Your attempt to attack my manhood doest really quite deflect from the fact he assaulted the kid.
He assaulted the girl.. he barely touched the boy. Your belief that a cop barely touching a boy to direct him to sit down is an assault, shows everyone what they need to know about your manhood.
Your belief that what everyone thinks of my manhood is a concern of mine is amusing. He assaulted the kid by grabbing his arm. Just like patting a woman on the ass is sexual assault.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
What did I tell you about nervous laughter? Sorry but the law disagrees with you.
Tugging on an arm is not a violent physical attack, ya mamby pamby.
Your attempt to attack my manhood doest really quite deflect from the fact he assaulted the kid.
He assaulted the girl.. he barely touched the boy. Your belief that a cop barely touching a boy to direct him to sit down is an assault, shows everyone what they need to know about your manhood.
Your belief that what everyone thinks of my manhood is a concern of mine is amusing. He assaulted the kid by grabbing his arm. Just like patting a woman on the ass is sexual assault.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
What did I tell you about nervous laughter? Sorry but the law disagrees with you.
You're wrong. At best you might be able to argue battery, an unwanted "touching." But pretty much any judge will throw you out of the courtroom.
...... Link??

EDIT: found it in another thread...

Fucking unbelievable.

Now let's all click our heels together three times and remind ourselves of the mantra....
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "
"Don't believe your lying eyes ... it's really O'bama who's polarizing the races... "

What the hell was that weird barrel roll thing? Do he think he's staring in an action movie?

I have wondered that to. I think he was running and tripped. Academy does teach how to fall. Fall forward you roll. Dont just face plant. I HIGHLY doubt he just decided to do a roll for no reason haha.

Cpl Casebolt is the kind of cop you want in a mall shooting or when thugs are kicking your door in.

But....cops like him are being pushed out. So when you dial 911....and the Pat character from SNL shows up....dont complain!

Casebolt is the kind of cop that will kill your family dog when he shows up to "protect" you 10 min after the bad guys leave.

Funny. He has a shining 10 year history of nothing but good police work.

Now...he'll be replaced by a whiny snot nosed liberal college grad with a degree in diversity studies.

McKinney just got a tad bit less safe.

I'm not sure the black citizens of McKinney will agree with you.
Given the choice between the current hustle and the clubs, most Americans are in favor of the clubs, which they know is needed to stop rioting, and stop crime.

That's police brutality, it's illegal, and it needs to go yesterday. Period. I asked you where the law is that permits it; you flagged. Because there's no such thing.

As for the other officers who "did their jobs honorably" as you call it, how the hell do you know ? As I said (are you blind ?) There were very many cops at this whole scene. Only 3 are shown in the video. the other 2 (besides Casebolt) run after the guy in the gray shirt, handcuff him and sit him on the ground. We didn't see what happened when they caught up with him. That was off camera.

I heard the Chief's press conference. He said, and I quote,
"I had 12 officers on scene and 11 of them performed according to their training. They did an excellent job."
-- Are you calling Chief Conley a liar?

He also said, and again I quote,
"the actions of Casebolt, as seen on the video of the disturbance at the community pool, are indefensible. Our policies, our training and our practice do not support his actions. He came into the call out of control and as the video shows was out of control during the incident."


Some people have to be told TWICE. And, No I am NOT "apparently trying to tell" you ...

Apparently not, since you somehow managed to attribute my whole post to a whole different poster. :cuckoo:

...the othe rcops are bad cops.

Well you must be, since 11 cops acted like cops while Casebolt is lost in his own Marvel Comics world of assaulting young girls in between stuntman barrel rolls. So if Casebolt's acting "the right way", that means the other 11 must be wrong, must it not?

I simply pointed out that while you are mouthing off about the other cops,YOU DON'T KNOW your ass from you elbow about what they did or didn't do.

You calling Chief Conley a liar again? :uhh:

And if they kicked some ass on arrest resisters, GOOD. The harder the better.

aaaaaaaand we're right back to that law I asked for that allows cops to commit assault. You know -- the one you can't find, because we don't live in FRICKIN' NORTH KOREA.
1. NO, it is NOT police brutality. It is exercising that amount of force that is necessary to do the job of subdueing a suspect who is physically resisting arrest. Only in your brainwashed, race hustle, looney mentality is it police brutality. Easy to see they've got YOU programmed.

:banghead: HELLO -- EARTH TO PROJECTIONIST.... Change your bulb. For the umpteenth time... she wasn't being arrested.

Nor is she "resisting" anything. He actually tells her to get on the ground -- while she's on the ground. Moreover he gets up and walks away from her when he goes to brandish his weapon and leaves her, for at least ten seconds, ample time for her to get up and run away. Does she take the window to do so? NO, she stays right where she is, where Casebolt returns to assault her some more.

"Resisting Arrest", my ass.

2. "Well" what ? I said it before, and I say it again, Conley is a bootlicker to his mayor who is a bootlicker to the Obama/Sharpton Democrat VOTE machine, who is worried that the US Justice Dept will go after him in th ecourts, which his small town doesn't have the resources to defend. Going on all over the country, for months now. Try to keep up.

Thanks for that entry from the Pee Wee Herman School of Logic. "I don't care what he said -- only I know what he really means" :rofl:

Once again, also for the umpteenth time, there was no O'bama there; there was no Sharpton there; there was no election there. It's a FUCKING POOL PARTY. And specifically why we're talking about it is a lone wolf cop that went off his nut and assaulted a girl, half his size.

And the COP HIMSELF admitted that. As noted before -- takes a special kind of stupid to continue when your own subject has already agreed with your opponent. You're like a lawyer whose client is already doing time after pleading guilty, still back in the empty courtroom pleading a defense to an empty room. Wacko.

3. Again, you have hardly any video of the other cops. So what is your basis to judge them ? Conley ? HA HA HA. He's already ruled out. Far, far out. Not a word of what he says, can be taken with an ounce of credibility.

DeNial is a deep river,

4. Kicking ass on criminal suspects resisting arrest isn't "assault" or battery, or police brutality, or whatever other mind-warping your libtard masters have been feeding you. It is DOING THEIR JOBS.



It's assault, period. The whole fucking world can see that while you continue to bury your pathetic head in the sand. That's why Casebolt acknowledged and apologized for it. Oh wait -- you're gonna tell us the perp hiimself is wrong about his own apology now? :lmao:

You're pathetic.
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Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

There were lots of cops there but only one reacted to the kids the way Casebolt did.
I have refuted both of these points you just made, in my last few posts. Try reading them. And show me one shred of evidence that Casebaolt acted improperly, or any way, different than the other officers.

Are you fucking insane?

Watch the video where the first cop appears around 0:35-0:40. You can hear his conversation. Then watch Batman Casebolt come storm-trooping in at 0:48. That's only eight seconds, surely you can handle that. Now tell me those two cops aren't in entirely different perceptual worlds.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
When a police officer (or anyone else) places a hand on someone without lawful and necessary (not contrived) reason, he can be charged with third degree assault (misdemeanor). If his action causes excessive pain or injury the charge can be aggravated assault (felony).

Using pepper spray, taser, or other pain-producing, potentially life-threatening implement on someone without necessary cause is aggravated assault.
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You're wrong. At best you might be able to argue battery, an unwanted "touching." But pretty much any judge will throw you out of the courtroom.
That's true. Most judges will dismiss relatively minor (simple assault) charges against police officers, and most complainants will consider that motion as being final -- but it isn't. The problem is to appeal calls for the time-consuming efforts of a lawyer, which is expensive.

When the dismissed complaint involves verifiable pain or injury there are many lawyers who will represent on contingency because there is opportunity for substantial damage awards. But no lawyer will represent on contingency in a minor (simple assault) case because there are no damages and compensation is usually trivial.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
When a police officer (or anyone else) places a hand on someone without lawful and necessary (not contrived) reason, he can be charged with third degree assault (misdemeanor). If his action causes excessive pain or injury the charge can be aggravated assault (felony).

Using pepper spray, taser, or other pain-producing, potentially life-threatening implement on someone without necessary cause is aggravated assault.

And Casebolt apparently committed more than one. Jahda Bakari, who shot the videos and stills of the Dajeeria Becton assault from the opposite angle (seen in white swimsuit, approaching the action) said in an interview that Casebolt punched her in the face and hit her with his baton. Having massive browser problems right now and can't access that interview but I believe it was a local TV station.
ROFL nonsense, grabbing an arm is not assault. You're confusing grabbing someone's middle leg with grabbing their arm.
When a police officer (or anyone else) places a hand on someone without lawful and necessary (not contrived) reason, he can be charged with third degree assault (misdemeanor). If his action causes excessive pain or injury the charge can be aggravated assault (felony).

Using pepper spray, taser, or other pain-producing, potentially life-threatening implement on someone without necessary cause is aggravated assault.
Uhmmm touching someone's arm is not a potentially life-threatening act.
Uhmmm touching someone's arm is not a potentially life-threatening act.
True. But it could be construed as a simple assault if no invitation, or benign or justifiable reason can be offered for doing it. The reason being we all have a protected right to move about without being touched or offensively accosted.

Pepper-spraying someone who suffers from a serious respiratory affliction can (and has) caused severe incapacitation and death. Taser-shocking someone who has a serious cardiac condition (or pacemaker, etc.) can have a lethal effect.
Uhmmm touching someone's arm is not a potentially life-threatening act.
True. But it could be construed as a simple assault if no invitation, or benign or justifiable reason can be offered for doing it. The reason being we all have a protected right to move about without being touched or offensively accosted.

Pepper-spraying someone who suffers from a serious respiratory affliction can (and has) caused severe incapacitation and death. Taser-shocking someone who has a serious cardiac condition (or pacemaker, etc.) can have a lethal effect.
Touching someone's arm is not equivalent to pepper spraying them or even tasering them. The question was is it or is it not ASSAULT when a cop gives your arm a little tug. It's nonsense.
Uhmmm touching someone's arm is not a potentially life-threatening act.
True. But it could be construed as a simple assault if no invitation, or benign or justifiable reason can be offered for doing it. The reason being we all have a protected right to move about without being touched or offensively accosted.

Pepper-spraying someone who suffers from a serious respiratory affliction can (and has) caused severe incapacitation and death. Taser-shocking someone who has a serious cardiac condition (or pacemaker, etc.) can have a lethal effect.
Touching someone's arm is not equivalent to pepper spraying them or even tasering them. The question was is it or is it not ASSAULT when a cop gives your arm a little tug. It's nonsense.
BS. You saw the definition of assault. At this point you are just being stubborn. If you were someone else I would call you a fucking idiot and be done with you. Show your intelligence. I know you can do it.
Uhmmm touching someone's arm is not a potentially life-threatening act.
True. But it could be construed as a simple assault if no invitation, or benign or justifiable reason can be offered for doing it. The reason being we all have a protected right to move about without being touched or offensively accosted.

Pepper-spraying someone who suffers from a serious respiratory affliction can (and has) caused severe incapacitation and death. Taser-shocking someone who has a serious cardiac condition (or pacemaker, etc.) can have a lethal effect.
Touching someone's arm is not equivalent to pepper spraying them or even tasering them. The question was is it or is it not ASSAULT when a cop gives your arm a little tug. It's nonsense.
BS. You saw the definition of assault. At this point you are just being stubborn. If you were someone else I would call you a fucking idiot and be done with you. Show your intelligence. I know you can do it.
Incorrect. I looked it up. What the cop did to the first boy... by tugging on his arm, at best could be called battery, unwanted touching. That's not the same as Assault. I have a lawyer friend that gave me the heads up. I looked it up and ... well that's the way it is. Now what he did to the two girls.. punching one and throwing the other to the ground... that's assault.
this is probably going to become a weekly story as we go into the summer. now a private wild/nude pool party invaded by the likes of sex crazed liberal/democrat males? thats the one i am waiting for.
Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Jawohl! Let me scheee your paperss....


Always good to know who's got your back
---- and who doesn't.

So what should a cop do when someone resists arrest? Blow a whistle and yellow card them?

No one "resisted arrest" in that video, because no one was arrested.

You can even see the cop's partners trying to pull him back after he pulls the gun.

They did something to get cuffed. And showed their asses while doing it.

Sorry. No sympathies for people who act lik ke animals when interacting with law enforcement.

He did act like an animal, yes. And two of his fellow-fuzz came to pull him back, but then wimped out.

That was a revealing moment. When you're so off the rails that even cops think you've gone too far... man you're off the fucking rails.
Good job officer.
So my understanding of the root cause of the whole incident, is that a party was being held by the neighborhood, and some kids from outside the neighborhood crashed the party.
Is this correct ?

It is not clear whether anyone "crashed" a party, or simply went to one.
For those that actually dug deeper and not listen to libtarded news it is clear. Good police officer.

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