Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.

Because Greg Abbot is full of shit, people were removed from voter rolls as a routine matter well before any 2021 law.
Ahh, so nobody has been charged, arrested, or imprisoned.

And he’s been doing this for how long? LOL

PS: Who gave these folks the voters registration cards--all 1,930 of them (out of a state of 27,000,000?
Always happy to educate the perpetually stupid.
Project much?

Four people plead guilty in North Carolina ballot probe of 2016 and 2018 elections

After the allegations surfaced in 2018, the elections board voted unanimously to order a new election in the state's 9th Congressional District.

Operative in North Carolina congressional race arrested in ‘ballot harvesting’ case

The political operative at the center of an election fraud scandal that has engulfed a North Carolina congressional race was arrested Wednesday on charges of illegal ballot handling and conspiracy.

North Carolina orders new U.S. House election after 'tainted' vote

North Carolina's elections board on Thursday ordered a new election for a U.S. House seat after officials said corruption surrounding absentee ballots tainted the results of a 2018 vote that has embarrassed the Republican Party.

Here's a half dozen more cases of voter fraud:

In May 2021, Arizona indicted Tracy Lee McKay for voting in her dead mother’s name last November. McKay is a registered Republican. “Voter fraud cases are rare,” the Arizona Mirror reported.

Still, there appears to have been a bit of an epidemic of Republican dead mothers voting. In Pennsylvania, Robert Richard Lynn pleaded guilty in August to doing the same thing as McKay with his deceased mother’s ballot in the 2020 presidential election. In May, Bruce Bartman, to borrow poker vernacular, “saw Lynn and raised him one”: He pleaded guilty to registering to vote in both his dead mother’s name and that of his dead mother-in-law. He registered both women as Republicans, and actually cast a ballot as his mother. “I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake,” he told the judge at his sentencing.

Republican Ralph Holloway Thurman also made it a family affair. Thurman, a Pennsylvania voter, asked poll worker Eric Frank while voting whether he (Thurman) could vote for his son as well as himself. Hours after Frank answered “no,” he recognized Thurman back in line wearing sunglasses. Frank alerted authorities, resulting in Thurman’s successful prosecution for attempting to vote twice. The case gained notoriety last month when Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) honored his pledge to pay $25,000 to anyone reporting voter fraud. The pledge was intended to find proof of anti-Trump shenanigans, but last month Patrick sent a check to Frank, a Democrat who found proof of Republican voter fraud.

The Heritage Foundation database also lists Edward Snodgrass, a Republican town trustee in Ohio. He varied the family pattern from the maternal to the paternal, agreeing to plead guilty for voting for his dead father.

In Virginia, Jonathan Meade West Sr., an “unabashed conservative,” was convicted in January of trying to vote twice, once by absentee ballot and once in person.

Here's another case of voter fraud:

A Nevada Republican who voted in his dead wife's name. She died of cancer in 2017. When the illegal ballot was discovered, he expressed shock and outrage that someone voted in his wife's name and cited it as proof the election was stolen! Then the Nevada GOP cited it with moral outrage. Then Tucker Carlson fell for the hoax and also cited it as proof the election was stolen by Democrats.

You can see the fraudster expressing his disbelief and surprise that someone voted in his dead wife's name in this tweet:

It takes a special kind of asshole to vote in his dead wife's name and then went on the air to express his shock and moan that someone "took advantage of his grief".

Nevada man who voted twice using dead wife’s ballot sentenced to probation, fined $2,000

A judge on Tuesday sentenced a Las Vegas man to probation on a charge he voted twice in the 2020 election by mailing in his deceased wife’s ballot.

And guess who perpetuated the fraudster's lies?

Tucker Carlson.

Here's Tucker Carlson's story where he fell for the hoax: Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

There is a retraction at the top since the hoax was discovered, but he sticks to his bullshit claim dead people voted and that it was done by Democrats.

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud

In case after case from 2020, it turns out that Republicans were the ones misbehaving at the ballot box.​

Here's another case of voter fraud:

Florida Trump supporters arrested on charges of casting more than one vote in 2020 election

Jay Ketcik, John Rider and Joan Halstead, who all live in The Villages in Sumter County, Fla., face felony charges and up to five years in prison for allegedly casting more than one ballot in the most recent presidential contest, according to county arrest records.


I told you this election was rigged!

i thought voter fraud was a myth.
Allegations of fraud have been tied to Black Fork Strategies, a left-wing Ohio firm committed to ‘building long-term progressive power.’

Earlier this year, Cincinnati-area voters Cassandra and Harry Scott were puzzled to receive voter registration updates showing they had changed their address. They hadn’t.

The Hamilton County Board of Elections had received two registration forms for the voters from Black Fork Strategies LLC, an Ohio-based “engagement firm that focuses on all aspects of community and electoral field work.” Elections Board staff made the requested changes in the voter rolls and, per Ohio law, sent notice to the voters at their “new address.” That’s when Cassandra and Harry Scott showed up at the BOE office.

“Both of those voters appeared at our office during normal business hours after receiving those acknowledgement cards. The new address that was submitted on these registration cards was actually the place of business for Ms. Cassandra,” Elections Board Director Sherry Poland told Hamilton BOE members at a meeting last month. “She had not moved and did not complete the registration form.”

‘Trying to Defraud the Elections’​

The false form was one of many suspect voter registration issues tied to the left-wing Black Fork Strategies. Election Board staff reached out to the company, which “provided information” on the canvasser responsible for the Scotts’ voter registration forms, Poland said.

“We also received a registration form in the name of Henry Kissinger,” the elections official said at the public meeting. The statement was greeted by a smatter of laugher from some in attendance, likely at the thought of the late and renowned U.S. secretary of state registering to vote in Hamilton County. Staff compared the Kissinger listed on the form to voter registration and Bureau of Motor Vehicle databases. It was a mismatch every time, Poland said. Staff had more questions for Black Fork.

Then Poland held up a thick stack of voter registrations. They all appeared to be in the same handwriting, and were submitted by the same canvasser. Poland did not return a request for comment from The Federalist, but she told her board at the July meeting that BOE staff met with Black Fork’s regional manager for Hamilton County to “show her what we were seeing and what was being submitted by her organization.”


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