Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Obamanation -

Right. So which industries is Obama "in the process" of nationalising or taking over?

and banking in general to the list...


Don't have time to go into it right now, but policies initiated after "too big to fail" allows the gov't to invest in (take over) when they feel big companies are struggling...
S.J -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Not one.

Do go and check, by all means.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. Either way, your opinion doesn't matter because you're not an American.

It isn't a takeover.

Quite the opposite.

Man you folks really ought to know what you are talking about.

I've said that over and over for these Repub-lie-clowns to take time and read the god damn bill ... if they are told anything they don't like, its real easy to search in the PDF file format ... but do you think these morons would take a minute it doing a little research ??? hell no !!!!! they would rather say stupid shit
The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

I completely support this effort.

Take Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas, and West Virginia with you.

Take New York, The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, California and New Jersey.

Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave
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There was a hilarious clip on the Daily Show last night by one of these secessionist buffoons.

If you want a giggle and to see just how skull-fuckingly stupid some of these people are click the link to see the short outtake from last night's show:

Texas Secessionist Kilgore: 'Hitler and Lincoln Are Very Similar' | Video Cafe

For anyone that didn't think Gov. Rick Perry was a big enough wingnut to suit the state of Texas, there's an even nuttier one wanting to take his place -- secessionist Larry Kilgore. The Daily Show's Jessica interviewed Kilgore and his cohort, Lynn Troxel and it was a surreal enough segment that it could have been something you'd find over at The Onion instead.
Sadly, that is not he case though and this guy is actually talking about running for office in Texas: With Stickers, a Petition and Even a Middle Name, Secession Fever Hits Texas:
I completely support this effort.

Take Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas, and West Virginia with you.

Take New York, The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, California and New Jersey.

Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave

Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.
Let them go.
One less group of folks bitching, moaning, crying, sobbing and scratching their crotch that Obama was born in Kenya.
I called Mexico, they don't want Texas back, they said they have enough beaners and guns as it is! :D
Take New York, The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, California and New Jersey.

Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave

Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.


Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation
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Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave

Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.


Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation
Time to go git ur gun! :D

Hey, I thought this was the land of the free, not some open air prison.
Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave

Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.


Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation

Texas is not in the south.
They begged us and we let them in the SEC.
Those states are all loyal to their country....unlike some

They realize that if you are not happy with the country you use the Constitutional process to change it and that if things don't go your way, you do not threaten to leave

Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.


Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation

If Texas pays back the trillions in aid we have given them since they joined the union let them go.
Not offended by folks that make their own dumb decisions.
Loyal states are the southern states with the highest rate of service to this country than any other region.
That is what loyalty is.


Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation

If Texas pays back the trillions in aid we have given them since they joined the union let them go.
Not offended by folks that make their own dumb decisions.
Texans don't pay federal taxes?
Damn! If Texas leaves (and I love that thought) where'd we get an ample supply of corrupt politicians and corporate CEO's? The only good thing to come from Texas is Sam Houston - he knew Texans were fucked in the head when the Civil War started.
While the fixed assets such as barracks buildings, fencing, airstrips, etc would remain - all the Mobil equipment and the military personnel would be relocated back to United States territory.

So while true the bases would still be there, none of the equipment would be. Then of course Texas would have to start purchasing it's own equipment, recruiting and paying for it's own military.

If you think that the owners name is going to change on a peace of paper and all the military complex money will still flow into the bases, I think you are mistaken.


They would retain their National Guard units (minus equipment bought by the federal government) but that would be it.
"Bought by the federal government" means "taxpayer money", and mush of that money came from Texans, so I think the equipment would stay. AND the federal government would STILL owe the Texas citizens their social security payments since they paid into it.

The equipment is property of the federal gov't.

As for Social Security, if Texas was to seceed, they would be on their own, the ss payments would stop.

At any rate, this is a ridiculous fantasy that has no chance of ever coming true, but I suppose it does give you something to masturbate about.

Then why do they want to abandon the greatest nation in the history of mankind?

Sorry, but as an American I am offended by anyone who threatens to secede from this nation

If Texas pays back the trillions in aid we have given them since they joined the union let them go.
Not offended by folks that make their own dumb decisions.
Texans don't pay federal taxes?

So you support all of the welfare given to citizens because the states they live in some of the citizens pay taxes.
That is the liberal argument and no offense as I will let you ponder that one.
We are running massive deficits because we give states back more than we take in.
Damn! If Texas leaves (and I love that thought) where'd we get an ample supply of corrupt politicians and corporate CEO's? The only good thing to come from Texas is Sam Houston - he knew Texans were fucked in the head when the Civil War started.

I will miss their smoked brisket.
They call it BBQ but it ain't but it is damn good.

It would be fitting for anyone that calls anything other than hog BBQ to leave the US.
That is unAmerican shit right there. Let them go.

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