Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

S.J -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Not one.

Do go and check, by all means.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. Either way, your opinion doesn't matter because you're not an American.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. .

No, it's more a question of knowing the facts - and obviously you don't.

US healthare is very much privatized, with lots of competition.

Health care in the United States is provided by many distinct organizations. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. Health insurance for public sector employees is primarily provided by the government. 60-65% of healthcare provision and spending comes from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration. Most of the population under 65 is insured by their or a family member's employer, some buy health insurance on their own, and the remainder are uninsured.

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The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

LMAO Cardbord cowboys waving their guns around and thinking they are all that. You'll fare so well against the drug cartels. LOL
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. .

No, it's more a question of knowing the facts - and obviously you don't.

US healthare is very much privatized, with lots of competition.

Health care in the United States is provided by many distinct organizations. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. Health insurance for public sector employees is primarily provided by the government. 60-65% of healthcare provision and spending comes from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration. Most of the population under 65 is insured by their or a family member's employer, some buy health insurance on their own, and the remainder are uninsured.

Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boy howdy.
S.J -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Not one.

Do go and check, by all means.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. Either way, your opinion doesn't matter because you're not an American.

It isn't a takeover.

Quite the opposite.

Man you folks really ought to know what you are talking about.
S.J -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Not one.

Do go and check, by all means.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. Either way, your opinion doesn't matter because you're not an American.

For you to think that the current government health care program is a takeover of the healthcare industry shows a huge amount of ignorance.
S.J -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Not one.

Do go and check, by all means.
For you to deny that Obamacare is a government takeover of the healthcare industry shows either your ignorance or dishonesty. Either way, your opinion doesn't matter because you're not an American.

For you to think that the current government health care program is a takeover of the healthcare industry shows a huge amount of ignorance.

They don't actually know what the word socialism means.

Yeah they're THAT ignorant.
Well, stupid, so far the only ones on this thread who have mentioned violence are liberals. You would be the third one.


Exactly how do you think this should go down?

Because by the book?

A bill has to pass through congress. Then get signed by the President.

That's not going to happen.
I suggest you do a little (no, a lot) of reading before you make yourself look even dumber than you already do.
speaking of some one who heed to read (NO A Lot more) is you
Obamanation -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Accept that, at least.

Well, I see it like this. When you lay the groundwork to take over industries at will --- you are taking over industries. Just because the process is incomplete doesn't mean you are not taking over industries...

...and you clearly can add student loans, and banking in general to the list...
Obamanation -

NO industry has been taken over by the government. Accept that, at least.
Wrong. Healthcare.


In order to take over healthcare industry the government have to nationalize every hospital, doctor, nurse, pharmaceutical company etc., etc.

Has that been done by ACA?

No it hasn't.

S.J. isn't known for being too bright ... what can ya say ... if we put a regulation on a industry, we're taking over it, in his tiny, but extremely tiny little brain ... it would require him to be able to comprehend what is the reasoning for a regulation
ObamaN -

Man, did you get schooled by Doctors on this thread!!!

And the fact that this happened only in your heads means what, do you think?

You could learn something from this thread you know - you really were proven to be wrong.

So, being civil equates to getting schooled? hahahahahahaha!!!

Well, here ya go!

On March 16, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order entitled, "NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS." (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order...)

This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done "to promote the national defense" -- a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government authorities:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

This takeover is designed, in part, to "stockpile supplies" for the U.S. military. Authority for this total takeover of all national resources is granted with nothing more than the writing of a single statement that claims these actions are necessary to "promote the national defense." As stated in the order:

the authority delegated by section 201 of this order may be used only to support programs that have been determined in writing as necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense:

(a) by the Secretary of Defense with respect to military production and construction, military assistance to foreign nations, military use of civil transportation, stockpiles managed by the Department of Defense, space, and directly related activities;

What all this means is that the U.S. government now claims the power to simply march onto your farm with guns drawn and demand all your crops, seeds, livestock and farm equipment.

Think I'm exaggerating? Read it yourself!

And for those living in denial who refuse to accept the reality of what's happening in America, remember the following:

• When NaturalNews reported on the existence of the NDAA, we were told our reporting was misleading because Obama opposed it and wouldn't sign it.

• When Obama betrayed America and signed the bill, we were told our reporting was misleading because "it didn't apply to Americans."

• When Obama admitted it did apply to Americans, he announced that he would choose "not to use it on Americans" but only by the grace of his restraint. Nobody who previously accused us of misleading the public had the integrity to offer us an apology and say, "Gee, you were right, it DOES apply to Americans!"

• Now Obama has seized control over all food, farms, livestock, water and transportation across America. How many brain-dead Americans will continue to live in denial and try to convince themselves this is not happening? Sticking your head in the sand does not make this go away...


Communism is just a step away if you don't open your eyes!!

Those policies have existed in since Nixon first signed that Executive Order back in 1969.

Actually it was first drafted in 1939 --- what Obama did was add to Section 201(b) the phrase “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.” In 12919, though, the duties of the Cabinet Secretaries were not limited to emergency situations in Section 201(b), either. And in both EOs, section 102 specifically notes that the EO is intended to ensure defense preparedness “in peacetime and in times of national emergency.”

Thus, giving him the authority to takeover any/and all industry in peacetime or at war. Carte blanche control....

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