Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

The fact that you Obamunists think you have 99% support in your war on the Constitution and basic civil liberties is delusional.

There is about a 50/50 split in this country. Go ahead and dream that everyone embraces the great lurch left - it won't change reality.

Let's say that 50% of the country says they think that Obama is "waging a war on the Constitution".

Okay, sure.

What percentage of that group would be able to specifically site (1) the offense, (2) the portion of the Constitution that is being offended, and (3) how the offense is taking place?

Only the crazies, maybe 3%, and they'd be utilizing opinion and conjecture only.

Silly stuff.

Obama is one giant loop-hole. Big banks, Solar, GE, Big Ag, GM, Goldman Sachs......endless

Why should the fascists worry about one more little loop-hole?
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The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

The fact that you Obamunists think you have 99% support in your war on the Constitution and basic civil liberties is delusional.

There is about a 50/50 split in this country. Go ahead and dream that everyone embraces the great lurch left - it won't change reality.

Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.
It's pretty clear from my "location" that I live in California right now.

And you're absolutely sure that every square inch of California is just like you folk in San Francisco, right?

How do you think "I think"? And where are you getting these fictional numbers from?

There are more devoutly religious people in California than there are people at all in most states in this country.


Where do you think "most people" live?

And what do you think the "socialist democratic party" is "really" about?

Unbridled power. People like you want to be relieved of the burden of responsibility. you want to return to the nest and have mommy and daddy government care for you, deciding what you should and shouldn't do. In return, you accept authoritarian rule.

The democratic party seeks the crippling of the constitution, though still mouthing hollow adherence, and the establishment of a more authoritarian police state.

30 years ago, California was a great place, now it is a police state. This is the gift that you of the left have bestowed. We are run 100% for the benefit of the bureaucrats, the state and other government workers.

This is the vision you have for the entire nation, a police state where government workers displace the middle class, and those who are not party member, and put in government jobs, are peasants.

California was the 6th largest economy in the world in 1990, now we are the 9th, and we continue to drop as the ruling socialists actively work to drive all private enterprise from the state.

There are plenty of "signs of progress" - the stock market being a pretty big one.

Ain't fascism grand? Damn, all we have to do is used "borrowed" federal funds to pump into the stock market and soon the 1% reaps incredible reward.

Is The U.S. Government Buying Stocks? | Financial Markets

Again, "no progress" is easily disprovable.

As we become more like Cuba, you call it "progress," others may not.
I've hired 20 people in the last year. And yes, I am a "capitalist".

I thought they were cracking down on the dispensaries?

"No jobs" is a fiction. The unemployment rate has gone down, and the job creation numbers have been positive for the last year or so.

There are less jobs in the USA today than on Jan. 20, 2009.

That is a fact.

The DJIA is twice what it was when Obama took office, for one.

And the 1% backing Obama thank the fed for inflating that.

You know what else is twice what it was when Dear Leader was anointed?

Gas prices.

Food Prices.

Heating costs.

So let's review, under Obama, the Federal Reserve uses public funds to buy stocks, thus inflating the market and increasing the net worth of the top 1%.

At the same time, energy policy drives the cost of gas up nearly triple, significantly reducing the wealth of the other 99%.

Federal Ethanol project pump billions into the pockets of crooks like Solyndra and well connected looters like Monsanto, driving grain prices up more then 700% - which has a cascade effect and virtually double food prices across the board. This vastly reduces the disposable income of most Americans.

New taxes are levied on electric and natural gas to fund frauds like Solyndra, in repayment of bribes and support when electing Obama, driving heating costs for Americans up by about 40%

Yeah, you Obamunists really are looking out for the "little guy."
Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

The only one talking about taking up arms is you.

From where I sit, it's the Obamunists who dream of a civil war. Obama does all he can to incite the opposition.

Look, Texas isn't going to secede. But in the divide between those who support the constitution, and you who back Obama in your war against civil liberty, I support Texas.
Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

The only one talking about taking up arms is you.

From where I sit, it's the Obamunists who dream of a civil war. Obama does all he can to incite the opposition.

Look, Texas isn't going to secede. But in the divide between those who support the constitution, and you who back Obama in your war against civil liberty, I support Texas.

There you go with those silly, self-serving assumptions again.
I have a solution! The US sells the State of Texas to China in exchange for removal of our debt. In a couple years the Chinese population will out number the Mexicans! Of course the US will maintain all mineral and oil rights.

There you go with those silly, self-serving assumptions again.

There are no assumptions, sparky.

There is a clear divide between those of us who support the constitution and those of you who support the cult of personality that is Barack Obama.

Yeah I know, you voted for Rosanne Barr or some shit.. all you leftists have the same lines.
I have a solution! The US sells the State of Texas to China in exchange for removal of our debt. In a couple years the Chinese population will out number the Mexicans! Of course the US will maintain all mineral and oil rights.


I have a better idea.

You move to North Korea to live in the type of system you seek, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone?
Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

The only one talking about taking up arms is you.

From where I sit, it's the Obamunists who dream of a civil war. Obama does all he can to incite the opposition.

Look, Texas isn't going to secede. But in the divide between those who support the constitution, and you who back Obama in your war against civil liberty, I support Texas.

omg! You really are out there in left field, aren't you. It is the left who "dream of a civil war"? It is the left and those who like the President who talk about taking up arms and who have created the divide in America? What a total fantasy. Who is it that wants their guns, multitudes of them, all kinds of them, and masses of ammunition? Is it the left? Who is it that continually talks about being unsafe from the government, needing arms to protect themselves from the government? Who is it that that continually talks secession from the US?

Your post makes it clear you have no credibility at all.
East Texas is not so bad. What we ought to do is force all Texans to move across a line just west of Fort Worth, and give them all of Texas from there to New Mexico. That way, we get rid of some of the ugliest country in the uSA, and all the shit kickers at the same time!:happy-1:

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