Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

There you go with those silly, self-serving assumptions again.

There are no assumptions, sparky.

There is a clear divide between those of us who support the constitution and those of you who support the cult of personality that is Barack Obama.

Yeah I know, you voted for Rosanne Barr or some shit.. all you leftists have the same lines.

You're so engaged with your silly assumptions, you can't even figure out what I'm talking about.

It's nothing but an excuse to get your hostility on.

Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

The only one talking about taking up arms is you.

From where I sit, it's the Obamunists who dream of a civil war. Obama does all he can to incite the opposition.

Look, Texas isn't going to secede. But in the divide between those who support the constitution, and you who back Obama in your war against civil liberty, I support Texas.

omg! You really are out there in left field, aren't you. It is the left who "dream of a civil war"? It is the left and those who like the President who talk about taking up arms and who have created the divide in America? What a total fantasy. Who is it that wants their guns, multitudes of them, all kinds of them, and masses of ammunition? Is it the left? Who is it that continually talks about being unsafe from the government, needing arms to protect themselves from the government? Who is it that that continually talks secession from the US?

Your post makes it clear you have no credibility at all.

Intellectual honesty is not a priority of his, I'm afraid.
We should have kicked them out of the union when they killed Kennedy
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

The fact that you Obamunists think you have 99% support in your war on the Constitution and basic civil liberties is delusional.

There is about a 50/50 split in this country. Go ahead and dream that everyone embraces the great lurch left - it won't change reality.

Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

Cowboy, these people are so brainwashed by FAUX TV and sick fucks like Hannity they can't even think anymore.
Jon Stewart had an interview last night with three Texassss yahoos who want secession. Its on his website and well worth watching.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Good Riddance but not even Texasss is dumb enough to actually secede. Dammit.

They'd have to give up that huge bunch of pork in the form of military bases and other federal facilities :eusa_drool:

Yeah, it would be tough creating their own pork to replace federal pork that has been so effective protecting the border from invasion.


I'm joking, of corse.

Texas could probably print money as easily as Washington D.C.
The fact that you Obamunists think you have 99% support in your war on the Constitution and basic civil liberties is delusional.

There is about a 50/50 split in this country. Go ahead and dream that everyone embraces the great lurch left - it won't change reality.

Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

Cowboy, these people are so brainwashed by FAUX TV and sick fucks like Hannity they can't even think anymore.

That the beauty of the rightwing media, they're given their opinions, no thinking required.
Politically, sure.

However on planet earth, where the rest of us live, only a radical fringe want to take up arms against the federal government.

However, enjoy your fantasies.

Cowboy, these people are so brainwashed by FAUX TV and sick fucks like Hannity they can't even think anymore.

That the beauty of the rightwing media, they're given their opinions, no thinking required.

I haven't noticed a partisan monopoly on stupid opinions.

You're so engaged with your silly assumptions, you can't even figure out what I'm talking about.

It's nothing but an excuse to get your hostility on.


This a message board, sparky. I know about you ONLY what you post. What you have posted in the month or so that you've been here is typical Soros talking points. So do I assume you're just another Soros drone, spewing shit from the hate sites?

Well, yeah. If I see evidence that you are something other than this, I'll adjust my assessment accordingly.
Now how desperate will these Texas folks be when Hillary wins the WH in 2016...:tongue:

We may have a Texas style Jonestown in Austin!:clap2:
omg! You really are out there in left field, aren't you.

Wouldn't that be "right field," comrade?

I mean, if I were of the far left, you'd be my best bud.

It is the left who "dream of a civil war"? It is the left and those who like the President who talk about taking up arms and who have created the divide in America?

The indications are that the radical left, led by Obama, are intent on fomenting civil war. The right simply wants to retain the United States Constitution as the governing foundation of the nation. Since you of the left are determined to usher in a brave new world where drones are used to kill dissenters, U.S. citizens who displease our ruler, no need for warrants, indictments, or all that due process stuff; the world where the IRS is deployed to force Americans to buy the product of favored corporations like Kaiser-Perminante lest they face fines or prison, then we who cling to the Constitution are forced to hold our ground.

Your little tin god divides us, again and again. He seeks to pit black against white, or rather ALL against white. He attacks Christians and Catholics. He foments class war with violent rhetoric against those who produce wealth.

The minions of the party make frontal assaults on basic civil liberties, with traitorous scumbags like Diane Feinstein and Tony Villar (Antonio Villagigosa) launching frontal assaults on the Constitution of the United States, to the praise of this tin horn dictator you worship

I dread civil war, I know what it will do to us. But Obama and the left seem to promote it at every turn, as if they see it as a way to end the Republic and establish the dictatorship once and for all.

What a total fantasy. Who is it that wants their guns, multitudes of them, all kinds of them, and masses of ammunition? Is it the left? Who is it that continually talks about being unsafe from the government, needing arms to protect themselves from the government? Who is it that that continually talks secession from the US?

These reactions are to the affronts on civil rights and the the attacks on Constitutional governance that define the Obama administration.

Your post makes it clear you have no credibility at all.

Oh dear, if I don't have the support of an Obamunist party hack, however shall I go on?

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