Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

I think he is stating that if Texas is no longer a part of the United States...then it reverts to its original owner....Mexico....The real thing to think about is what happens when the US military arrives on Texas soil to prevent treason by another southern state...Is Texas willing to fight another civil war? Just a thought....
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Of course, because that is what the United States Code says.

Of course all Congress has to do is to revoke the Social Security eligibility of anyone who accepts citizenship in a foreign country whose status was that as previously a State in the union. Then, if by retiring to a foreign country and renouncing your United States citizenship and that country used to be a State, then you would not have to pay income taxes but then neither would you draw Social Security.

You assume the rest of the country would be against Texas. Not likely, and not likely Congress would have the votes to fuck the citizens out of their social security. At the very least, they would have to pay everyone back everything they paid into it, plus interest. And do you actually think the American people (including the military) would go along with military force if Texas refused to be rolled over by our corrupt government?

Secondly, if Texas seceded the remainder of the country would be outraged and be of the opinion.....Fuck em

Not true at all. If thisw Country keeps on this current path - I estimate 35% would be ALL FOR Texas and another 15% would sympathize with them. Half of America has no interest in the new socialist democratic party, and another 25% would run from it like they were on fire if they really understood it.
First off, a major portion of Texans would remain loyal to their country
And half of the country would support Texas.

Secondly, if Texas seceded the remainder of the country would be outraged and be of the opinion.....Fuck em
Only freeloading liberals like you.

If you qualified for Social Security before Texas seceded you would be entitled to benefits. If not....too fucking bad
Nope. If they paid into it, they would have a right to be reimbursed (with interest).

The military would support their country....unlike the traitors from Texas
The black ones might, but not the rest. You call 'em traitors because they won't bend over for Emperor Obama. At least half of the country (the half that works for a living) would cheer them on and would most likely follow suit.
I think he is stating that if Texas is no longer a part of the United States...then it reverts to its original owner....Mexico....The real thing to think about is what happens when the US military arrives on Texas soil to prevent treason by another southern state...Is Texas willing to fight another civil war? Just a thought....
Don't put words in my mouth. And don't be stupid. Mexico isn't entitled to shit.
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.
If this divide continues, the first place we will see real problems is INSIDE the military. The lefties better hope the military isn't put in a position to make a decision on which side they choose to support, because things may not work out the way they think.

If we ever were to draw new borders within our Country - - It would likely be in the form of a military coup. ...and the GOOD guys will always run the military as the left doesn't even understand it's importance.
If Texas leaves the union, I sure as hell hope that they elect Bush II as their their president....It would be sweet revenge as far as I am concerened!
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

That is not what I said... I said 35% would support TEXAS after a secession and another 15% would sympathize.
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

That is not what I said... I said 35% would support TEXAS after a secession and another 15% would sympathize.

I wasn't talking to you.

Your "35% + 15%" number is just as ridiculous though.
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.

That is not what I said... I said 35% would support TEXAS after a secession and another 15% would sympathize.

I wasn't talking to you.

Your "35% + 15%" number is just as ridiculous though.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not. I don't live in Texas but have had this discussion with lots of people. Anyone who stands up to the new socialist democratic party is going to get LOTS of support!
The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

Yeah, right. The political ruling class, Dick Perry specifically has sucked more Mexican dick then a hooker on San Jacento and Pease.
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That is not what I said... I said 35% would support TEXAS after a secession and another 15% would sympathize.

I wasn't talking to you.

Your "35% + 15%" number is just as ridiculous though.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not. I don't live in Texas but have had this discussion with lots of people. Anyone who stands up to the new socialist democratic party is going to get LOTS of support!

You do recognize that "people you know" isn't a valid statistical sample, right?
I wasn't talking to you.

Your "35% + 15%" number is just as ridiculous though.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not. I don't live in Texas but have had this discussion with lots of people. Anyone who stands up to the new socialist democratic party is going to get LOTS of support!

You do recognize that "people you know" isn't a valid statistical sample, right?

Well, I kinda get around... It's more valid that you would think. Let me guess, you live on the west coast or in the northeast (maybe the midwest)....
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.
Well, I'm pretty sure we'll get to find out, because I don't see the producers of this country putting up with the dismantling of our republic for too much longer.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not. I don't live in Texas but have had this discussion with lots of people. Anyone who stands up to the new socialist democratic party is going to get LOTS of support!

You do recognize that "people you know" isn't a valid statistical sample, right?

Well, I kinda get around... It's more valid that you would think. Let me guess, you live on the west coast or in the northeast (maybe the midwest)....

I have also lived in many places in this country.

I realize how quick you are to toss out "the Northeast" and "the West Coast" - but they make up nearly 40% of the population of the US...
The fact that you guys think that "half of the country" would support secession is fucking hilarious.

It's even funnier when you claim that the US military (or at least all the white people in the military) would support this secession.
Well, I'm pretty sure we'll get to find out, because I don't see the producers of this country putting up with the dismantling of our republic for too much longer.

I love how you guys think that we're living in Atlas Shrugged.
You do recognize that "people you know" isn't a valid statistical sample, right?

Well, I kinda get around... It's more valid that you would think. Let me guess, you live on the west coast or in the northeast (maybe the midwest)....

I have also lived in many places in this country.

I realize how quick you are to toss out "the Northeast" and "the West Coast" - but they make up nearly 40% of the population of the US...

hahahaha! So I nailed it...

Anyway - just over half of the people where you live think like you. The problem is that the people who think like us - don't talk as lound when we are surrounded by members of the new socialist democratic party. It's socially acceptable to be anti-American values where you live. It's not acceptable to even have Christian values that this Country was created from.

Where most Americans live - even the "liberals" are conservative on 90% of the issues. Like I was saying earlier, if people really understood what the new socialist democratic party was all about 75% of America would run from it like they were on fire.

How many years do you think Americans will put up with no jobs, ever-rising gas prises and debt? You think 8 years of no sign of progress (from the "move forward" crowd)??

Kinda funny when you think about it. No progress is moving forward?

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