Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Not that any liberal cares about anything spoken by our founding fathers, but...

"If any state in the Union will declare that it prefers separation...
to a continuance in union... I have no hesitation in saying,
'let us separate.' " Thomas Jefferson

I have no problem with the people of a State and the people of the United States agreeing to a cordial and responsible withdrawal of a State from the union.


While the fixed assets such as barracks buildings, fencing, airstrips, etc would remain - all the Mobil equipment and the military personnel would be relocated back to United States territory.

So while true the bases would still be there, none of the equipment would be. Then of course Texas would have to start purchasing it's own equipment, recruiting and paying for it's own military.

If you think that the owners name is going to change on a peace of paper and all the military complex money will still flow into the bases, I think you are mistaken.


They would retain their National Guard units (minus equipment bought by the federal government) but that would be it.
"Bought by the federal government" means "taxpayer money", and mush of that money came from Texans, so I think the equipment would stay.

Of course you would. But the fact is that the mobile equipment will be returned, ya'll can keep the fixed assets which would account for Texas's input in taxes on what was paid. (Which is that Texas receives $0.94 back in in federal spending for each $1.00 in taxes paid, that $0.06 since can be used to cover the cost of the fixed assets.)

AND the federal government would STILL owe the Texas citizens their social security payments since they paid into it.

Under current law true. However Congress can simply pass a law as previously mentioned that if the state secedes and an individual accepts citizenship (either through expatriation, voting, or serving in the military of that foreign country), then all entitlements are voided.

If you all don't want to be part of the United States, them I'm sure you don't want to be part of our entitlement programs.

Yes the money would stop but not everything else would stay. All the mobile equipment used to operate the facilities is the property of the people of the United States and therefore would return to the United States.
I disagree, and you're speculating.

Some of the expertise it likely to stay, sure. But there are probably many loyal Americans that wouldn't want to give up their citizenship to remain in a foreign country.
It's not a foreign country to them. They're already home. The only ones who would want to leave are the welfare recipients.

Seeing as how they would be starting from ground zero with having to design new systems it would probably take 5-10 years before full scale production would begin and since they would be purchasing no where near the quantiy of the United States, their cost per unit (especially on things like advanced tanks and 4th/5th generation fighters) would be much higher.
The systems are designed there already, and anything on Texas land would stay on Texas land, so they would have plenty of tanks and planes already.

Good glad to hear it. It will be money that can help pay off their portion of the National debt.
That's a real fantasy. The federal government is making no attempt to even control deficit spending, let alone paying off the national debt. Texas would have no obligation to pay anything toward it.
They would retain their National Guard units (minus equipment bought by the federal government) but that would be it.
"Bought by the federal government" means "taxpayer money", and mush of that money came from Texans, so I think the equipment would stay.

Of course you would. But the fact is that the mobile equipment will be returned, ya'll can keep the fixed assets which would account for Texas's input in taxes on what was paid. (Which is that Texas receives $0.94 back in in federal spending for each $1.00 in taxes paid, that $0.06 since can be used to cover the cost of the fixed assets.)

AND the federal government would STILL owe the Texas citizens their social security payments since they paid into it.

Under current law true. However Congress can simply pass a law as previously mentioned that if the state secedes and an individual accepts citizenship (either through expatriation, voting, or serving in the military of that foreign country), then all entitlements are voided.

If you all don't want to be part of the United States, them I'm sure you don't want to be part of our entitlement programs.

OR part of your debt. Texas could start it's own form of social security, only they would have laws against liberal politicians robbing the fund to buy votes with.
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Yes the money would stop but not everything else would stay. All the mobile equipment used to operate the facilities is the property of the people of the United States and therefore would return to the United States.
I disagree, and you're speculating.

And I disagree with your speculation, but history is on my side. When the United States has shut down bases in foreign countries the mobile assets come home.

Some of the expertise it likely to stay, sure. But there are probably many loyal Americans that wouldn't want to give up their citizenship to remain in a foreign country.
It's not a foreign country to them. They're already home. The only ones who would want to leave are the welfare recipients.

It will be a foreign country to them when they lose their United States citizenship and without the major defense contracts from Uncle Sam to pay the bills and they are unemployed.

Seeing as how they would be starting from ground zero with having to design new systems it would probably take 5-10 years before full scale production would begin and since they would be purchasing no where near the quantiy of the United States, their cost per unit (especially on things like advanced tanks and 4th/5th generation fighters) would be much higher.
The systems are designed there already, and anything on Texas land would stay on Texas land, so they would have plenty of tanks and planes already.

Nope the designs are the property of the United States government.

Nope the tanks, ships, planes, HUMVEE's, etc. are the property of the people of the United States and will be returned to United States soil.

Good glad to hear it. It will be money that can help pay off their portion of the National debt.
That's a real fantasy. The federal government is making no attempt to even control deficit spending, let alone paying off the national debt. Texas would have no obligation to pay anything toward it.

If they don't, that's fine. Without the consent of Congress though they would them place themselves in a state of insurrection.


If the people of Texas want to go, no problem I say let them settle their debts, we'll remove our equipment, transfer fixed assets to them, revoke their citizenship and entitlements and let them go.

Put it on a referendum and let the people know the consequences and then let them vote.

I'm good with that, are you?

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"Bought by the federal government" means "taxpayer money", and mush of that money came from Texans, so I think the equipment would stay.

Of course you would. But the fact is that the mobile equipment will be returned, ya'll can keep the fixed assets which would account for Texas's input in taxes on what was paid. (Which is that Texas receives $0.94 back in in federal spending for each $1.00 in taxes paid, that $0.06 since can be used to cover the cost of the fixed assets.)

AND the federal government would STILL owe the Texas citizens their social security payments since they paid into it.

Under current law true. However Congress can simply pass a law as previously mentioned that if the state secedes and an individual accepts citizenship (either through expatriation, voting, or serving in the military of that foreign country), then all entitlements are voided.

If you all don't want to be part of the United States, them I'm sure you don't want to be part of our entitlement programs.

OR part of your debt. Texas could start it's own form of social security, only they would have laws against liberal politicians robbing the fund to buy votes with.

"OR part of your debt" is exactly what I said. Texas assumes their portion of the national debt based on percentage of population.

If Texas wants to set up their own type of Social Security plan, more power to them.

While the fixed assets such as barracks buildings, fencing, airstrips, etc would remain - all the Mobil equipment and the military personnel would be relocated back to United States territory.

So while true the bases would still be there, none of the equipment would be. Then of course Texas would have to start purchasing it's own equipment, recruiting and paying for it's own military.

If you think that the owners name is going to change on a peace of paper and all the military complex money will still flow into the bases, I think you are mistaken.


They would retain their National Guard units (minus equipment bought by the federal government) but that would be it.
"Bought by the federal government" means "taxpayer money", and mush of that money came from Texans, so I think the equipment would stay. AND the federal government would STILL owe the Texas citizens their social security payments since they paid into it.

Doesn't work like that

Texas leaves, they get nothing but the redneck clothes on their backs
The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Actually it’s the nitwit ‘secessionists’ who are abusing the Constitution, not the president.

"They're a bunch of clowns," said Peter Linzer, a longtime Constitutional law professor at the University of Houston Law Center. "They have absolutely no basis for what they're saying."

Linzer said there is no legal basis for secession. He said the Supreme Court has ruled no state can leave the union.

"It's not going to get caught up in court," Linzer said. "It'd be thrown out in five minutes."
Please! Will you explain how texas would do that in such a quick manner when they secede from the Union?
Remember now you are a sovereign state.
Give us examples of how it will work? Please!

The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.
WOW! would you give out some of that peyote out, Seems it has you on some freaking high you cannot come down from. Check it out man!

They wouldn't be shut down, they would simply change ownership.

While the fixed assets such as barracks buildings, fencing, airstrips, etc would remain - all the Mobil equipment and the military personnel would be relocated back to United States territory.

So while true the bases would still be there, none of the equipment would be. Then of course Texas would have to start purchasing it's own equipment, recruiting and paying for it's own military.

If you think that the owners name is going to change on a peace of paper and all the military complex money will still flow into the bases, I think you are mistaken.

The money would stop, sure, but everything else would stay. Even if it didn't, the factories are still there, as well as the expertise. It wouldn't take very long for Texas to start rolling out the tanks and missiles. They would also have plenty of money rolling in from all the food produced in that state (far more than enough for their own population).
I can retire to a foreign country and still receive my Social Security. I just woundn't have to pay income taxes.

Real Texans hate Social Security

It is Socialism. In the new Republic of Texas it is every man for himself
I can retire to a foreign country and still receive my Social Security. I just woundn't have to pay income taxes.

Of course, because that is what the United States Code says.

Of course all Congress has to do is to revoke the Social Security eligibility of anyone who accepts citizenship in a foreign country whose status was that as previously a State in the union. Then, if by retiring to a foreign country and renouncing your United States citizenship and that country used to be a State, then you would not have to pay income taxes but then neither would you draw Social Security.

I can retire to a foreign country and still receive my Social Security. I just woundn't have to pay income taxes.

Of course, because that is what the United States Code says.

Of course all Congress has to do is to revoke the Social Security eligibility of anyone who accepts citizenship in a foreign country whose status was that as previously a State in the union. Then, if by retiring to a foreign country and renouncing your United States citizenship and that country used to be a State, then you would not have to pay income taxes but then neither would you draw Social Security.

You assume the rest of the country would be against Texas. Not likely, and not likely Congress would have the votes to fuck the citizens out of their social security. At the very least, they would have to pay everyone back everything they paid into it, plus interest. And do you actually think the American people (including the military) would go along with military force if Texas refused to be rolled over by our corrupt government?
I can retire to a foreign country and still receive my Social Security. I just woundn't have to pay income taxes.

Of course, because that is what the United States Code says.

Of course all Congress has to do is to revoke the Social Security eligibility of anyone who accepts citizenship in a foreign country whose status was that as previously a State in the union. Then, if by retiring to a foreign country and renouncing your United States citizenship and that country used to be a State, then you would not have to pay income taxes but then neither would you draw Social Security.

You assume the rest of the country would be against Texas. Not likely, and not likely Congress would have the votes to fuck the citizens out of their social security. At the very least, they would have to pay everyone back everything they paid into it, plus interest. And do you actually think the American people (including the military) would go along with military force if Texas refused to be rolled over by our corrupt government?

God, are you ever delusional

First off, a major portion of Texans would remain loyal to their country

Secondly, if Texas seceded the remainder of the country would be outraged and be of the opinion.....Fuck em

If you qualified for Social Security before Texas seceded you would be entitled to benefits. If not....too fucking bad

The military would support their country....unlike the traitors from Texas

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