Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Well, I have this love for Ohio. I was new to a neighborhood when my son was born years ago. The next door neighbor was an elderly lady from Ohio, and she crocheted him a beautiful baby blanket before he was born. She didn't have to do that, I was new. She was such a ray of sunshine wherever she went.

The wife is from Ohio. Great people and they play good football up there high school through D-1 college. Pro fan support up there is great. And they can cook, like to fish and hunt!

We have an eclectic mix of hillbillies and yuppies, gang-bangers and inner city professionals, and everything in between. I'm a life long Ohioan born and raised. If anything, Ohio has many natural as well as man made sites to see. I was born and raised in "Indian country," near Mohican state park, and the history of the American Indians in this area is very interesting. Fishing is great on Lake Erie or in several of our rivers and lakes. We have the full gamet of all four seasons. Our highway system is a neat hub that can take you to the ocean in 10 hours or the the Mississippi the other way in a day. There's a lot about Ohio I don't like though. People get too hung up on geography. Especially younger people who always think there's a "Land of Oz" out there. Not true.

Delta is ready when you are.
Non stop flights to Russia.
and again I ask,


I have 48 more reasons: I cannot help it if you're so fucking much of a bore that the first two are not significant.

Maybe I'll get to one about jerking off, so you'll be able to relate?

Wesminster Blvd in Houston is the #1 place for street corner hand jobs from gay prostitutes. You'd know about that intimately, wouldn't you? Considering you charge the best prices in the city. :suck:
Now you see how you libs are, 1st you get the normal people to agree to all sorts of bad things as you referred to here (passing it off as normal), and as soon as they (the real normal people) agree to let many ridiculous things to go on in society now, then you libs turn on them, and then quickly use it against them... Talk about the ultimate set up, I mean wow!

True Conservatives with values or True Christians and/or family types in America, have been duped in this nation so badly by the libs that it just isn't funny anymore. The libs set it all up as if everything is supposed to be ok no matter what people do in their lives, then as soon as the other groups are duped by this, the libs are the first to try and use it against them, even though they were the author of most of the bad we see now in America, otherwise as far as these things go in which you tried to use against another here.
I was born and raised in Texas. All you have to do is listen to the words of your governor on the subject of secession. He's no liberal.

Yes LISTEN to hiswords. YOU moron. He didn't call for secession on the contrary he said he wouldn't want to see Texas secede. But don't let the facts stop your ignorance.

My bad. He only HINTED at it. That's much more responsible of him.
Gov. Rick Perry: Texas Could Secede, Leave Union

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

He said when Texas entered the union in 1845 it was with the understanding it could pull out.

Boy, you really showed me, didn't you Mr. Republic of Texas?
Your link is three years old. It was a misquote and did not reflect what was actually said nor the context.
I have 48 more reasons: I cannot help it if you're so fucking much of a bore that the first two are not significant.

Maybe I'll get to one about jerking off, so you'll be able to relate?

Wesminster Blvd in Houston is the #1 place for street corner hand jobs from gay prostitutes. You'd know about that intimately, wouldn't you? Considering you charge the best prices in the city. :suck:
Now you see how you libs are, 1st you get the normal people to agree to all sorts of bad things as you referred to here (passing it off as normal), and as soon as they (the real normal people) agree to let many ridiculous things to go on in society now, then you libs turn on them, and then quickly use it against them... Talk about the ultimate set up, I mean wow!

True Conservatives with values or True Christians and/or family types in America, have been duped in this nation so badly by the libs that it just isn't funny anymore. The libs set it all up as if everything is supposed to be ok no matter what people do in their lives, then as soon as the other groups are duped by this, the libs are the first to try and use it against them, even though they were the author of most of the bad we see now in America, otherwise as far as these things go in which you tried to use against another here.

You stinking ass conservatives support the political party that duped the Christians. How many of those Christians know it was the Republican appointees to the Supreme Court that made Roe v Wade the law of the land? Why would I as a Christian support a political party that goes out of it's way to screw over the working class and poor people?

The whole world isn't made up of stupid people like you. Run your mouths all you want, because you don't have the balls to do jack!
Wesminster Blvd in Houston is the #1 place for street corner hand jobs from gay prostitutes. You'd know about that intimately, wouldn't you? Considering you charge the best prices in the city. :suck:
Now you see how you libs are, 1st you get the normal people to agree to all sorts of bad things as you referred to here (passing it off as normal), and as soon as they (the real normal people) agree to let many ridiculous things to go on in society now, then you libs turn on them, and then quickly use it against them... Talk about the ultimate set up, I mean wow!

True Conservatives with values or True Christians and/or family types in America, have been duped in this nation so badly by the libs that it just isn't funny anymore. The libs set it all up as if everything is supposed to be ok no matter what people do in their lives, then as soon as the other groups are duped by this, the libs are the first to try and use it against them, even though they were the author of most of the bad we see now in America, otherwise as far as these things go in which you tried to use against another here.

You stinking ass conservatives support the political party that duped the Christians. How many of those Christians know it was the Republican appointees to the Supreme Court that made Roe v Wade the law of the land? Why would I as a Christian support a political party that goes out of it's way to screw over the working class and poor people?

The whole world isn't made up of stupid people like you. Run your mouths all you want, because you don't have the balls to do jack!

They believe everything right wing radio and TV pipes to them and are so simple-minded they often repeat what they've heard from the likes of Limpnuts and Hannity verbatim. Anyone who lets people like that do their thinking was given their great brain by mistake, the spinal chord would have been sufficient, as Einstein said. Same for playbook reciting liberals too.
Yes LISTEN to hiswords. YOU moron. He didn't call for secession on the contrary he said he wouldn't want to see Texas secede. But don't let the facts stop your ignorance.

My bad. He only HINTED at it. That's much more responsible of him.
Gov. Rick Perry: Texas Could Secede, Leave Union

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

He said when Texas entered the union in 1845 it was with the understanding it could pull out.

Boy, you really showed me, didn't you Mr. Republic of Texas?
Your link is three years old. It was a misquote and did not reflect what was actually said nor the context.

So, there's a time limit on quotes? :lol:

Misquote you say? Well, let's watch the video then :eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism" - YouTube[/ame]

Seems like a lot of words and no action. That's Texans all right, all hat and no cattle.

Talk like Tarzan
Play like Jane..

Saw a lot of them in my playing days!

In my "playing days" I heard such talk from punks like you while seated in the cage in the back of an Interceptor. Funny thing is, once in the sally port they shut up right quick.
Seems like a lot of words and no action. That's Texans all right, all hat and no cattle.

Talk like Tarzan
Play like Jane..

Saw a lot of them in my playing days!

In my "playing days" I heard such talk from punks like you while seated in the cage in the back of an Interceptor. Funny thing is, once in the sally port they shut up right quick.

In your playing days and now you are obviously so ignorant that you fail to see that I was AGREEING WITH YOU. I was speaking of the Texans, not you.
And in your ignorance you call me a punk.
Who really gives a shit where Cheney is from? Probably not even his wife and certainly not his gay daughter.

Have you always been such a hateful little stain, or is it something you've been working on?
I think the DNC has sent trolls around to post stupid stuff and make the nation a little chaotic. I just put people who say mean personal stuff on ignore for a few days until they move on to the next DNC hit target. Right now, they're destroying Texas and the Texas governor for their purposes. I don't think they know what kind of damage they're doing to the nation, unless they just want an all-out bloody civil war or something if they don't get this or that unsustainable luxury concession from other people in the country.

I wonder how many websites they're doing this same thing on with other players, using Texas as their whipping boy.
Talk like Tarzan
Play like Jane..

Saw a lot of them in my playing days!

In my "playing days" I heard such talk from punks like you while seated in the cage in the back of an Interceptor. Funny thing is, once in the sally port they shut up right quick.

In your playing days and now you are obviously so ignorant that you fail to see that I was AGREEING WITH YOU. I was speaking of the Texans, not you.
And in your ignorance you call me a punk.
You're ranking on Texans too? The Texas I live in didn't have 22,022 of our men come home from WWII. My mom said one lady in the neighborhood was so sad when both her husband and son were killed within 3 weeks of each other she couldn't get out of her house for several months while she was mourning. All the ladies took caseroles and stuff to keep her going until one day, she got up and started baking cookies and sending them overseas to the companies her men served in to whoever was left. Too many telegrams went out to too many neighbors. It wasn't a happy time for anyone in Texas.

Yet here you all are, eating our liver over things we have no control over.
Who really gives a shit where Cheney is from? Probably not even his wife and certainly not his gay daughter.

Have you always been such a hateful little stain, or is it something you've been working on?
I think the DNC has sent trolls around to post stupid stuff and make the nation a little chaotic. I just put people who say mean personal stuff on ignore for a few days until they move on to the next DNC hit target. Right now, they're destroying Texas and the Texas governor for their purposes. I don't think they know what kind of damage they're doing to the nation, unless they just want an all-out bloody civil war or something if they don't get this or that unsustainable luxury concession from other people in the country.

I wonder how many websites they're doing this same thing on with other players, using Texas as their whipping boy.

Interesting theory.

However, wouldn't they try harder not to appear so obviously ignorant?

IMHO most of these posts are being generated from the Governor's Mansion in Austin to make Anti-Texas Proponents look ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure "Knobbywash" was a nickname given to a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader before she was dismissed for "unlady-like behaviour."
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Who really gives a shit where Cheney is from? Probably not even his wife and certainly not his gay daughter.

Have you always been such a hateful little stain, or is it something you've been working on?

Cheney's the hater, the most sinister, evil motherfucker to ever disgrace Washingstan, DC. My tone fits his aura. Fuck Cheney and fuck you!

You'd better clean yourself up before worrying about anyone else, shitstain.
Have you always been such a hateful little stain, or is it something you've been working on?
I think the DNC has sent trolls around to post stupid stuff and make the nation a little chaotic. I just put people who say mean personal stuff on ignore for a few days until they move on to the next DNC hit target. Right now, they're destroying Texas and the Texas governor for their purposes. I don't think they know what kind of damage they're doing to the nation, unless they just want an all-out bloody civil war or something if they don't get this or that unsustainable luxury concession from other people in the country.

I wonder how many websites they're doing this same thing on with other players, using Texas as their whipping boy.

Interesting theory.

However, wouldn't they try harder not to appear so obviously ignorant?

IMHO most of these posts are being generated from the Governor's Mansion in Austin to make Anti-Texas Proponents look ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure "Knobbywash" was a nickname given to a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader before she was dismissed for "unlady-like behaviour."
Used to post on two or three different forums/boards. They do the same thing everywhere in lockstep. It's just a tactic to accomplish an organized situation created for the next "event." to sway public opinion. They were pushing here to see how far they could go with scatological photographs, nudity, etc. They're testing each website. Human beings don't mean anything to them. It's party uber alles. They get bonuses for learning the parameters of tolerance in the off-season, then pushing the envelope in the next election. They are using Texas, because hating Texas gets a big applause from certain states who hate everyone from Texas and Oklahoma (I've lived there.)

It's an exercise in ill will for a cause of high-fiving states they really don't want to lose.
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Wesminster Blvd in Houston is the #1 place for street corner hand jobs from gay prostitutes. You'd know about that intimately, wouldn't you? Considering you charge the best prices in the city. :suck:
Now you see how you libs are, 1st you get the normal people to agree to all sorts of bad things as you referred to here (passing it off as normal), and as soon as they (the real normal people) agree to let many ridiculous things to go on in society now, then you libs turn on them, and then quickly use it against them... Talk about the ultimate set up, I mean wow!

True Conservatives with values or True Christians and/or family types in America, have been duped in this nation so badly by the libs that it just isn't funny anymore. The libs set it all up as if everything is supposed to be ok no matter what people do in their lives, then as soon as the other groups are duped by this, the libs are the first to try and use it against them, even though they were the author of most of the bad we see now in America, otherwise as far as these things go in which you tried to use against another here.

You stinking ass conservatives support the political party that duped the Christians. How many of those Christians know it was the Republican appointees to the Supreme Court that made Roe v Wade the law of the land? Why would I as a Christian support a political party that goes out of it's way to screw over the working class and poor people?

The whole world isn't made up of stupid people like you. Run your mouths all you want, because you don't have the balls to do jack!
What in the world are you ranting about ? The libs have talked this nation into total social chaos among the cultures, and also have precisely talked (with the strong arm of the federal government) this nation into it's own disintegration, and this as found now within the social moral fabric of this once great nation. The libs have caused the Americans to begin disrespecting each other to the point of causing a separation to occur within this nation amongst certain groups (weakening them), who have now lost their way in a nation that once was built up by these groups who were united and working for the most part together.

Now look what the libs have done ! I don't believe this nation can stand many more lead roles by the libs or even by bad repubs, because they all seem to produce huge problems when they get in charge of this nation. We need someone who is well balanced and right for the people, and not just for the corporate elite and rich, but not also lead by groups who figure the person will work mostly for them and not for everyone as Americans as it should be.
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