Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

My error. Wonder how he got so tied into the Texas syndicate? Anyway, is he still alive?
Fucking idiot. :lol::lol::lol:

I guess it was his Enron ties that threw me. Who really gives a shit where Cheney is from? Probably not even his wife and certainly not his gay daughter.

Wyoming and Texas both suck from the same government tit. Cheney was CEO of the oil service corporation Halliburton and you tell me why they were chosen to be general contractor in Iraq! Alaska and Wyoming are at the top of the list getting money from the federal govenment, numbers one and two.

Federal Aid to State and Local Governments, Per Capita Amounts by State, by Agency: Fiscal Year 2010

Figure #5, page x: http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/fas-10.pdf
What country do you live in?

NOT the fuckin' Republic of Texas!

Pay attention, I asked what country not what state.

Joke's on you - The Republic of Texas is the ad hoc name of Texas - they're arrogant enough to think they are their own country, yet their calls for "secession" are a pantywaste cry for pity while they continue to suck off the federal government's tit - the SAME federal government they say they hate. They're so hypocritical and stupid to even see their own contradictions.

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