
Folks lump Obama's family on him then cry with the same happens to Bush or Cruz?
Anybody who does not agree with the TP is a lib, I guess.

The problem is that in the TP too many reactionary far thugs hide behind the term conservatives or libertarians: enemies of the American dream like EdwardBaiamonte, PolitocalChic, jknowgood, S. J., Vigilante, Antares, bripat, etc.

Poor Twink, I am LIVING the American Dream, it's just that you are Gov leech and resent anyone who isn't. ;)
Your American Dream will not let you ever retire.

My American Dream resulted in a successful military, business, professional, and family life, yet I am a government lech? :lol:
I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President

It's fascinating to see liberals grapple with how conservatives think. None of what you rattled off makes sense to me, it seems to contradict itself. You're saying Cruz knows he can never be president so he doesn't even try to build coalitions, but he wants to be king of conservatives who every republican agrees with if they want to be president. That's fucked and convoluted.

I don't think Cruz believes he can't win the presidency, nor do I think the millions of supporters who are enthusiastic about his candidacy feel that way. I would be willing to bet, if he fails to win the nomination, he will never again run for president. I don't know that, it's just a feeling I get about Cruz.

What you are witnessing in the GOP is basically a repeat of the late 70s. The party is once again divided between true conservatives who are principled in conservative philosophy (not ideology) and establishment elites of the party who are driven by power and backed by crony-corporatist ideology... fat cats. McConnell, Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris-py Kreme, John McCain... these are the establishment elite... they would have rejected Reagan and backed Howard Baker in 1979.
I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President

It's fascinating to see liberals grapple with how conservatives think. None of what you rattled off makes sense to me, it seems to contradict itself. You're saying Cruz knows he can never be president so he doesn't even try to build coalitions, but he wants to be king of conservatives who every republican agrees with if they want to be president. That's fucked and convoluted.

I don't think Cruz believes he can't win the presidency, nor do I think the millions of supporters who are enthusiastic about his candidacy feel that way. I would be willing to bet, if he fails to win the nomination, he will never again run for president. I don't know that, it's just a feeling I get about Cruz.

What you are witnessing in the GOP is basically a repeat of the late 70s. The party is once again divided between true conservatives who are principled in conservative philosophy (not ideology) and establishment elites of the party who are driven by power and backed by crony-corporatist ideology... fat cats. McConnell, Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris-py Kreme, John McCain... these are the establishment elite... they would have rejected Reagan and backed Howard Baker in 1979.

If Cruz were making a legitimate run at the Presidency, he would have made overtures towards the middle
Without the middle, he has no chance

The fact that he held a hard conservative line showed he was not serious about winning
You would reject Reagan today as not principled, Boss. This is why the GOP mainstream has rigged the primary system to have a mainstream winner by the end of March. There will be no clown car this time.

Cruz is hoping to be the kingmaker of the mainstream candidates. He will have less influence than he hopes.
Your American Dream will not let you ever retire.

My American Dream resulted in a successful military, business, professional, and family life, yet I am a government lech? :lol:

;) Oh damn that ACA.....

Should I give all of this money back?

...and yes you are.
You were crying the ACA was going to put you out of a job, I told you that was going to be a boon for the private insurance industry, and here you are again: you wrong, me right, and this time you happy about it.​
You were crying the ACA was going to put you out of a job, I told you that was going to be a boon for the private insurance industry, and here you are again: you wrong, me right, and this time you happy about it.​

Poor Jake/twink.

I turned a tidy sum....I bought another Agency and turned another profit....now I'm involved in an IMO and killing it again.

See what happens when one works hard and does not depend on Obama for everything?
You were crying the ACA was going to put you out of a job, I told you that was going to be a boon for the private insurance industry, and here you are again: you wrong, me right, and this time you happy about it.​
Poor Jake/twink. I turned a tidy sum....I bought another Agency and turned another profit....now I'm involved in an IMO and killing it again. See what happens when one works hard and does not depend on Obama for everything?
But you did depend on Obama and ACA, Antares. That is why you are so ridiculous about him. I needed him not at all, and I succeeded much earlier in life although I am only ten years older than you. You needed the government program to make it.
I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President

It's fascinating to see liberals grapple with how conservatives think. None of what you rattled off makes sense to me, it seems to contradict itself. You're saying Cruz knows he can never be president so he doesn't even try to build coalitions, but he wants to be king of conservatives who every republican agrees with if they want to be president. That's fucked and convoluted.

I don't think Cruz believes he can't win the presidency, nor do I think the millions of supporters who are enthusiastic about his candidacy feel that way. I would be willing to bet, if he fails to win the nomination, he will never again run for president. I don't know that, it's just a feeling I get about Cruz.

What you are witnessing in the GOP is basically a repeat of the late 70s. The party is once again divided between true conservatives who are principled in conservative philosophy (not ideology) and establishment elites of the party who are driven by power and backed by crony-corporatist ideology... fat cats. McConnell, Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris-py Kreme, John McCain... these are the establishment elite... they would have rejected Reagan and backed Howard Baker in 1979.

If Cruz were making a legitimate run at the Presidency, he would have made overtures towards the middle
Without the middle, he has no chance

The fact that he held a hard conservative line showed he was not serious about winning

LMFAO... "Overtures toward the middle?" Like abandoning CONSERVATISM and waving the white flag to the Democrats while trying to be more like them? No--- I don't think that strategy works and I think we now have several presidential elections as proof it doesn't.

The GOP has not nominated a passionate Conservative since Reagan, and the establishment elite had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that! The term "voodoo economics" to describe Reagan's economic policies was coined by George H.W. Bush! When Reagan sought the nomination the very exact SAME argument was made, that he was TOO conservative! He wasn't going to "appeal to the middle" in the general election. That was the prediction and he won two landslides.
You were crying the ACA was going to put you out of a job, I told you that was going to be a boon for the private insurance industry, and here you are again: you wrong, me right, and this time you happy about it.​
Poor Jake/twink. I turned a tidy sum....I bought another Agency and turned another profit....now I'm involved in an IMO and killing it again. See what happens when one works hard and does not depend on Obama for everything?
But you did depend on Obama and ACA, Antares. That is why you are so ridiculous about him. I needed him not at all, and I succeeded much earlier in life although I am only ten years older than you. You needed the government program to make it.

(smile) OOOOOH sorry.........you killed off wives and I simply let one take me to the cleaners....
You would reject Reagan today as not principled, Boss. This is why the GOP mainstream has rigged the primary system to have a mainstream winner by the end of March. There will be no clown car this time.

Cruz is hoping to be the kingmaker of the mainstream candidates. He will have less influence than he hopes.

Nonsense! I voted for Reagan! TWICE! Would vote for him again in a heartbeat! Did I agree 100% with all that he did in reterospect? Of course not. I don't know that anyone can say that about any president. But the man knew conservative principles and knew how to convey them to others with passion and conviction. He fought for them and believed in them as he worked with an impossible Congress to get as much done as he could.

Cruz is not hoping to be kingmaker, you've been watching too much Chris Matthews. I think you may be right about the "clown car" and I doubt we see 7-8 Tea Party candidates cancelling each other's votes out so the moderate wins by default. I expect to see a strong TP candidate and a strong establishment pick at the top and any others as 'also-rans' who won't be a factor. It may end up being a scenario where Cruz does as Reagan and picks a Jeb Bush as his VP to "unite" the party.

I appreciate your predictions that Cruz won't have as much influence as he thinks, but I disagree. I think he could win the nomination and be the next president. If he wins the nomination, look the fuck out.
Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D

The November election was what we call a "mid-term". Whichever party has the White House loses seats in the mid-term. It's happened with every POTUS as long as there have been these two parties. You could look it up.
It doesn't happen like this. This was a landslide. And what is a lot better than saying "you could look it up", is supplying a link to prove your statement.
Last edited:
Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D

The November election was what we call a "mid-term". Whichever party has the White House loses seats in the mid-term. It's happened with every POTUS as long as there have been these two parties. You could look it up.
It doesn't happen like this. This was a landslide.
Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D

It has happened something like six times through our history since we devolved into the two-party system circa 1920.

Here is an article that explains it in terms easy enough for even someone like you to understand it....

Six-Year Itch Plagues Presidents in Midterms - NationalJournal.com

I doubt you'll read it since it's late and you have nobody there to help you with the big words.

But lets take a look at what you're saying...2014 was a rejection....when Hillary wins in 2016; what will that tell you? That the GOP was rejected? If not, please explain how it could be anything else.

6 times since 1920 ? Well, there have been 24 midterm elections since then. So if it happened in 6 of them, that leaves 18 (3 times as many) when it did not happen.

But that's not as bad as you supporting the worst disgrace of a public official and a human being, ever to be a Sect of State and possible US President candidate. Maybe you're a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ? Just wondering.
Let's see...

8 million jobs added
Unemployment down 4.5%
Stock market doubled
GDP positive for 6 years

Yea....let's call it a surge

Beat Reagan

How many of those jobs are part time?

Record numbers in a supposed great recovery on SNAP benefits.

Record numbers not in the labor pool.

Damn are you ever a knee jerk idiot

Is there any obsolete Fox talking point you don't parrot?

No.....the jobs are not part time. None of the employment data supports that
The labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It has been expected to do so because 4 million baby boomers retire each year

Don't watch FOX. Have never been a fan. Sorry to burst your meme. :lol:

The BLS shows many of the jobs are part time.

If ignorance is bliss, you are indeed very blissful then. :smile:

And the Baby Boomers are not the sole reason for the low participation rate, but keep on toting that, maybe you'll believe it one day.

The record numbers receiving SNAP tell the story as well. And when the Congress looks to cut the SNAP benefits, the shrieks are heard coast to coast. But why? This is such a great recovery, people needing SNAP should be way down. But that takes us back to part time work and the bad economy overall. And how many discouraged workers who are no longer counted as unemployed.
Give us the numbers for part time work and compare them to historical norms

Don't like the increase in SNAP coverage? Them lets assume you support an increase in unskilled workers wages
I love how Republicans gloat about the number of workers who receive SNAP while they fight to hold down wages
Nothing holds down wages (and removes jobs from Americans) more than all the immigration (legal and illegal), supported by Obama and his running dogs. Also, if you did a little research, you'd find a recent Gallup poll that shows Republicans support raising the minimum wage, by a pretty good margin (58% to 39%).

Good news 58 of Republicans support raising the minimum wage Hot Air

In addition to that, among young Republicans an even higher majority support raising the minimum wage > 64% (almost 2/3), indicating a movement in that direction, in the near future.

Reason-Rupe Poll 72 Percent Favor Raising the Minimum Wage but 57 Percent Would Oppose If It Costs Jobs - Reason.com
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I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President

It's fascinating to see liberals grapple with how conservatives think. None of what you rattled off makes sense to me, it seems to contradict itself. You're saying Cruz knows he can never be president so he doesn't even try to build coalitions, but he wants to be king of conservatives who every republican agrees with if they want to be president. That's fucked and convoluted.

I don't think Cruz believes he can't win the presidency, nor do I think the millions of supporters who are enthusiastic about his candidacy feel that way. I would be willing to bet, if he fails to win the nomination, he will never again run for president. I don't know that, it's just a feeling I get about Cruz.

What you are witnessing in the GOP is basically a repeat of the late 70s. The party is once again divided between true conservatives who are principled in conservative philosophy (not ideology) and establishment elites of the party who are driven by power and backed by crony-corporatist ideology... fat cats. McConnell, Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris-py Kreme, John McCain... these are the establishment elite... they would have rejected Reagan and backed Howard Baker in 1979.

If Cruz were making a legitimate run at the Presidency, he would have made overtures towards the middle
Without the middle, he has no chance

The fact that he held a hard conservative line showed he was not serious about winning

LMFAO... "Overtures toward the middle?" Like abandoning CONSERVATISM and waving the white flag to the Democrats while trying to be more like them? No--- I don't think that strategy works and I think we now have several presidential elections as proof it doesn't.

The GOP has not nominated a passionate Conservative since Reagan, and the establishment elite had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that! The term "voodoo economics" to describe Reagan's economic policies was coined by George H.W. Bush! When Reagan sought the nomination the very exact SAME argument was made, that he was TOO conservative! He wasn't going to "appeal to the middle" in the general election. That was the prediction and he won two landslides.

Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?
You were crying the ACA was going to put you out of a job, I told you that was going to be a boon for the private insurance industry, and here you are again: you wrong, me right, and this time you happy about it.​
Poor Jake/twink. I turned a tidy sum....I bought another Agency and turned another profit....now I'm involved in an IMO and killing it again. See what happens when one works hard and does not depend on Obama for everything?
But you did depend on Obama and ACA, Antares. That is why you are so ridiculous about him. I needed him not at all, and I succeeded much earlier in life although I am only ten years older than you. You needed the government program to make it.
(smile) OOOOOH sorry.........you killed off wives and I simply let one take me to the cleaners....
That makes no sense at all. Are you drinking more early than usual? You needed ACA to survive, yet you bite the hand that is, according to you, making you wealthy. Typical.

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