
Reagan sold us on Iran-Contra and the Marines in Lebanon.

He raised taxes 11 times and the debt three times.

You far right would sell him out in a heart beat.

Only Congress can raise taxes, though I hear Obama has other ideas.

The end of the USSR / Cold War was worth the price, even if you want to look at it that way. And Reagan never had a Republican House.

But Obama, worst economic recovery in post WW II era.
Refuted in the post before yours. Always late, aren't you?
Poor Antares. :) His own article guts his argument.

Projection Jake ;)

You posted an article that simply proved what I said....I really do feel sorry for you Jake, you earn everything you get here, but I still feel bad that you have to try so hard to gain acceptance and relevance here that you will never have in real life.
Reagan sold us on Iran-Contra and the Marines in Lebanon.

He raised taxes 11 times and the debt three times.

You far right would sell him out in a heart beat.

Only Congress can raise taxes, though I hear Obama has other ideas.

The end of the USSR / Cold War was worth the price, even if you want to look at it that way. And Reagan never had a Republican House.

But Obama, worst economic recovery in post WW II era.

Wait until they quit creating money.

Stock market floating on a sea of liquidity. And stock buybacks. So the progressives prove once again that they will cheer Obama no matter what. And here we are, with Wall Street dominating over Main Street, and there they go again, cheering Obama on.
The far right today would not accept RR.

The articles by Antares and me reinforce my points: Obama did not do it, the Fed did it, and it was successful.

If any disagree, tough.
Reagan sold us on Iran-Contra and the Marines in Lebanon.

He raised taxes 11 times and the debt three times.

You far right would sell him out in a heart beat.

Only Congress can raise taxes, though I hear Obama has other ideas.

The end of the USSR / Cold War was worth the price, even if you want to look at it that way. And Reagan never had a Republican House.

But Obama, worst economic recovery in post WW II era.
Refuted in the post before yours. Always late, aren't you?

You refuted nothing. This is the worst economic recovery in post WW II America.

Record numbers getting SNAP. Hmmmmmm? Is that "recovery" the progressives keep touting? The same progressives who scream now when the Congress looks to trim SNAP benefits? Some recovery.
Let's see...

8 million jobs added
Unemployment down 4.5%
Stock market doubled
GDP positive for 6 years

Yea....let's call it a surge

Beat Reagan

How many of those jobs are part time?

Record numbers in a supposed great recovery on SNAP benefits.

Record numbers not in the labor pool.

Damn are you ever a knee jerk idiot

Is there any obsolete Fox talking point you don't parrot?

No.....the jobs are not part time. None of the employment data supports that
The labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It has been expected to do so because 4 million baby boomers retire each year
Let's see...

8 million jobs added
Unemployment down 4.5%
Stock market doubled
GDP positive for 6 years

Yea....let's call it a surge

Beat Reagan

How many of those jobs are part time?

Record numbers in a supposed great recovery on SNAP benefits.

Record numbers not in the labor pool.

Damn are you ever a knee jerk idiot

Is there any obsolete Fox talking point you don't parrot?

No.....the jobs are not part time. None of the employment data supports that
The labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It has been expected to do so because 4 million baby boomers retire each year

Don't watch FOX. Have never been a fan. Sorry to burst your meme. :lol:

The BLS shows many of the jobs are part time.

If ignorance is bliss, you are indeed very blissful then. :smile:

And the Baby Boomers are not the sole reason for the low participation rate, but keep on toting that, maybe you'll believe it one day.

The record numbers receiving SNAP tell the story as well. And when the Congress looks to cut the SNAP benefits, the shrieks are heard coast to coast. But why? This is such a great recovery, people needing SNAP should be way down. But that takes us back to part time work and the bad economy overall. And how many discouraged workers who are no longer counted as unemployed.
remember the last time the libs made predictions?

they ended up losing the House first and then the Senate a few years later


or just go:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Dunno who the fuck these "the libs" are that "make predictions" but for a fallacy hunter this is excellent news.

I look forward to hearing all those voices who kept whining about the "inexperience" of O'bama (twelve years in state govt and Congress) now try to get behind a guy who has....

..... count 'em up....


And what was the only thing he didn't vote present on? Yes on late term abortion. What a shit head. I bet his daughters are so proud if daddy.

He will have the $$$ to remain in the race until Bush captures the nomination.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz to announce presidential run report - Yahoo News


This forces the GOP field to the right and when the GE comes, the winner has to track back to the left, leaving themselves open to flip-flops or "romneyisms"....

No need to go back to the left. That was proven in November 2014. :biggrin:

Romney could have won....his campaign was incompetent.

It failed to mention enough some very serious issues > affirmative action, national security, immigration, crime.

Some of that is true.

Basically letting himself be painted as an eletists (sp?) who doesn't care about you then having his campaign do nearly everything to reinforce that with show horses in the Olympics, "We had to sell stock to get by" speeches by his wife, a car elevator in his garage, etc...

You wondered if the campaign manager was up to the task at times.
Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.
Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D
remember the last time the libs made predictions?

they ended up losing the House first and then the Senate a few years later


or just go:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Dunno who the fuck these "the libs" are that "make predictions" but for a fallacy hunter this is excellent news.

I look forward to hearing all those voices who kept whining about the "inexperience" of O'bama (twelve years in state govt and Congress) now try to get behind a guy who has....

..... count 'em up....


And what was the only thing he didn't vote present on? Yes on late term abortion. What a shit head. I bet his daughters are so proud if daddy.

No matter what you say Obama is wrong, how can you have two daughters, and you can still support late term abortions? Knowing they can feel pain at that time? A true shit head.
remember the last time the libs made predictions?

they ended up losing the House first and then the Senate a few years later


or just go:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Dunno who the fuck these "the libs" are that "make predictions" but for a fallacy hunter this is excellent news.

I look forward to hearing all those voices who kept whining about the "inexperience" of O'bama (twelve years in state govt and Congress) now try to get behind a guy who has....

..... count 'em up....


And what was the only thing he didn't vote present on? Yes on late term abortion. What a shit head. I bet his daughters are so proud if daddy.

No matter what you say Obama is wrong, how can you have two daughters, and you can still support late term abortions? Knowing they can feel pain at that time? A true shit head.


You really really do have the mental prowess of a cadaver.

The point was, and still is, the shifting bases of reasoning on the part of USMB posters who cry "inexperience" on a candidate for having only 12 years in government, only to turn and get behind one who has two.

---- and what you heard was "abortions".

Not to mention, I've never even posted on abortion.

We don't even have a word for this degree of stupid. But somehow I just found a way to insult cadavers.
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Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D

The November election was what we call a "mid-term". Whichever party has the White House loses seats in the mid-term. It's happened with every POTUS as long as there have been these two parties. You could look it up.
Nah, Bush will not track to the crazy far right, doesn't have to.

Everyone knows where he stands now.

Maybe not the "crazy" far right but all you need is some patronizing....every bone he throws to the far right is a loss of independent votes.
More like a GAIN of Independent votes. Didn't notice the November 2024 election ? Try to keep up.

It hasn't happened yet.

If you are talking about the 2014, history tell us that the 6th year of a two term President is bad electorally for his party. Reagan lost just as many seats as Obama did.

Your ignorance is profound son.

HA HA. Anyone can look back in history, and find something that fits your design. One could also find some that don't. The November election was a rejection of Democrat idiocy regarding race relations, national security, immigration, etc. YOU are who is being ignorant. :D

It has happened something like six times through our history since we devolved into the two-party system circa 1920.

Here is an article that explains it in terms easy enough for even someone like you to understand it....

Six-Year Itch Plagues Presidents in Midterms - NationalJournal.com

I doubt you'll read it since it's late and you have nobody there to help you with the big words.

But lets take a look at what you're saying...2014 was a rejection....when Hillary wins in 2016; what will that tell you? That the GOP was rejected? If not, please explain how it could be anything else.

'Dunno who the fuck these "the libs" are...'

“The libs” are those who possess the political acumen to acknowledge the fact that Cruz will never be president.
Anybody who does not agree with the TP is a lib, I guess.

The problem is that in the TP too many reactionary far thugs hide behind the term conservatives or libertarians: enemies of the American dream like EdwardBaiamonte, PolitocalChic, jknowgood, S. J., Vigilante, Antares, bripat, etc.
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Let's see...

8 million jobs added
Unemployment down 4.5%
Stock market doubled
GDP positive for 6 years

Yea....let's call it a surge

Beat Reagan

How many of those jobs are part time?

Record numbers in a supposed great recovery on SNAP benefits.

Record numbers not in the labor pool.

Damn are you ever a knee jerk idiot

Is there any obsolete Fox talking point you don't parrot?

No.....the jobs are not part time. None of the employment data supports that
The labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It has been expected to do so because 4 million baby boomers retire each year

Don't watch FOX. Have never been a fan. Sorry to burst your meme. :lol:

The BLS shows many of the jobs are part time.

If ignorance is bliss, you are indeed very blissful then. :smile:

And the Baby Boomers are not the sole reason for the low participation rate, but keep on toting that, maybe you'll believe it one day.

The record numbers receiving SNAP tell the story as well. And when the Congress looks to cut the SNAP benefits, the shrieks are heard coast to coast. But why? This is such a great recovery, people needing SNAP should be way down. But that takes us back to part time work and the bad economy overall. And how many discouraged workers who are no longer counted as unemployed.
Give us the numbers for part time work and compare them to historical norms

Don't like the increase in SNAP coverage? Them lets assume you support an increase in unskilled workers wages
I love how Republicans gloat about the number of workers who receive SNAP while they fight to hold down wages

'Dunno who the fuck these "the libs" are...'

“The libs” are those who possess the political acumen to acknowledge the fact that Cruz will never be president.

I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President
You'd better put your protective cup on, the fun has only just begun. By the time we're done, Rafael won't be able to get a discount at Ben and Jerry's. Welcome to American Politics, where if you fathered a bastard, and even if you didn't, we're going to discus it, at length.

And make stuff up when you can't find enough real dirt to throw.
That's certainly done in American politics, but that will be a while. There is vast amount to dig up first. So many laws broken by his family we've yet to be able to count them.

His family isn't him.
That's correct, it's his baggage, which we plan to search thoroughly.

And if you can't find anything, just make stuff up and hope to cause damage before it's found to be a lie.

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