
And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.
That is not about the rapture, a doctrine not created by British proto-evangelicals until after the 1750s.
And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

Amazing how the fundamentalists can spin a yarn out of one vague line. They might just as well be Mormons.
So...you guessed wrong. You said there was no mention of the rapture in the bible, but there it is.

Rapturo. Plain as day.

What Paul says in that letter is that the dead will be risen first. But I don't recall seeing that in any Rapture movies. That would be a more dramatic film. Dead people bursting out of the ground, flying up into the sky, then the living being raptured after them.

I must admit I have not see many Rapture films, though. It could be one of them has that in it.

Well since you seem to be a student of theology perhaps you'd like to describe how that one line becomes a whole detailed scenario. There is no description of any rapture in the Bible, it's a vague reference. So how does anyone base their faith on vague BS?
And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

Amazing how the fundamentalists can spin a yarn out of one vague line. They might just as well be Mormons.
So...you guessed wrong. You said there was no mention of the rapture in the bible, but there it is.

Rapturo. Plain as day.

What Paul says in that letter is that the dead will be risen first. But I don't recall seeing that in any Rapture movies. That would be a more dramatic film. Dead people bursting out of the ground, flying up into the sky, then the living being raptured after them.

I must admit I have not see many Rapture films, though. It could be one of them has that in it.

No one interpreted the Bible that way before 1830. I wonder why it took them so long to uncover these stunning revelations?
Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD

The fact that John Nelson Darby invented the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine around 1830 AD is unquestionably true. All attempts to find evidence of this wild doctrine before 1830 have failed, with a single exception: Morgan Edwards wrote a short essay as a college paper for Bristol Baptist College in Bristol England in 1744 where he confused the second coming with the first resurrection of Revelation 20 and described a "pre-tribulation" rapture. However Edwards ideas, which he admitted were brand new and never before taught, had no influence in the modern population of the false doctrine. That prize to goes to Darby.

Prior to 1830, no church taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of faith.
Good bye democrats! It's ALL over.

My add to the list..
6, Put Holder in jail.
7, Put Hillary in jail.
8, Put Pelosi in a mental hospital.
9, Ban abortion.
10 Ban gay marriage.

And YES thank God HE's IN!!
Ted Cruz will launch his presidential campaign Monday. His model Ronald Reagan. - Vox

Finally a man that a country CAN be proud of!!

Your additions sound like a police state.

Only looking to put KNOWN criminals in jail. Just happens most are democrat.

Sounds like Cruz is another Fidel Castro.

No, not at all. He will make a GREAT leader unlike that idiot now in office.

A great leader? Even most of his Republican colleagues in the Senate don't like him cuz he keeps on leading his party down rabbit holes.
I SOOO look forward to your post election whine.
Hillary would be more of the same. Cruz would be more like RWR and if he can abolish the IRS? Well THAT issue crosses party lines and goes right to America.

RWR did a lot of that and did it well.

Reagan didn't abolish the IRS.

Also, he raised taxes 11 times.

I hope this little history lesson helps.

He also, unlike the current occupant of the WH ended a recession and pulled the Nation out of it's economic doldrums.

Barak "Ears" Obama?

Not so much.
Economic amnesia

Obamas recovery has exceeded Reagans.

LOL, not so much :)

....and Ronnie didn't have to give away 85 Billion a month to get his done ;)

Reagan tripled the debt and increased federal hiring to achieve his recovery

Obama had to achieve his while Republicans pushed austerity

Obama has been giving 85 Billion dollars a month away for 6 years......so no....you lose.
Reagan didn't abolish the IRS.

Also, he raised taxes 11 times.

I hope this little history lesson helps.

He also, unlike the current occupant of the WH ended a recession and pulled the Nation out of it's economic doldrums.

Barak "Ears" Obama?

Not so much.
Economic amnesia

Obamas recovery has exceeded Reagans.

LOL, not so much :)

....and Ronnie didn't have to give away 85 Billion a month to get his done ;)

Reagan tripled the debt and increased federal hiring to achieve his recovery

Obama had to achieve his while Republicans pushed austerity

Obama has been giving 85 Billion dollars a month away for 6 years......so no....you lose.

Quantitative easing was hugely successful and did not result in the inflation and loss of jobs predicted by the right

Reagan built his recovery on a military buildup funded by tax cuts and extensive borrowing
He also, unlike the current occupant of the WH ended a recession and pulled the Nation out of it's economic doldrums.

Barak "Ears" Obama?

Not so much.
Economic amnesia

Obamas recovery has exceeded Reagans.

LOL, not so much :)

....and Ronnie didn't have to give away 85 Billion a month to get his done ;)

Reagan tripled the debt and increased federal hiring to achieve his recovery

Obama had to achieve his while Republicans pushed austerity

Obama has been giving 85 Billion dollars a month away for 6 years......so no....you lose.

Quantitative easing was hugely successful and did not result in the inflation and loss of jobs predicted by the right

Reagan built his recovery on a military buildup funded by tax cuts and extensive borrowing

QE is a fake propping up of the economy kid, sorry.
Antares has no idea of how the money is being used, who is doing it, who authorized it, and that it has been very successful.

Told you, Antares. I own you, and I will out you when you lie. You just got your ass kicked again.
Economic amnesia

Obamas recovery has exceeded Reagans.

LOL, not so much :)

....and Ronnie didn't have to give away 85 Billion a month to get his done ;)

Reagan tripled the debt and increased federal hiring to achieve his recovery

Obama had to achieve his while Republicans pushed austerity

Obama has been giving 85 Billion dollars a month away for 6 years......so no....you lose.

Quantitative easing was hugely successful and did not result in the inflation and loss of jobs predicted by the right

Reagan built his recovery on a military buildup funded by tax cuts and extensive borrowing

QE is a fake propping up of the economy kid, sorry.

It worked and once it was slowed down the economy kept surging

Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong
Antares has no idea of how the money is being used, who is doing it, who authorized it, and that it has been very successful.

Told you, Antares. I own you, and I will out you when you lie. You just got your ass kicked again.

" The Fed currently purchases $40 billion in mortgage backed securities and $45 billion in treasuries each month. The Fed has no excess money or reserves…..so they simply fire up the printing presses and print out of thin air $85 billion of new money each and every month. This is money that goes directly into the money supply. Nobody knows the ultimate denouement of money printing on this scale. Germany tried “abnormal” money printing in the early 1920’s after W.W. I and the result was hyperinflation, collapse of the German economy, and the rise of Hitler."

The Federal Reserve Is Making A Big Mistake - Forbes

Poor Jake, they are propping up the economy with artificial stimulation, you lose again.
Antares has no idea of how the money is being used, who is doing it, who authorized it, and that it has been very successful.

Told you, Antares. I own you, and I will out you when you lie. You just got your ass kicked again.

" The Fed currently purchases $40 billion in mortgage backed securities and $45 billion in treasuries each month. The Fed has no excess money or reserves…..so they simply fire up the printing presses and print out of thin air $85 billion of new money each and every month. This is money that goes directly into the money supply. Nobody knows the ultimate denouement of money printing on this scale. Germany tried “abnormal” money printing in the early 1920’s after W.W. I and the result was hyperinflation, collapse of the German economy, and the rise of Hitler."

The Federal Reserve Is Making A Big Mistake - Forbes

Poor Jake, they are propping up the economy with artificial stimulation, you lose again.

Fake money, fake economy, fake everything.

You just never quite measure up old man.
And the article puts your hyperbole, Antares, in perspective, and guts your one-sided position.

One, it's not Obama's program.

Two, it's the FR's program.

Three, it is working.

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