
If Dem candidates are smarter, enlightened, geniuses, they have nothing to fear from the right. Why don't they just campaign on their brilliant ideas and accomplishments? Why even waste their time attacking a right wing opponent like a pack of rabid foaming at the mouth dogs?

What Dem candidate(s) are you referring to? Has any Dem candidate said anything about Cruz' announcement? Or....are you posting reflexively?

You know as well as I do the left wing MSM is allied with the left wing politicians to destroy right wing candidates. I'm asking why bother? Why bother paying any attention to the right wing candidates? I guess the answer is either they fear the right for some reason or they are just mean nasty freaks who enjoy launching personal attacks.

The mainstream media is left wing? Prove it, please.

You are such a victim. Do you ever take responsibility for anything?

What personal attacks are you referring to? Cruz announced today.....got free publicity on every media outlet that exists...and I have yet to hear any politicians or mainstream media personnel attack him. Please define what you are talking about, you fucking imbecile.

Or I could just point at you and laugh :laugh: When the MSM bias has become so blatant that Saturday Night Live mocks them well, do you also require proof there is a moon orbiting the earth? lol

Now that we have your denial and deflection out of the way answer the question or run home to your momma. Why does the left need to attack the right if they are so smart, so enlightened, they should sweep elections campaigning on the brilliance of their ideas and accomplishments. Why the contradiction?

You didn't give me any examples. Then you made the accusation again. What attacks are you talking about? What campaigning are you referring to?
And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

No where in the bible is the "Christian" evangelical concept of rapture mentioned.

Revelations is an example of the popular apocalyptic FICTION of the day. The men who assemble the bible (a collection of writings by different authors) knew this. The modern day equivalent would be Stephen King.

The Bible also doesn't mention Christmas or Easter - both are pagan celebrations co-opted by the early church.
And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

Amazing how the fundamentalists can spin a yarn out of one vague line. They might just as well be Mormons.
I think Cruz will have Tea Party funding to make it through the primaries. He will not win a single delegate but will be too stubborn to drop out and will insist on concessions at the GOP convention
MANY people have used the word "will" in this forum, only to be proven totally wrong. Ho hum.

My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!

And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

Amazing how the fundamentalists can spin a yarn out of one vague line. They might just as well be Mormons.
So...you guessed wrong. You said there was no mention of the rapture in the bible, but there it is.

Rapturo. Plain as day.

What Paul says in that letter is that the dead will be risen first. But I don't recall seeing that in any Rapture movies. That would be a more dramatic film. Dead people bursting out of the ground, flying up into the sky, then the living being raptured after them.

I must admit I have not see many Rapture films, though. It could be one of them has that in it.
MANY people have used the word "will" in this forum, only to be proven totally wrong. Ho hum.

My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!


MANY people have used the word "will" in this forum, only to be proven totally wrong. Ho hum.

My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!


Ted Cruz is a fundamentalist Christian who believes the rapture is real. This country won't tolerate a religious zealot in the White House.
My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!




And guess what else, right wing, fundamentalist nut jobs, there is no rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

1Th 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Latin word used for "caught up" was rapturo.

Amazing how the fundamentalists can spin a yarn out of one vague line. They might just as well be Mormons.
So...you guessed wrong. You said there was no mention of the rapture in the bible, but there it is.

Rapturo. Plain as day.

The Rapture concept that the "Christian" Evangelicals believe in, does not appear anywhere in the bible - the specific of who they say will be sucked up to Heaven etc.

It's a big marketing campaign. Just like the Muslims, Christian have this "We're the one real religion" attitude and only we are going to heaven.

The forget that there three major world religions that pre-date the bible by 4-5 THOUSAND years.
My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!


Ted Cruz is a fundamentalist Christian who believes the rapture is real. This country won't tolerate a religious zealot in the White House.

Yo, he is also a Constitutionalist, something the Socialist hate, he will hold his own water!!!


Yo, yes, the only Republican who stood up to Obama-Care when no one else would, what an American! By the way, a majority of Americans want it repealed? That should tell you something about the voters behind him!!


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!


Ted Cruz is a fundamentalist Christian who believes the rapture is real. This country won't tolerate a religious zealot in the White House.

Yo, he is also a Constitutionalist, something the Socialist hate, he will hold his own water!!!

View attachment 38343

Socialists hate.
A socialist hates.
MANY people have used the word "will" in this forum, only to be proven totally wrong. Ho hum.

My presidential forecasts are rarely wrong when it comes to the GOP

I have a flawless record in predicting Republican Presidential candidates years in advance


So who are you predicting will be the Republican nominee?

Yo, the debates will determine the front runner, can`t wait, Ted Cruz is not a typical Elite Republican, he has Tea Party in his Blood, that is why he is a great Candidate! Just listen to him speak, may be the next Reagan!!!

View attachment 38336

Ted is a great Canadian.

Yo, get use to it idiot!! He is as American as your azz, GO TED CRUZ!!!


A Canadian-American.


That's awesome.

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