
Cruz will not have the impact for which some of you are hoping.
I think Cruz will admit he will never be President

But expect him to run every four years. He knows he can never build the political coalition required to be President, so he doesn't even try

What Cruz wants is to be the unquestioned King of Conservatives. The man all Republicans must cower to if they want to be President

It's fascinating to see liberals grapple with how conservatives think. None of what you rattled off makes sense to me, it seems to contradict itself. You're saying Cruz knows he can never be president so he doesn't even try to build coalitions, but he wants to be king of conservatives who every republican agrees with if they want to be president. That's fucked and convoluted.

I don't think Cruz believes he can't win the presidency, nor do I think the millions of supporters who are enthusiastic about his candidacy feel that way. I would be willing to bet, if he fails to win the nomination, he will never again run for president. I don't know that, it's just a feeling I get about Cruz.

What you are witnessing in the GOP is basically a repeat of the late 70s. The party is once again divided between true conservatives who are principled in conservative philosophy (not ideology) and establishment elites of the party who are driven by power and backed by crony-corporatist ideology... fat cats. McConnell, Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris-py Kreme, John McCain... these are the establishment elite... they would have rejected Reagan and backed Howard Baker in 1979.

If Cruz were making a legitimate run at the Presidency, he would have made overtures towards the middle
Without the middle, he has no chance

The fact that he held a hard conservative line showed he was not serious about winning

LMFAO... "Overtures toward the middle?" Like abandoning CONSERVATISM and waving the white flag to the Democrats while trying to be more like them? No--- I don't think that strategy works and I think we now have several presidential elections as proof it doesn't.

The GOP has not nominated a passionate Conservative since Reagan, and the establishment elite had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that! The term "voodoo economics" to describe Reagan's economic policies was coined by George H.W. Bush! When Reagan sought the nomination the very exact SAME argument was made, that he was TOO conservative! He wasn't going to "appeal to the middle" in the general election. That was the prediction and he won two landslides.

Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?
Reagan was a liberal.

1. Supported gun control

2. Support nuclear disarmament

3. Gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens

4. Opposed the California Briggs Initiative

5. Low taxes on the rich is not a conservative position, Nixon, Ford, Eisenhower had top tax of 70-92% Obama's is currently 39%.
Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "overtures toward the middle."

I predict Cruz is not going to do a damn thing you will like or appreciate... How's that?

Conservatism gets a bad rap because little militant mush-brain liberals like you get to run around distorting reality and turning Reagan into a tax-raising, gun-controlling, anti-nuke activist... and you fuckwits control the media.

What conservatives have been missing is a strong national voice who can explain conservative philosophy to the millennials and delineate for others the nuanced difference between a philosophy and ideology. Is Cruz that person? I don't know, we'll see in time.

But this "overtures toward the middle" bullshit needs to be confronted and challenged... exactly what in the hell are you talking about? Because it sounds like what you want is for Cruz to turn into Lindsey Graham or John McCain and capitulate to Democrats on things while falling all over themselves to apologize for being out-of-touch conservatives. I don't think Cruz plans to do that.
If Cruz is that "strong national voice who can explain [far right] conservative philosophy to the millennials and delineate for others the nuanced difference between a philosophy and ideology", the Dems will sweep next year.

Cruz is going to scare normal America crazy.
Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "overtures toward the middle."

I predict Cruz is not going to do a damn thing you will like or appreciate... How's that?

Conservatism gets a bad rap because little militant mush-brain liberals like you get to run around distorting reality and turning Reagan into a tax-raising, gun-controlling, anti-nuke activist... and you fuckwits control the media.

What conservatives have been missing is a strong national voice who can explain conservative philosophy to the millennials and delineate for others the nuanced difference between a philosophy and ideology. Is Cruz that person? I don't know, we'll see in time.

But this "overtures toward the middle" bullshit needs to be confronted and challenged... exactly what in the hell are you talking about? Because it sounds like what you want is for Cruz to turn into Lindsey Graham or John McCain and capitulate to Democrats on things while falling all over themselves to apologize for being out-of-touch conservatives. I don't think Cruz plans to do that.

Why do conservatives live in their own little world and believe that political realities do not apply to them?

The political reality is that staunch conservatism will help you win red states. Republicans already win red states.

If you want to be President, you need to win two out of three battleground states. To do that, you need to steal the moderates away from the Democrats

Holding firm to your conservative values will not do that
Reagan was a liberal.

You've been huffing glue.

Of course he wasn't a liberal ...Liberals are better than that ...
Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "overtures toward the middle."

I predict Cruz is not going to do a damn thing you will like or appreciate... How's that?

Conservatism gets a bad rap because little militant mush-brain liberals like you get to run around distorting reality and turning Reagan into a tax-raising, gun-controlling, anti-nuke activist... and you fuckwits control the media.

What conservatives have been missing is a strong national voice who can explain conservative philosophy to the millennials and delineate for others the nuanced difference between a philosophy and ideology. Is Cruz that person? I don't know, we'll see in time.

But this "overtures toward the middle" bullshit needs to be confronted and challenged... exactly what in the hell are you talking about? Because it sounds like what you want is for Cruz to turn into Lindsey Graham or John McCain and capitulate to Democrats on things while falling all over themselves to apologize for being out-of-touch conservatives. I don't think Cruz plans to do that.

Why do conservatives live in their own little world and believe that political realities do not apply to them?

The political reality is that staunch conservatism will help you win red states. Republicans already win red states.

If you want to be President, you need to win two out of three battleground states. To do that, you need to steal the moderates away from the Democrats

Holding firm to your conservative values will not do that
it was done last November, and the left has been making things worse for itself since then (Ferguson, Iran, ISIS, immigration, cop-hating, etc)
Even your God Reagan made overtures towards the middle and raised taxes when necessary, supported gun control and nuclear disarmament

Would Cruz do the same?

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "overtures toward the middle."

I predict Cruz is not going to do a damn thing you will like or appreciate... How's that?

Conservatism gets a bad rap because little militant mush-brain liberals like you get to run around distorting reality and turning Reagan into a tax-raising, gun-controlling, anti-nuke activist... and you fuckwits control the media.

What conservatives have been missing is a strong national voice who can explain conservative philosophy to the millennials and delineate for others the nuanced difference between a philosophy and ideology. Is Cruz that person? I don't know, we'll see in time.

But this "overtures toward the middle" bullshit needs to be confronted and challenged... exactly what in the hell are you talking about? Because it sounds like what you want is for Cruz to turn into Lindsey Graham or John McCain and capitulate to Democrats on things while falling all over themselves to apologize for being out-of-touch conservatives. I don't think Cruz plans to do that.

Why do conservatives live in their own little world and believe that political realities do not apply to them?

The political reality is that staunch conservatism will help you win red states. Republicans already win red states.

If you want to be President, you need to win two out of three battleground states. To do that, you need to steal the moderates away from the Democrats

Holding firm to your conservative values will not do that
it was done last November, and the left has been making things worse for itself since then (Ferguson, Iran, ISIS, immigration, cop-hating, etc)

What was done in November does not correlate to a Presidential election and winning electoral votes
Someone should really start documenting all the stupid shit a Cruz candidacy caused liberals to say. I've never seen anything like it. Every hour that passes has brought even more bizarre rhetoric than before. It just keeps getting more bizarre and unhinged.
Reagan was a liberal.

You've been huffing glue.
I gave my reasons and they are indisputable. You gave nothing but hot air.

No, they are very disputable. They're borderline lies, actually. But I see absolutely no reason to sit here and argue something so totally irrelevant. If you want to believe Reagan was a liberal, that's your problem not mine. If you convince other idiots to believe that, more power to you and the idiots. You didn't convince me of anything except that you are an idiot at best and at worst, a dishonest player.
Cruz is going to scare normal America crazy.

Anytime one of you would like to explain these comments, feel free to do so!

All I am hearing is a bunch of "boogedy-boogedy... ooo.. he's s-s-scarry!"

Can any of you nitwits rub two brain cells together and tell us what is so frightening about Cruz?
Cruz is going to scare normal America crazy.

Anytime one of you would like to explain these comments, feel free to do so!

All I am hearing is a bunch of "boogedy-boogedy... ooo.. he's s-s-scarry!"

Can any of you nitwits rub two brain cells together and tell us what is so frightening about Cruz?

Cruz and nuclear weapons

Now THAT is scary
Cruz is not Barry Goldwater, so I am not worried about nukes.

He is the reincarnation of Joe McCarthy, which means that he is a threat to all of our civil liberties. He believes in the Cult of the Leader, with himself out front.

Kasich, Bush, even Walker is preferable.
Cruz is not Barry Goldwater, so I am not worried about nukes.

He is the reincarnation of Joe McCarthy, which means that he is a threat to all of our civil liberties. He believes in the Cult of the Leader, with himself out front.

Kasich, Bush, even Walker is preferable.

Perry is preferable

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