Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....

How am I a nutter ? Just mad cause threads like this expose you fake ass conservatives?
you post a lot of dumbass things timmy just like your doppleganger speedos does....21 people agree with me....

More insults cause you can't debate the topic .

Typical righty mo. You can't handle it when you are called on your shit .
you did not call me on any of my shit timmy,i called you on your shit,and like a typical dumbass you cant handle it, as of this post now 23 posters agree with me on what i said about you....

So you get other two faced right tools to ageee wh your name calling . Big deal.

You avoid the thread topic!
USMB is 80% RWNJs- Means nada...lol
a few left leaning people on there frankie,so yea it means something.....timmy is the lefts version of shootspeeders.....same type of bullshit....see my sig....
I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....

How am I a nutter ? Just mad cause threads like this expose you fake ass conservatives?
you post a lot of dumbass things timmy just like your doppleganger speedos does....21 people agree with me....

More insults cause you can't debate the topic .

Typical righty mo. You can't handle it when you are called on your shit .
you did not call me on any of my shit timmy,i called you on your shit,and like a typical dumbass you cant handle it, as of this post now 23 posters agree with me on what i said about you....

So you get other two faced right tools to ageee wh your name calling . Big deal.

You avoid the thread topic!
those right wingers?.....they think you are stupid as the right winger know as shootspeedos....righties dont turn on other righties...try again timmy.....
a few left leaning people on there frankie,so yea it means something.....timmy is the lefts version of shootspeeders.....same type of bullshit....see my sig....
I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....
USMB is 80% RWNJs- Means nada...lol
a few left leaning people on there frankie,so yea it means something.....timmy is the lefts version of shootspeeders.....same type of bullshit....see my sig....
I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
People who disagree with me to the point of being GOP are simply misinformed. Easy to happen with this huge greedy idiot billionaire GOP BS/HATE propaganda machine...
I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....

And which tiger would that be?
I don't know what this is about really, but Dems don't have nutters like SS, etc. IE, Sean, Rush, Jones, etc etc etc ...
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....
SS repeats the same stuff many times. . Only has 2 arguments.

Yes, the New BS GOP is a lying disgrace. See sig. LOL. Sammy Watkins?
I was thinking . If Trump shuts down the gov over the wall nonsense, won't that also stop hurricane aid to Texas ? That would look really bad!

Is that in the constitution somewhere ? Maybe in the back ?

The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
I suppose I could use the routine commie go-to of the "general welfare" clause to justify FEMA, but I am assuming you even know what that is and how it has been abused repeatedly by the commie left.

Sure ! But if we are talking health care you say it's not the govs business .

There is a difference between health care for the less fortunate and HEALTH INSURANCE that people can affordably buy. You don't have to destroy one to support the other, (like we are doing) .

Problem with putting the government completely in control of health care is that, By nature the government is punitive. And it enforces with the IRS and the police in the end. You really like having all your personal health information in a government data base? There really is a benefit to the balance of power between the private sector and Government. First of all, they just cant manage everything no matter how much they lie and tell you they can. Government creating regulations FOR the private sector is acceptable. thats called standards, but actually running everything... no you don't want that Timmy. The taxes to support government health care Infrastructure will crush the economy, the government has no good track record when it comes to managing money and expenses. The proof is in everything else they try to do.
Is that in the constitution somewhere ? Maybe in the back ?

The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
I suppose I could use the routine commie go-to of the "general welfare" clause to justify FEMA, but I am assuming you even know what that is and how it has been abused repeatedly by the commie left.

Sure ! But if we are talking health care you say it's not the govs business .

There is a difference between health care for the less fortunate and HEALTH INSURANCE that people can affordably buy. You don't have to destroy one to support the other, (like we are doing) .

Problem with putting the government completely in control of health care is that, By nature the government is punitive. And it enforces with the IRS and the police in the end. You really like having all your personal health information in a government data base? There really is a benefit to the balance of power between the private sector and Government. First of all, they just cant manage everything no matter how much they lie and tell you they can. Government creating regulations FOR the private sector is acceptable. thats called standards, but actually running everything... no you don't want that Timmy. The taxes to support government health care Infrastructure will crush the economy, the government has no good track record when it comes to managing money and expenses. The proof is in everything else they try to do.

Who said anything about health insurance take over? It's just to supply an option for those who can't afford it on their own or who did not have it at employment. There would still be a vast private health insurance industry.

Are you going to tell the people in Texas that they should've purchased flood insurance when they had the chance? And that they're screwed.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Yeah, all of a sudden, the Rs of Texass love them some big gumt money!

Also noteworthy is that RWNJs always whine that FEMA doesn't do anything but they were in Texass before dumb R governor even acknowledged the severity of the storm.

Repubs are always behind.

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Anyone notice HOW ANGRY DEMOCRATS ARE that people are helping each other in Texas, regardless of RACE COLOR, SEX OR CREED?
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

We should do nothing for Texas.

Hurricane Harvey And The Potential Hypocrisy Of Texas Republicans | HuffPost

Hurricane Harvey And The Potential Hypocrisy Of Texas Republicans
They opposed aid for victims of Hurricane Sandy. Now that it’s their state in need...

Anyone notice HOW ANGRY DEMOCRATS ARE that people are helping each other in Texas, regardless of RACE COLOR, SEX OR CREED?

We are glad they are helping each other. But we shouldn't be helping them. Remember Republicans didn't want to help victims of Katrina? But remember the hurricane before Katrina that happened in Jeb's state?

As of noon Monday [the day after the hurricane left], in response to Hurricane Frances, FEMA and other Federal response agencies have taken the following actions:

-- About one hundred trucks of water and 280 trucks of ice are present or will arrive in the Jacksonville staging area today. 900,000 Meals-Ready-to-Eat are on site in Jacksonville, ready to be distributed.

-- Over 7,000 cases of food (e.g., vegetables, fruits, cheese, ham, and turkey) are scheduled to arrive in Winter Haven today. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) are on the ground and setting up comfort stations. FEMA community relations personnel will coordinate with DMATs to assist victims. -- Urban Search and Rescue Teams are completing reconnaissance missions in coordination with state officials.

-- FEMA is coordinating with the Department of Energy and the state to ensure that necessary fuel supplies can be distributed throughout the state, with a special focus on hospitals and other emergency facilities that are running on generators.

-- The Army Corps of Engineers will soon begin its efforts to provide tarps to tens of thousands of owners of homes and buildings that have seen damage to their roofs.

-- The National Guard has called up 4,100 troops in Florida, as well as thousands in other nearby states to assist in the distribution of supplies and in preparation for any flooding.

-- The Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Defense together have organized 300 medical personnel to be on standby. Medical personnel will begin deployment to Florida tomorrow.

-- FEMA is coordinating public information messages with Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina so that evacuees from Florida can be informed when it is safe to return. -- In addition to federal personnel already in place to respond to Hurricane Charley, 1,000 additional community relations personnel are being deployed to Atlanta for training and further assignment in Florida.

All of this aid was vitally important to Bush family political fortunes in the upcoming election of 2004. Disaster relief checks were in the mail within a week. In just the first thirteen days after Hurricane Charley hit Florida, the White House web site notes that the Bush administration had succeeded in:

-- Registering approximately 136,000 assistance applicants

-- Approving over 13,500 applications for more than $59 million in housing assistance

-- Establishing 12 disaster recovery centers, which have assisted nearly 19,000 disaster victims

-- Deploying medical teams that have seen nearly 3,000 patients

-- Disbursing 1.2 million liters of water, 8.1 million pounds of ice, and 2 million meals and snacks

-- Delivering over 20,000 rolls of plastic sheeting and nearly 170 generators

-- Treating more than 2,900 individuals through FEMA Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, supporting damaged hospitals

That, of course, was for a Republican State, with a Republican governor, the crony brother of the President. Republicans needed to act like they cared about governing, because they wanted people to vote for them three months later.
We're self-sufficient, but sometimes we need help. We're independent, but sometimes we need a helping hand from a neighbor
Anyone notice HOW ANGRY DEMOCRATS ARE that people are helping each other in Texas, regardless of RACE COLOR, SEX OR CREED?

We are glad they are helping each other. But we shouldn't be helping them. Remember Republicans didn't want to help victims of Katrina? But remember the hurricane before Katrina that happened in Jeb's state?

As of noon Monday [the day after the hurricane left], in response to Hurricane Frances, FEMA and other Federal response agencies have taken the following actions:

-- About one hundred trucks of water and 280 trucks of ice are present or will arrive in the Jacksonville staging area today. 900,000 Meals-Ready-to-Eat are on site in Jacksonville, ready to be distributed.

-- Over 7,000 cases of food (e.g., vegetables, fruits, cheese, ham, and turkey) are scheduled to arrive in Winter Haven today. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) are on the ground and setting up comfort stations. FEMA community relations personnel will coordinate with DMATs to assist victims. -- Urban Search and Rescue Teams are completing reconnaissance missions in coordination with state officials.

-- FEMA is coordinating with the Department of Energy and the state to ensure that necessary fuel supplies can be distributed throughout the state, with a special focus on hospitals and other emergency facilities that are running on generators.

-- The Army Corps of Engineers will soon begin its efforts to provide tarps to tens of thousands of owners of homes and buildings that have seen damage to their roofs.

-- The National Guard has called up 4,100 troops in Florida, as well as thousands in other nearby states to assist in the distribution of supplies and in preparation for any flooding.

-- The Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Defense together have organized 300 medical personnel to be on standby. Medical personnel will begin deployment to Florida tomorrow.

-- FEMA is coordinating public information messages with Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina so that evacuees from Florida can be informed when it is safe to return. -- In addition to federal personnel already in place to respond to Hurricane Charley, 1,000 additional community relations personnel are being deployed to Atlanta for training and further assignment in Florida.

All of this aid was vitally important to Bush family political fortunes in the upcoming election of 2004. Disaster relief checks were in the mail within a week. In just the first thirteen days after Hurricane Charley hit Florida, the White House web site notes that the Bush administration had succeeded in:

-- Registering approximately 136,000 assistance applicants

-- Approving over 13,500 applications for more than $59 million in housing assistance

-- Establishing 12 disaster recovery centers, which have assisted nearly 19,000 disaster victims

-- Deploying medical teams that have seen nearly 3,000 patients

-- Disbursing 1.2 million liters of water, 8.1 million pounds of ice, and 2 million meals and snacks

-- Delivering over 20,000 rolls of plastic sheeting and nearly 170 generators

-- Treating more than 2,900 individuals through FEMA Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, supporting damaged hospitals

That, of course, was for a Republican State, with a Republican governor, the crony brother of the President. Republicans needed to act like they cared about governing, because they wanted people to vote for them three months later.

Texans have already paid billions in taxes to help the victims of Katrina and Sandy. They're entitled to the benefits they have already paid for.

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