Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

Socialist programs like FEMA are just the type of thing you want to eliminate .

How is FEMA putting the means of production into the exclusive hands of government?

Is that you definition. ? Cause the usual one used here is "government anything !"

Except that you aren't discussing withholding disaster funds from right wing posters on this board, you fucking dolt. You're blaming Texans for the few people that you've argued with who don't understand socialism. Learn to distinguish between the entire right and the few tards who've given you bad arguments. They're not one in the same, as much as you'd like to tell yourself that they are.
yea you do......his name is timmy.....you also have dean,lakota,tiger,matthew you have your share of farleft nutcases franco.....right here in this forum....see my sig.....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....

And which tiger would that be?
the red one....
Anywhere else they're centrists, full of facts. Vs the dupes, FOS.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....

And which tiger would that be?
the red one....

You notice the little fag didn't have the balls to answer itself or back up its claim.

With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
Ha, nope sorry. Not true, people like you call on the government to help, and decide that's enough, and your jobs done. And conservatives on average give double what liberals do. And that's been proven many times over. Even though the government, despite all it's endless resources, is terrible and not at all cost effective...especially when you considered that their corruption and effectiveness often puts people in harms way (take for instance Katrina, despite raising taxes countless times to fix the levees, they never got around it, not even close to properly, as we all sadly witnessed).

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

And how are we supposed to trust charity in the hands of a government that erroneously spent 1 TRILLION dollars in payments they weren't supposed to make in only a matter of one year??? That's one third of what they receive in taxes annually, and 5 percent of the country's entire gross domestic product. Does socialism look like it's working to you??? Do you not see the problem there, with 1 trillion dollars of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, being lost forever into the abyss?? And they just say whoops, and go about their merry day. But god forbid you short them a grand on back taxes...That's not including the another at least trillion that makes up for wasteful spending they do on an annual basis. And then when people actually need help, it takes FEMA 5 whole days to get them WATER...which is every freaking where. Guess what you did quicker than 5 days without water, thank god for organizations that actually are efficient with the money they're given, and the people who actually can get help to the people who need...5 days quicker than the all mighty government.

Sorry Charlie, your worldview that everyone not on your side is just a bad stingy person, who'll just step over people in need isn't the case. Nor is the government the savior to us all, when they can't even keep track of a trillion dollars, and put veterans in need on "do not treat, delay" lists to make their numbers pretty for a bonus.

And here you are cheering for this hurricane, that's effecting a very progressive city, mocking (yes you are 100% mocking them, don't try to deny it) the people on the ground.
in your world maybe franco.....but people who always mention race to get their point across or who put everyone who dont agree with them in that big tent they have are not centrists.......
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....

And which tiger would that be?
the red one....

You notice the little fag didn't have the balls to answer itself or back up its claim.

are you talking about timmy?....
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
Ha, nope sorry. Not true, people like you call on the government to help, and decide that's enough, and your jobs done. And conservatives on average give double what liberals do. And that's been proven many times over. Even though the government, despite all it's endless resources, is terrible and not at all cost effective...especially when you considered that their corruption and effectiveness often puts people in harms way (take for instance Katrina, despite raising taxes countless times to fix the levees, they never got around it, not even close to properly, as we all sadly witnessed).

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

And how are we supposed to trust charity in the hands of a government that erroneously spent 1 TRILLION dollars in payments they weren't supposed to make in only a matter of one year??? That's one third of what they receive in taxes annually, and 5 percent of the country's entire gross domestic product. Does socialism look like it's working to you??? Do you not see the problem there, with 1 trillion dollars of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, being lost forever into the abyss?? And they just say whoops, and go about their merry day. But god forbid you short them a grand on back taxes...That's not including the another at least trillion that makes up for wasteful spending they do on an annual basis. And then when people actually need help, it takes FEMA 5 whole days to get them WATER...which is every freaking where. Guess what you did quicker than 5 days without water, thank god for organizations that actually are efficient with the money they're given, and the people who actually can get help to the people who need...5 days quicker than the all mighty government.

Sorry Charlie, your worldview that everyone not on your side is just a bad stingy person, who'll just step over people in need isn't the case. Nor is the government the savior to us all, when they can't even keep track of a trillion dollars, and put veterans in need on "do not treat, delay" lists to make their numbers pretty for a bonus.

And here you are cheering for this hurricane, that's effecting a very progressive city, mocking (yes you are 100% mocking them, don't try to deny it) the people on the ground.

Giving to church is not "giving to charity " . It's not even "giving" because church law mandates you tithe 10% at least .
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
Ha, nope sorry. Not true, people like you call on the government to help, and decide that's enough, and your jobs done. And conservatives on average give double what liberals do. And that's been proven many times over. Even though the government, despite all it's endless resources, is terrible and not at all cost effective...especially when you considered that their corruption and effectiveness often puts people in harms way (take for instance Katrina, despite raising taxes countless times to fix the levees, they never got around it, not even close to properly, as we all sadly witnessed).

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

And how are we supposed to trust charity in the hands of a government that erroneously spent 1 TRILLION dollars in payments they weren't supposed to make in only a matter of one year??? That's one third of what they receive in taxes annually, and 5 percent of the country's entire gross domestic product. Does socialism look like it's working to you??? Do you not see the problem there, with 1 trillion dollars of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, being lost forever into the abyss?? And they just say whoops, and go about their merry day. But god forbid you short them a grand on back taxes...That's not including the another at least trillion that makes up for wasteful spending they do on an annual basis. And then when people actually need help, it takes FEMA 5 whole days to get them WATER...which is every freaking where. Guess what you did quicker than 5 days without water, thank god for organizations that actually are efficient with the money they're given, and the people who actually can get help to the people who need...5 days quicker than the all mighty government.

Sorry Charlie, your worldview that everyone not on your side is just a bad stingy person, who'll just step over people in need isn't the case. Nor is the government the savior to us all, when they can't even keep track of a trillion dollars, and put veterans in need on "do not treat, delay" lists to make their numbers pretty for a bonus.

And here you are cheering for this hurricane, that's effecting a very progressive city, mocking (yes you are 100% mocking them, don't try to deny it) the people on the ground.

Giving to church is not "giving to charity " . It's not even "giving" because church law mandates you tithe 10% at least .
They aren't counting churches jackweed, food banks, Salvation Army, blood donations, etc. are not churches, the article clearly states that being a church goer is a strong indication you're willing to give in other areas. There is also no 10 percent mandate law jackass, that was ancient Israel theocracy, where the other 11 tribes that had farming and livestock gave 10% of what they had to the 12 tribe that didn't. Has nothing to do with modern times at all. That's in your own mind buddy, in you're own world. I'm sure there are churches who suggest 10% (that very rarely ever see 10%) and they don't kick you out, don't shame you, nothing like that. So I fail to see the law that you're talking about. Further even if it was true, they're still giving, maybe not to the charities YOU like or for the reasons YOU like, but it's still giving. Anyway it's time to wake up from your dream world, quit mocking the people of the Texas coast, conservatives own the left when it comes to giving, and stop trying win in a time of tragedy. I actually did give, made a nice donation on Saturday. All my family in DFW has opened their homes, my aunt and uncle are ferrying people in their RV to dry areas and shelters. On top of a donation I have bought TP for the kavon Frazier charity. People's lives are getting fucked up, they don't give a shit who you think they should vote for. So stop, grow up, it's a time of tragedy, just pretend like you have a little bit of sympathy to strangers going through a hard time, without worrying about who they voted for.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
Ha, nope sorry. Not true, people like you call on the government to help, and decide that's enough, and your jobs done. And conservatives on average give double what liberals do. And that's been proven many times over. Even though the government, despite all it's endless resources, is terrible and not at all cost effective...especially when you considered that their corruption and effectiveness often puts people in harms way (take for instance Katrina, despite raising taxes countless times to fix the levees, they never got around it, not even close to properly, as we all sadly witnessed).

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

And how are we supposed to trust charity in the hands of a government that erroneously spent 1 TRILLION dollars in payments they weren't supposed to make in only a matter of one year??? That's one third of what they receive in taxes annually, and 5 percent of the country's entire gross domestic product. Does socialism look like it's working to you??? Do you not see the problem there, with 1 trillion dollars of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, being lost forever into the abyss?? And they just say whoops, and go about their merry day. But god forbid you short them a grand on back taxes...That's not including the another at least trillion that makes up for wasteful spending they do on an annual basis. And then when people actually need help, it takes FEMA 5 whole days to get them WATER...which is every freaking where. Guess what you did quicker than 5 days without water, thank god for organizations that actually are efficient with the money they're given, and the people who actually can get help to the people who need...5 days quicker than the all mighty government.

Sorry Charlie, your worldview that everyone not on your side is just a bad stingy person, who'll just step over people in need isn't the case. Nor is the government the savior to us all, when they can't even keep track of a trillion dollars, and put veterans in need on "do not treat, delay" lists to make their numbers pretty for a bonus.

And here you are cheering for this hurricane, that's effecting a very progressive city, mocking (yes you are 100% mocking them, don't try to deny it) the people on the ground.

Giving to church is not "giving to charity " . It's not even "giving" because church law mandates you tithe 10% at least .
According to the IRS it is.
We are glad they are helping each other. But we shouldn't be helping them. Remember Republicans didn't want to help victims of Katrina?

Renders the rest of your childish rant worthless.

Thousands of people were welcomed into Texas and particularly Houston when their homes were destroyed in New Orleans.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
Ha, nope sorry. Not true, people like you call on the government to help, and decide that's enough, and your jobs done. And conservatives on average give double what liberals do. And that's been proven many times over. Even though the government, despite all it's endless resources, is terrible and not at all cost effective...especially when you considered that their corruption and effectiveness often puts people in harms way (take for instance Katrina, despite raising taxes countless times to fix the levees, they never got around it, not even close to properly, as we all sadly witnessed).

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

And how are we supposed to trust charity in the hands of a government that erroneously spent 1 TRILLION dollars in payments they weren't supposed to make in only a matter of one year??? That's one third of what they receive in taxes annually, and 5 percent of the country's entire gross domestic product. Does socialism look like it's working to you??? Do you not see the problem there, with 1 trillion dollars of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, being lost forever into the abyss?? And they just say whoops, and go about their merry day. But god forbid you short them a grand on back taxes...That's not including the another at least trillion that makes up for wasteful spending they do on an annual basis. And then when people actually need help, it takes FEMA 5 whole days to get them WATER...which is every freaking where. Guess what you did quicker than 5 days without water, thank god for organizations that actually are efficient with the money they're given, and the people who actually can get help to the people who need...5 days quicker than the all mighty government.

Sorry Charlie, your worldview that everyone not on your side is just a bad stingy person, who'll just step over people in need isn't the case. Nor is the government the savior to us all, when they can't even keep track of a trillion dollars, and put veterans in need on "do not treat, delay" lists to make their numbers pretty for a bonus.

And here you are cheering for this hurricane, that's effecting a very progressive city, mocking (yes you are 100% mocking them, don't try to deny it) the people on the ground.

Giving to church is not "giving to charity " . It's not even "giving" because church law mandates you tithe 10% at least .

Church law mandates no such thing, Goober
Giving to church is not "giving to charity " . It's not even "giving" because church law mandates you tithe 10% at least .

With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
Only in right wing fantasy does Anarcho-Capitalism work.

Government is socialism. It all begins, with a social Contract.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
Only in right wing fantasy does Anarcho-Capitalism work.

Government is socialism. It all begins, with a social Contract.
ROFL! The so-called "social contract" is a myth. There's no such thing as a contract that one party never agreed to.

That makes the rest of your post equally credible.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

You are either an asshole or complete moron. Saying the hurricane was sent to punish the people. Unhinged doesn't begin to describe your rantings.

Helping people in time of need is not socialism, dumbass.

Socialism is the way the left wants to "help" people by subsidizing them every day when they could and should do for themselves.

Some people need a hand now and then. Once helped briefly, they get back to being functional human beings. Those who believe in big government never completely function. They are always at the mercy of the left.
We are glad they are helping each other. But we shouldn't be helping them. Remember Republicans didn't want to help victims of Katrina?

Renders the rest of your childish rant worthless.

Thousands of people were welcomed into Texas and particularly Houston when their homes were destroyed in New Orleans.
It was round 250,000 Katrina victims that Houston took in. So spare us Timmy
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

You are either an asshole or complete moron. Saying the hurricane was sent to punish the people. Unhinged doesn't begin to describe your rantings.

Helping people in time of need is not socialism, dumbass.

Socialism is the way the left wants to "help" people by subsidizing them every day when they could and should do for themselves.

Some people need a hand now and then. Once helped briefly, they get back to being functional human beings. Those who believe in big government never completely function. They are always at the mercy of the left.

Sarcasm is not your strong point .

You realize the post was mocking what conservatives usually say .
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
Only in right wing fantasy does Anarcho-Capitalism work.

Government is socialism. It all begins, with a social Contract.
I really cannot shake my head enough. There aren't enough smh I can type without the internet breaking. I assume social contract is the new term you just learned. Which one of your idols that you parrot said it recently?
Missouri Mike brought up race, right. ANYWAY, Shoot Speeders is a gd computer. No brains Atoll...
so does dean and tiger.....

And which tiger would that be?
the red one....

You notice the little fag didn't have the balls to answer itself or back up its claim.

are you talking about timmy?....

No, fagco.

We are glad they are helping each other. But we shouldn't be helping them. Remember Republicans didn't want to help victims of Katrina?

Renders the rest of your childish rant worthless.

Thousands of people were welcomed into Texas and particularly Houston when their homes were destroyed in New Orleans.
You want to forgive every Republican in Texas who voted no to helping hurricane Sandy victims? Mighty white of you

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