Texas, three more states on California’s banned travel list

The same politicians get re- elected across the country which is wrong.

THERE! And NOW YOU KNOW why people elected Donald Trump. Because he is NOT the same old just another politician. Not a politician at all. And no matter how they try to bash him, he is a great businessman who knows how to get things done and tells it straight to the people in a way that no other politician does.

Well I thought he was not just another politician, along with millions of others...but it turns out that he is and hired the rest for his cabinet..
This forum has turned into a one sided rightie pat each other on the back forum..... doesn't that get boring?

Anywooo I find that putting everyone ( every state into one category is bad and ignorant.

I think that it is just as stupid as

1. the cake makers trying to refuse making a cake because of a people who ordered it..

2. Or even worse the undertaker who refused to cremate a body because he was gay..

3 That chick o flic joint refusing gays

But: These jerks are making these decisions with tax payers money, not their own businesses..
this forum is a reflection of day to day life - not an abnormality. :) now also look around and you'll see many in the middle tired of the extremes. it depends on what you *let* yourself see.

Nah...look at the threads and see the righies giving stars and such to each other and then jump all over the 1st person who disagrees with them... then take a look at the new threads on the right..
I am not sure but it seems that many of the democrats are gone

Anyway I enjoy the entertainment

Another New Day, and STILL...
you mean - when the lefties do it it's something different?

both sides AGREE with people who post things they ... um ... agree with. :) kinda odd to be saying only 1 side shows this "human" trait.
The hater's are up early, must have been a call for a Right Wing Circle Jerk. Did The Donald send out the word, the Cry Baby in Chief continues to add to his enemies list, a state with more than 10% of our nation's population who rejected him as unfit to be POTUS is an obvious target.
California doesn't run the country. Go cry elsewhere.

No, it leads the country, the states in question ruin the country.
it leads the country in people hauling ass to texas - why is that if it's so good?

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years

Because Texas wants the High Techs , so the people do also come along with that..
This forum has turned into a one sided rightie pat each other on the back forum..... doesn't that get boring?

Anywooo I find that putting everyone ( every state into one category is bad and ignorant.

I think that it is just as stupid as

1. the cake makers trying to refuse making a cake because of a people who ordered it..

2. Or even worse the undertaker who refused to cremate a body because he was gay..

3 That chick o flic joint refusing gays

But: These jerks are making these decisions with tax payers money, not their own businesses..
this forum is a reflection of day to day life - not an abnormality. :) now also look around and you'll see many in the middle tired of the extremes. it depends on what you *let* yourself see.

Nah...look at the threads and see the righies giving stars and such to each other and then jump all over the 1st person who disagrees with them... then take a look at the new threads on the right..
I am not sure but it seems that many of the democrats are gone

Anyway I enjoy the entertainment

Another New Day, and STILL...
you mean - when the lefties do it it's something different?

both sides AGREE with people who post things they ... um ... agree with. :) kinda odd to be saying only 1 side shows this "human" trait.

Like I said it used to be balanced , but it seems like many have left..I am going to look into that..
The hater's are up early, must have been a call for a Right Wing Circle Jerk. Did The Donald send out the word, the Cry Baby in Chief continues to add to his enemies list, a state with more than 10% of our nation's population who rejected him as unfit to be POTUS is an obvious target.
California doesn't run the country. Go cry elsewhere.

No, it leads the country, the states in question ruin the country.
it leads the country in people hauling ass to texas - why is that if it's so good?

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years

Because Texas wants the High Techs , so the people do also come along with that..
we have a lot of that already. dallas is coming more and more LA all the time in regard to traffic and it sucks. then i read in groups like this people who have moved and they get loud and proud to say WE WILL CHANGE TEXAS!!!!

if i wanted a $1.5 mil 900 sq ft house i'd move to california. i don't but they're bringing that shit here now.
This forum has turned into a one sided rightie pat each other on the back forum..... doesn't that get boring?

Anywooo I find that putting everyone ( every state into one category is bad and ignorant.

I think that it is just as stupid as

1. the cake makers trying to refuse making a cake because of a people who ordered it..

2. Or even worse the undertaker who refused to cremate a body because he was gay..

3 That chick o flic joint refusing gays

But: These jerks are making these decisions with tax payers money, not their own businesses..
The government runs the state, that's what people are referring to when the say California.

1. You are clueless about the issue. You want government to force people into commerce they do not want. That's unAmerican.

2. ...and? Go somewhere else.

3. Never heard of that one. Do you have a source? How did they know someone was gay? Dude was sucking on a drumstick?

1. Hey did I say that the government should force ? No.... I just said that it is stupid.

2. Somewhere cool, but I could never get my husband to move ever.

3. Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: Fans fight back over anti-gay marriage row | Daily Mail Online
When did they "refuse gays"?
The hater's are up early, must have been a call for a Right Wing Circle Jerk. Did The Donald send out the word, the Cry Baby in Chief continues to add to his enemies list, a state with more than 10% of our nation's population who rejected him as unfit to be POTUS is an obvious target.
California doesn't run the country. Go cry elsewhere.

No, it leads the country, the states in question ruin the country.
it leads the country in people hauling ass to texas - why is that if it's so good?

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years

Because Texas wants the High Techs , so the people do also come along with that..
we have a lot of that already. dallas is coming more and more LA all the time in regard to traffic and it sucks. then i read in groups like this people who have moved and they get loud and proud to say WE WILL CHANGE TEXAS!!!!

if i wanted a $1.5 mil 900 sq ft house i'd move to california. i don't but they're bringing that shit here now.

Right now is the time to flip those homes..buy them up cheep , fix them and sell them. You would make a lot of money

I hate the crowds too everywhere ..
But my home went value is crazy good...
This forum has turned into a one sided rightie pat each other on the back forum..... doesn't that get boring?

Anywooo I find that putting everyone ( every state into one category is bad and ignorant.

I think that it is just as stupid as

1. the cake makers trying to refuse making a cake because of a people who ordered it..

2. Or even worse the undertaker who refused to cremate a body because he was gay..

3 That chick o flic joint refusing gays

But: These jerks are making these decisions with tax payers money, not their own businesses..
The government runs the state, that's what people are referring to when the say California.

1. You are clueless about the issue. You want government to force people into commerce they do not want. That's unAmerican.

2. ...and? Go somewhere else.

3. Never heard of that one. Do you have a source? How did they know someone was gay? Dude was sucking on a drumstick?

1. Hey did I say that the government should force ? No.... I just said that it is stupid.

2. Somewhere cool, but I could never get my husband to move ever.

3. Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: Fans fight back over anti-gay marriage row | Daily Mail Online
When did they "refuse gays"?
Maybe they didn't, but I remember the LGBT's came from all over the country to protest out side last year or the year before.
California doesn't run the country. Go cry elsewhere.

No, it leads the country, the states in question ruin the country.
it leads the country in people hauling ass to texas - why is that if it's so good?

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years

Because Texas wants the High Techs , so the people do also come along with that..
we have a lot of that already. dallas is coming more and more LA all the time in regard to traffic and it sucks. then i read in groups like this people who have moved and they get loud and proud to say WE WILL CHANGE TEXAS!!!!

if i wanted a $1.5 mil 900 sq ft house i'd move to california. i don't but they're bringing that shit here now.

Right now is the time to flip those homes..buy them up cheep , fix them and sell them. You would make a lot of money

I hate the crowds too everywhere ..
But my home went value is crazy good...
my house has gone up quite a bit but so have taxes and traffic. oh lord the traffic in the colony / frisco tx area (far north dallas) and getting worse as toyota and others move right down the highway.

making me want to move out away from all this. again. :)
To my moderate and conservative friends. Consider spending your vacation dollars somewhere other than California.

We were heading to Southern California in September, we will be vacationing else where. I am not going to a state that discriminates against other states. Lots of states with lots of things to do, we don't need to spend money in California.
This forum has turned into a one sided rightie pat each other on the back forum..... doesn't that get boring?

Anywooo I find that putting everyone ( every state into one category is bad and ignorant.

I think that it is just as stupid as

1. the cake makers trying to refuse making a cake because of a people who ordered it..

2. Or even worse the undertaker who refused to cremate a body because he was gay..

3 That chick o flic joint refusing gays

But: These jerks are making these decisions with tax payers money, not their own businesses..
The government runs the state, that's what people are referring to when the say California.

1. You are clueless about the issue. You want government to force people into commerce they do not want. That's unAmerican.

2. ...and? Go somewhere else.

3. Never heard of that one. Do you have a source? How did they know someone was gay? Dude was sucking on a drumstick?

1. Hey did I say that the government should force ? No.... I just said that it is stupid.

2. Somewhere cool, but I could never get my husband to move ever.

3. Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: Fans fight back over anti-gay marriage row | Daily Mail Online
When did they "refuse gays"?
Maybe they didn't, but I remember the LGBT's came from all over the country to protest out side last year or the year before.
Yes, because they are amilitant hateful bunch and try to punish those who stand for traditional values. It backfired with Chick fil A because people are sick of it and they did a booming business.
No, it leads the country, the states in question ruin the country.
it leads the country in people hauling ass to texas - why is that if it's so good?

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years

Because Texas wants the High Techs , so the people do also come along with that..
we have a lot of that already. dallas is coming more and more LA all the time in regard to traffic and it sucks. then i read in groups like this people who have moved and they get loud and proud to say WE WILL CHANGE TEXAS!!!!

if i wanted a $1.5 mil 900 sq ft house i'd move to california. i don't but they're bringing that shit here now.

Right now is the time to flip those homes..buy them up cheep , fix them and sell them. You would make a lot of money

I hate the crowds too everywhere ..
But my home went value is crazy good...
my house has gone up quite a bit but so have taxes and traffic. oh lord the traffic in the colony / frisco tx area (far north dallas) and getting worse as toyota and others move right down the highway.

making me want to move out away from all this. again. :)

Netflix built their huge campus 3 blocks from me, ugly building which brought in 2 more stop lights to wait in.

I go to the store , or up to Stanford to see a doctor ect. and it is absolutely awful how mean people are.. A lady told me that it is worse than driving in LA around here..

Now the good thing about being around all of those techs are the little under the table jobs for an hour... for your opinion..and make $100.00
Just 2 days ago I did a online medical opinion where they ask me questions about a website or app for an hour ...made $100,00 into my paypal..

I have done Ebay, Google ,Yahoo, tons of fun too..

houston et cetera - craigslist
good. now stop the fuckers from moving here too. we've got more than enough of 'em running around screwing shit up.

besides that - you do what you want in your own state but stop telling other people how to live. that's the shit that gets irritating as hell.

Texas, three more states on California’s banned travel list

California is restricting publicly funded travel to four more states because of recent laws that leaders here view as discriminatory against gay and transgender people.

All totaled, California now bans most state-funded travel to eight states.

The new additions to California’s restricted travel list are Texas, Alabama, Kentucky and South Dakota.

They join Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee as states already subjected to the ban.

California Attorney Xavier Becerra announced the new states at a Thursday press conference, where he was joined by representatives from ACLU Northern California and Equality California.

“We will not spend taxpayer dollars in states that discriminate,” Becerra said.

California’s Legislature last year voted to restrict state-funded travel to states with laws that allow businesses to deny services to gay and transgender people.

California’s law gained attention after North Carolina enacted its so-called “bathroom bill,” which prevented local governments from adopting anti-discrimination ordinances and required that people using bathrooms in public buildings choose the restroom that corresponds to their gender at birth.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this month signed a law that allows child welfare providers to deny services because of “sincerely held religious beliefs,” a provision that critics interpreted as permitting adoption agencies to deny services to gay families.

Alabama and South Dakota were added to California’s listed of banned states because of similar adoption-related laws. The California Department of Justice said Kentucky’s Senate Bill 17 allows student-run organizations in schools to discriminate against classmates.

The California law includes exemptions for law enforcement officers, tax auditors and training events that are required for grants. California’s tax-collecting Board of Equalization has an office in Houston.

Wow! California has reached an all-time level of stupid! Senate Bill 17 has nothing to do with student-run organizations. It codifies free speech rules regarding students. Now why would California be against free speech?
Because they are really the People's Republic of Kalifornia?
Well I thought he was not just another politician, along with millions of others...but it turns out that he is and hired the rest for his cabinet..

Sooooo............ tell me, who might run for office or be president in your mind who would NOT be just another politician? Hillary? Bernie? Liz? You think they would be less politician? Do You?
Texas, three more states on California’s banned travel list

I love the state of California, it is a beautiful place, too bad it is wasted on Californians. Somehow they keep reelecting these same people! If I lived in California, I would be wanting to get hoards of people together to drag these lawmakers out of their comfortable offices and strip the flesh from their bones with Abalone shells as in the ancient library of Alexandria. I know people who live there and they all seem to hate where the state is going in every regard, from Jerry Brown, illegal aliens, high taxes and cost of living, pollution, but somehow, the same politicians get reelected over and over.
Somehow they keep reelecting these same people
and other States citizens dont do the same thing?....
good. now stop the fuckers from moving here too. we've got more than enough of 'em running around screwing shit up.

besides that - you do what you want in your own state but stop telling other people how to live. that's the shit that gets irritating as hell.

Texas, three more states on California’s banned travel list

California is restricting publicly funded travel to four more states because of recent laws that leaders here view as discriminatory against gay and transgender people.

All totaled, California now bans most state-funded travel to eight states.

The new additions to California’s restricted travel list are Texas, Alabama, Kentucky and South Dakota.

They join Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee as states already subjected to the ban.

California Attorney Xavier Becerra announced the new states at a Thursday press conference, where he was joined by representatives from ACLU Northern California and Equality California.

“We will not spend taxpayer dollars in states that discriminate,” Becerra said.

California’s Legislature last year voted to restrict state-funded travel to states with laws that allow businesses to deny services to gay and transgender people.

California’s law gained attention after North Carolina enacted its so-called “bathroom bill,” which prevented local governments from adopting anti-discrimination ordinances and required that people using bathrooms in public buildings choose the restroom that corresponds to their gender at birth.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this month signed a law that allows child welfare providers to deny services because of “sincerely held religious beliefs,” a provision that critics interpreted as permitting adoption agencies to deny services to gay families.

Alabama and South Dakota were added to California’s listed of banned states because of similar adoption-related laws. The California Department of Justice said Kentucky’s Senate Bill 17 allows student-run organizations in schools to discriminate against classmates.

The California law includes exemptions for law enforcement officers, tax auditors and training events that are required for grants. California’s tax-collecting Board of Equalization has an office in Houston.

I'll have to contact Governor Scott, see what he can do about getting Florida added to their list.
It's a christian travel ban isn't it, christians don't believe in gays so it must be.
Where is the outrage from MSM.

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Hafta wonder how much longer the blue states like Cali, NY, ILL, etc., can fiscally survive.

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