Texas To Eliminate Rape

March 2019

Traces of DNA can help law enforcement track down the attacker and prove the crime in court, but many sexual assualt suvivors have waited years, even decades, for their cases to be resolved. Thousands of "rape kits" are still untested in Texas, according to 2017 data from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Why was Harris the only county to apply for a share of the donated money?In 2017, bipartisan legislation was enacted that allowed Texas residents to donate a dollar to the cause when renewing their driver's licence or vehicle registration. Individual Texans committed more than $560,000 in 2018 to help clear rape kits.

Why was this deemed an appropriate solution at all? Why isn't prosecuting rapists more of a priority?

They depend on donated money other that raise the taxes in the state of Texas!!

Must be a lot of rapist in Texas!!
Maybe it was a warning against the invading illegal aliens, many of which see no problem having sex with underage family members. Thank you again Biden.
A Republican makes a political statement about taking on rape, and the libs on this site come out of the woodwork as pro rape.. good job.
he said he is going to eliminate rape, the Gov of Texas said this. There is no elimination of rape.

The abortion bill includes rape and incest.
March 2019

Traces of DNA can help law enforcement track down the attacker and prove the crime in court, but many sexual assualt suvivors have waited years, even decades, for their cases to be resolved. Thousands of "rape kits" are still untested in Texas, according to 2017 data from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Why was Harris the only county to apply for a share of the donated money?In 2017, bipartisan legislation was enacted that allowed Texas residents to donate a dollar to the cause when renewing their driver's licence or vehicle registration. Individual Texans committed more than $560,000 in 2018 to help clear rape kits.

Why was this deemed an appropriate solution at all? Why isn't prosecuting rapists more of a priority?

They depend on donated money other that raise the taxes in the state of Texas!!

Must be a lot of rapist in Texas!!
No woman or doctor should be prosecuted for an “illegal” abortion until all those rape kits are tested. If it’s a matter of money, court cases cost too.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
There was a time that such a sentiment would have been surprising. And insulting.

Not any more.
As right nut jobs ignore covid?
You nut jobs could give a fuck about lives, just births, not what happens before or after the birth.
Lol, like I said. I never seen people so mad about saving lives. Oh and by the way Fauci was for the lock downs to save lives. Cost us over 600,000, if we did what Trump wanted. We would be over this right now. Biden is bringing it back.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
I have to admit, that was a pretty stupid thing to say. One thing I don't understand though, why don't they give rape victims the morning after pill?

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
Unlike you morons he desires to put criminals away rather than glorifying them.

Good on the governor

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...

The filthy lying Libtard assholes claim abortion is about rape. It ain't. It is about abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. 96% of the abortions are simply because the mother don't want to be bothered with the child and that is despicable.

Nobody should have the right to kill a child just for the sake of convenience. That ain't cool. They have a word of it - infanticide.

The stupid immoral low life Moon Bats are always dishonest about things like this.

By the way, Moon Bat. A child should not have to suffer a death sentence because the father was an asshole. Something else you immoral shitheads don't understand.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
What are all the hookers and streetwalkers when they eliminate all the rapists from streets?

Oh. That's right. They'll have to quit tending bar and waitressing at restaurants, and go back home to their own kitchens and serve their husbands.

The whole economy will collapse when the bridal wedding gift registries, sex offender registries, and gun registrations/confiscations go out of business because the streetwalkers are looking high and low for a regular guy.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
Will it start with them clearing up those hundreds if not thousands of backlogged rape kits?

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