Texas To Eliminate Rape

Nobody should have the right to kill a child just for the sake of convenience. That ain't cool. They have a word of it - infanticide.
There has to be a birth before there is a child. Infanticide is when a mother kills her newborn infant and up to a year in age. Most abortion are in the first trimester, long before the fetus becomes viable.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...
Gee, you're right....Abbott's admitting that Texas hasn't been con-cerned about catching rapists in the past.
Maybe it was a warning against the invading illegal aliens, many of which see no problem having sex with underage family members. Thank you again Biden.
Interesting...con-sidering that in America, 1 in 4 American girls are sexually abused before they reach 18.....this is in America with Americans......and most by hetero male family members or friends.
If he does something significant, maybe it can be exported to Arkansas, #1 Rape state in the lower 48.


Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...

Sadly, my first thought is that Texas will "eliminate rape" by declaring all sex to be consensual, and thus no man will be accused of rape. It's the only realistic way they could possibly do this.
There has to be a birth before there is a child. Infanticide is when a mother kills her newborn infant and up to a year in age. Most abortion are in the first trimester, long before the fetus becomes viable.

I have been saying all along that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution and now you just proved my point. LOL!

Maybe it was a warning against the invading illegal aliens, many of which see no problem having sex with underage family members. Thank you again Biden.

Every man I have ever known to have sex with underage family members, and there were far too many of them, were white heterosexual men. Of course I grew up in a time where I rarely if ever saw someone who wasn't white. Racists where I grew up used to say the same thing about Italians and the Irish.

Every generation has their racist class who like to build themselves up by claiming other people are their intellectual or moral inferiors. And each of these small minded people has their own subset of "inferiors". Me, I look down on the intellectual and moral failings of racists, who are usually the progeny of cousins who mated.

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

That means they are complicit in all past rapes...since they could have prevented them...

Dang, bad news for you.
Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law.
Lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home.
Oh mama, I can hear your crying; you're so scared and all alone.
Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long.
[Styx - Pieces of Eight]

maybe government can dictate social behavior? Have they ever? [spoiler alert: NOT]

For a minute there, I thought you were gonna go all Bohemian Rhapsody on me ;)

I have been saying all along that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution and now you just proved my point. LOL!

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You're the one who is denying science, biology and the Constitution.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. That always worked for me. Carry all of your pregnancies to term, or to their natural termination. But then I was never in a position where I my health, or that of the fetus were threatened. My economic condition was always such that we could afford to have a baby, whether the pregnancy was planned or not, so the choice was always easy.

Americans want to end abortion, but they don't want to provide maternity leave, job protections, or universal health care - all of which help and encourage women to have babies. Instead, poor women have to choose between the babies they're carrying and the one's they've already borne.

Canada has no abortion laws whatsoever. Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor. Furthermore, the abortions are covered by our government funded healthcare, which forbids extra billing or co-pays, so they're free to anyone who wants one. Our abortion rate is 1/2 that of the USA. Despite nothing to prohibit them, and abortions being free, more women opt to have the baby than to abort it.

If Republicans were serious about ending abortion, they wouldn't be banning them, they'd make them unnecessary.
I have to admit, that was a pretty stupid thing to say. One thing I don't understand though, why don't they give rape victims the morning after pill?
Gov Fappit and his pals want to abolish that also.

You're the one who is denying science, biology and the Constitution.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. That always worked for me. Carry all of your pregnancies to term, or to their natural termination. But then I was never in a position where I my health, or that of the fetus were threatened. My economic condition was always such that we could afford to have a baby, whether the pregnancy was planned or not, so the choice was always easy.

Americans want to end abortion, but they don't want to provide maternity leave, job protections, or universal health care - all of which help and encourage women to have babies. Instead, poor women have to choose between the babies they're carrying and the one's they've already borne.

Canada has no abortion laws whatsoever. Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor. Furthermore, the abortions are covered by our government funded healthcare, which forbids extra billing or co-pays, so they're free to anyone who wants one. Our abortion rate is 1/2 that of the USA. Despite nothing to prohibit them, and abortions being free, more women opt to have the baby than to abort it.

If Republicans were serious about ending abortion, they wouldn't be banning them, they'd make them unnecessary.
Trust me, you're never going to get through to that POS you sent that response to. HIs mind is obviously gone and he belongs under a 72 hour psych hold. Just take a look at his post history.
Interesting...con-sidering that in America, 1 in 4 American girls are sexually abused before they reach 18.....this is in America with Americans......and most by hetero male family members or friends.
Yes. White men are very rapey.
You're the one who is denying science, biology and the Constitution.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. That always worked for me. Carry all of your pregnancies to term, or to their natural termination. But then I was never in a position where I my health, or that of the fetus were threatened. My economic condition was always such that we could afford to have a baby, whether the pregnancy was planned or not, so the choice was always easy.

Americans want to end abortion, but they don't want to provide maternity leave, job protections, or universal health care - all of which help and encourage women to have babies. Instead, poor women have to choose between the babies they're carrying and the one's they've already borne.

Canada has no abortion laws whatsoever. Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor. Furthermore, the abortions are covered by our government funded healthcare, which forbids extra billing or co-pays, so they're free to anyone who wants one. Our abortion rate is 1/2 that of the USA. Despite nothing to prohibit them, and abortions being free, more women opt to have the baby than to abort it.

If Republicans were serious about ending abortion, they wouldn't be banning them, they'd make them unnecessary.
So true. The problem isn’t abortion. It’s unintended pregnancy.

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