Texas woman guns down would be burgler

Jeez...67 is not "elderly" these days, and no excuse for shooting to kill without ascertaining that there's a real threat...

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Was just thinking the same thing. I'm 67 and can run rings around some of the couch potato rw activists on this board.

Having said that, I probably would be no match for a young Marine/firefighter. Unless, of course, there was a locked door between us.

This is what happens when people listen to the scared little rw bunny rabbits hiding under their beds, clutching their guns, terrified to even holler at their neighbor to go home and sleep it off.

Hey stupid, she yelled for the man to leave, warning him that she had a gun.

No charges will be brought against her.

... said the scared little bunny rabbit from his hiding place under his bed.
My mama knows how to dial 911

That's good. Then the homicide unit will know where to start looking for her killer.

If this incident had happened to my mother, the police would have arrived and the drunk would spend the night in jail

But thanks to our second amendment rights we can shoot first and ask questions later

She's just lucky he didn't attack her with thrown popcorn or loud music.

The guy was drunk as a skunk, he's on the front porch of some old lady, rattling her doorknob and making enough noise to wake the dead. If she warned him, he probably didn't take any notice because he was half bloody brain dead anyway.

The old lady shot him.

Now, should she have shot him when he was outside the house, having not yet entered? Probably not. But she's old, feeling vulnerable, and made what she believed to be the right decision. She should have called the cops, yes, but the guy shouldn't have been on her front porch.

Bloke shouldn't have gotten smashed.

HOLY SHIT I'm agreeing with you!!
My mama knows how to dial 911

That's good. Then the homicide unit will know where to start looking for her killer.

If this incident had happened to my mother, the police would have arrived and the drunk would spend the night in jail

But thanks to our second amendment rights we can shoot first and ask questions later

That's what you would like to believe would happen. But the reality is, you don't know what the outcome would have been.
Was just thinking the same thing. I'm 67 and can run rings around some of the couch potato rw activists on this board.

Having said that, I probably would be no match for a young Marine/firefighter. Unless, of course, there was a locked door between us.

This is what happens when people listen to the scared little rw bunny rabbits hiding under their beds, clutching their guns, terrified to even holler at their neighbor to go home and sleep it off.

Hey stupid, she yelled for the man to leave, warning him that she had a gun.

No charges will be brought against her.

... said the scared little bunny rabbit from his hiding place under his bed.

WTF are you talking about?

I understand that you must change the subject after getting your ass handed to you but at least try to make some sense or put your response in context.
Indeed. A confluence of events that starts with a locked door, and ends with a Texan who would rather kill a neighbor through a locked door than fire a warning shot through its corner. Or not fire at all…because locked door. But, she had the legal right in Texas, and there are fortunately no witnesses left to testify on his behalf — so it’s all okay.
George Zimmerman would approve.

What a dumb fucking source. Whiny bastards. She had the right to shoot him. I blame him and his dumb ass friends for allowing him to go home completely drunk. WHY is a married man going out and getting shit faced when he has a wife at home? Maybe its just me because I don't do that...sad story all around but leave it to fucking anti gun rights assholes to make it a political thing.

he's a ..... errr.....was a former marine. You ever heard of PTSD? I heard a lot about it when I was at the VA getting unrelated services. Some people drink to deal w/ it. Drinking to deal w/ it is sometimes subconscious.

what do you have to say now? :neutral:

That's understandable but as a veteran you would think common sense and responsibility would be something he knew something about. Obviously his friends didn't care that they just tossed him in a cab and let him go off by himself...its a sad situation but I would expect my wife to do the same if someone came to our door and was rattling the door and banging on it etc....its understandable.
What NRA GUN SAFETY course do you suppose taught her it was okay to shoot a possible threat through a LOCKED door?

First prove that she attended an NRA course of any type.

In my opinion there was nothing wrong with her actions and the grand jury will agree when they don't issue an indictment.

Whatever happened to the days when shooters had a responsibility to know what they were shooting and why? Thanks to this idiotic 'good guy/bad guy with a gun' crap, the rules are gone. Now people believe its okay to come out from under the bed long enough to blow them away and then say "shit happens".

The gun nutters accept no responsibility for their own actions.
Oh man, for every exceptionally rare incident like this, tens of thousands of good-natured pedestrians are run over by cars! BAN CARS!

Non sequitur as well as a hackneyed response to the daily carnage of gun violence.

Last I knew, we pass aggressive laws to mitigate damage done by cars.

Like laws against driving drunk so people like this will take a cab home.
What NRA GUN SAFETY course do you suppose taught her it was okay to shoot a possible threat through a LOCKED door?

First prove that she attended an NRA course of any type.

In my opinion there was nothing wrong with her actions and the grand jury will agree when they don't issue an indictment.

Whatever happened to the days when shooters had a responsibility to know what they were shooting and why? Thanks to this idiotic 'good guy/bad guy with a gun' crap, the rules are gone. Now people believe its okay to come out from under the bed long enough to blow them away and then say "shit happens".

The gun nutters accept no responsibility for their own actions.

Those days are still with us. She knew what she was shooting at and why.
Oh man, for every exceptionally rare incident like this, tens of thousands of good-natured pedestrians are run over by cars! BAN CARS!

Non sequitur as well as a hackneyed response to the daily carnage of gun violence.

Last I knew, we pass aggressive laws to mitigate damage done by cars.

Like laws against driving drunk so people like this will take a cab home.

So there are no more drunk drivers since there are now against it?
Indeed. A confluence of events that starts with a locked door, and ends with a Texan who would rather kill a neighbor through a locked door than fire a warning shot through its corner. Or not fire at all…because locked door. But, she had the legal right in Texas, and there are fortunately no witnesses left to testify on his behalf — so it’s all okay.
George Zimmerman would approve.

What a dumb fucking source. Whiny bastards. She had the right to shoot him. I blame him and his dumb ass friends for allowing him to go home completely drunk. WHY is a married man going out and getting shit faced when he has a wife at home? Maybe its just me because I don't do that...sad story all around but leave it to fucking anti gun rights assholes to make it a political thing.

he's a ..... errr.....was a former marine. You ever heard of PTSD? I heard a lot about it when I was at the VA getting unrelated services. Some people drink to deal w/ it. Drinking to deal w/ it is sometimes subconscious.

what do you have to say now? :neutral:

and some drink to just have fun with friends, like on st. paddies day...which he was out with friends getting smashed. IOW....not PTSD

what do you have to say now?
To many folks using guns to solve everyday dilemmas...are laws like "stand ur ground" and easy access to guns really making us safer...or more endangered?

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To your question. I don't think so. I think its more of the fact that Americans are realizing our culture, and its enabling government, have bred a society where crime is not seen in the same light as it was years ago. Now criminals are more often painted as the victim thus, there are no consequences to deter crime. So you get more....

Sure, years ago someone trying to open your front door garnered pause... In today's society, not so much

Just my 2 cents


Crime has been on a download slide over the last couple of decades in most of America. That is because of a highly trained and professional police force.

Conservatives have been trying to reverse that trend by breaking the Police Unions, downsizing various forces, instilling fear in citizens and arming them. They are hoping to create a sense that everyone is on their own and needs to be holding a gun.

Vigilantism has NEVER worked. And it won't work now.

defending yourself is not vigilantism. words have meaning, learn them.
Non sequitur as well as a hackneyed response to the daily carnage of gun violence.

Last I knew, we pass aggressive laws to mitigate damage done by cars.

Like laws against driving drunk so people like this will take a cab home.

So there are no more drunk drivers since there are now against it?

That's no reason to ban cars OR guns.

Its a stupid and circular lack of reason on the part of the nutters.

Go back under the bed and pet your gun.
My mama knows how to dial 911

That's good. Then the homicide unit will know where to start looking for her killer.

If this incident had happened to my mother, the police would have arrived and the drunk would spend the night in jail

But thanks to our second amendment rights we can shoot first and ask questions later

actually, this case is not about second amendment rights. you leftwingers are so dishonest about gun issues that you can't even tell this is a case about self defense. the tool she used to defend herself has nothing to do with whether she will be charged or not.

you guys are so truly stupid about guns you can't see straight.
To your question. I don't think so. I think its more of the fact that Americans are realizing our culture, and its enabling government, have bred a society where crime is not seen in the same light as it was years ago. Now criminals are more often painted as the victim thus, there are no consequences to deter crime. So you get more....

Sure, years ago someone trying to open your front door garnered pause... In today's society, not so much

Just my 2 cents


Crime has been on a download slide over the last couple of decades in most of America. That is because of a highly trained and professional police force.

Conservatives have been trying to reverse that trend by breaking the Police Unions, downsizing various forces, instilling fear in citizens and arming them. They are hoping to create a sense that everyone is on their own and needs to be holding a gun.

Vigilantism has NEVER worked. And it won't work now.

Well you are on your own Sallow as the police have no legal obligation to come to your aid.
The local LEO situations are a state/city issue. Take a look at Cali. Liberal a government as they come yet Moonbeam is releasing prisoners, reducing State troopers. The release of these criminals is having negative impact relative to crime in my community


You keep quoting the police have no legal obligation to come to your aid, yet LE comes to the aid of citizens everyday in our country, many times putting themselves in harms way. Any officer/deputy who does not respond to a code 3 will be flipping burgers very soon. Notwithstanding your opinion and that of the USSC (which only decided on the constitutionality of a narrow issued (..." the majority on Monday saw little difference between the earlier case and this one, Castle Rock v. Gonzales, No. 04-278. Ms. Gonzales did not have a "property interest" in enforcing the restraining order, Justice Scalia said, adding that "such a right would not, of course, resemble any traditional conception of property.")

Subsequent to this decision, Colorado was one of two dozen states that, in response to increased attention to the problem of domestic violence during the 1990's, made arrest mandatory for violating protective orders.

Your ignorance on the political and economic situation in CA and of Gov. Brown is no less than your repeated comments about the duty of LE - my single question is this: Is your ignorance willful and you are dishonest, or, were you dropped on your head often?
Last I knew, we pass aggressive laws to mitigate damage done by cars.

Like laws against driving drunk so people like this will take a cab home.

So there are no more drunk drivers since there are now against it?

That's no reason to ban cars OR guns.

Its a stupid and circular lack of reason on the part of the nutters.

Go back under the bed and pet your gun.

Your concession is duly noted.
Jeez...67 is not "elderly" these days, and no excuse for shooting to kill without ascertaining that there's a real threat...

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I kind of like this thinking! I'm 69, so I can shoot pretty much anybody I want!

My neighbor is a real asshole, so.......
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Was just thinking the same thing. I'm 67 and can run rings around some of the couch potato rw activists on this board.

Having said that, I probably would be no match for a young Marine/firefighter. Unless, of course, there was a locked door between us. [/QUOTE]

How fortunate you are that you have your physical health. :thup:

Many of he patients I deal with, do not.

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