Texas wont impliment Obamacare.

Texans would benefit the most from said implementation too which is a real shame. Then again it's Texas we're talking about so there isn't any room for logic.


Texas Rankings:

High School Graduation: 50th
SAT Scores: 45th
State aid per pupil: 47th

Percent of Low Income population covered by Medicaid: 49th
Percent of Population with employer-based coverage: 48th
Worker's compensation coverage: 50th

Doctors per capita: 42nd

Percent Living below poverty level: 4th
Percent of population with food insecurity: 2nd


Wow, Texas is one shitty place to live if you're poor.
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The federal government will merely take upon itself to offer the programs in the various states.

Texas Rankings:

High School Graduation: 50th
SAT Scores: 45th
State aid per pupil: 47th

Percent of Low Income population covered by Medicaid: 49th
Percent of Population with employer-based coverage: 48th
Worker's compensation coverage: 50th

Doctors per capita: 42nd

Percent Living below poverty level: 4th
Percent of population with food insecurity: 2nd


Wow, Texas is one shitty place to live if you're poor.

Or, in other words...

Texas is populated by a bunch of ignorant, sick, trailer-living whackos.

But I guess, like Arizona, they can always make a living selling guns to Mexicans.

At least they have that going for them.

And if anyone asks where the Mexicans got the guns, they'll blame the ATF.
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Unfortunately I live in the very blue hell state of Oregon which already has the Oregon Health Plan. There's no way the socialist governor here will turn down any hand-holding fed program that comes along.

Yes, what a shame... I suppose you could always move to the "Let him die" state of Texas, where the RW governor would likely help the sick and infirm on their way to the afterlife.
The federal government, however, is empowered to implement the program in Texas.
The federal government, however, is empowered to implement the program in Texas.

Unhappily, they don't implement ALL federal programs that they mandate to the states.

If the Feds had to pay for every hair-brained idea farted forth from the bowels of D.C., then there would be a fucking revolt.
The federal government, however, is empowered to implement the program in Texas.

Which they will THEN say is PROOF that the federal gov't is taking over despite the fact that they were given the opportunity to implement their own system and declined to do so.

Sure, the law provides for federal intervention in case a state opts out.
The federal government, however, is empowered to implement the program in Texas.

Unhappily, they don't implement ALL federal programs that they mandate to the states.

If the Feds had to pay for every hair-brained idea farted forth from the bowels of D.C., then there would be a fucking revolt.

Good point

besides Papa Obama care is already going to be one of largest regressive tax increases in history

How much debt or crowding out of the private sector does
the Left think our economy can handle?

Combined now with the fact, due to the SCOTUS ruling that states
can opt out of Papa Obama cares's Medicaid expansion...

This will lead to substantially higher costs for Papa Obama Care .
They may even have to cancel all those waivers they gave out

The CBO is coming out soon with a new cost trajectory of Obamacare because
of these changes

A lot of attention has been given to the mandate. Less attention has been given to that, because of the SCOTUS ruling, states can't be forced to be on board with the
Medicaid expansion making Papa Obama care exchange subsidies, fiscally unworkable. The Court may have just set in motion events that could lead to Papa Obama Care
busting the budget even more.

The left is clueless
don't trust the Left on taxes and
never trust the Left on spending estimates of gov't programs

Spending Program
Medicare Part A
What politicians said it would cost- $9 billion a year by 1990
What it actually cost- $67 billion a year

Entire Medicare Program
What politicians said it would cost- $12 billion a year by 1990
What it actually cost- $110 billion a year

Medicare relief to states for hospitals
What politicians said it would cost- $1 billion a year in 1992
What it actually cost- $17 billion a year


Here boy
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Simple revision and reform, under Romney's presidency, much along the line of the Massachusetts' program, will take care of that.
Now, if the other governors can grow some balls now. Good for Perry "If he is genuine about it that is".

Rick Perry: Texas Won't Implement Obamacare - Fox News

Texas is the state that needs it most

No one needs Obamatax. We never did. This has nothing to do with health care.

The game is over.
This won't stop the taxes within the bill from taking place, nor will it give texas citizens a free pass on the mandate....so it seems to me, there's going to be 1 in 4 people in texas getting hit with the mandate penalty....

I'm sure his citizens will love that! :thup: Perry!

And in addition to this, Perry is asking for federal tax money for him to implement his own program.....yet he says he is against federal money being used for this...so he appears to be a hypocrite to the enth degree.

too Bad he hasn;t done anything about the problem within his own State....hasn't he been in office for a while now?

the only question I have about the figure quoted of 1 in 4 not having health care insurance or medicaid is if that one in four are really illegals and not citizens? Did they clarify that in the article?
Texas is the state that needs it most

No one needs Obamatax. We never did. This has nothing to do with health care.

The game is over.
This won't stop the taxes within the bill from taking place, nor will it give texas citizens a free pass on the mandate....so it seems to me, there's going to be 1 in 4 people in texas getting hit with the mandate penalty....

I'm sure his citizens will love that! :thup: Perry!

And in addition to this, Perry is asking for federal tax money for him to implement his own program.....yet he says he is against federal money being used for this...so he appears to be a hypocrite to the enth degree.

too Bad he hasn;t done anything about the problem within his own State....hasn't he been in office for a while now?

the only question I have about the figure quoted of 1 in 4 not having health care insurance or medicaid is if that one in four are really illegals and not citizens? Did they clarify that in the article?

The article is not clear, though in the Houston Chronicle article the author spoke of "Texans" and "Residents" interchangeably; I suppose one may draw an inference that some uninsured are alien residents.

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