TEXIT is not a question of "if" but "when" -- Ye be warned

How is that Jade Helm working out?

Is that still a thing?

And no....Texas will not secede.....

This is nothing but masturbatory talk for fragile right wingers trying to cope with loss....
How is that Jade Helm working out?

Is that still a thing?

And no....Texas will not secede.....

This is nothing but masturbatory talk for fragile right wingers trying to cope with loss....
This has been building for decades. We have been organizing for Texas Independence long before Donald Trump stumbled into politics. The 2020 election bullshit was just fuel on the fire.

Now we have Joe Biden doing his best to build support for Independence. He is our best asset for additional support.
If Texass secedes then all that federal property will leave and they will only have their National Guard left and they will loose all that money they make from federal military installations.

It will never happen it is just a lone voice for the Trump butthurt club.

95% of Texas is privately owned dumbshit.
We dont care if we "loose" that money. We wont be paying the criminals in DC anymore.
There are 277,150 soldiers in the Mexican military and 19,000 Texas National Guard troops.

Remember the Alamo?

You forgot about the millions of well armed Texans who would love the chance to give some payback to the border jumpers.
And yes we remember the Alamo...where 200 Texans fought against 1800 mehicans,just as the mehican's should remember San Jacinto where 800 untrained Texans kicked the shit out of 1300 mehican regular army.
You sir are ignorant when it comes to history or the will of Texans.
Fuck with us at your own risk.
You forget the millions of armed Texans. Because you are an idiot
Yeah, because your rifle is so efficient against Fighter jets, helicopters, mortars, and tanks.

It's not going to happen anyway. I'm just supposing that the new Nation of Texas would play hell remaining sovereign. You are in Nevada. I'm one of the armed Texans.
Texas leaves and DC and Puerto Rico become states, and the Democrats will be well o their way to turning the US into a third world communist fascist shithole.
Ironic that the last time we added two states was to create a geographic strategy to fight communism and now we’re going to add two states in order to implement communism.

See, Texas Jews is good news. Kyle Biedermann, folks.

It will happen, most likely after 2024, when the Dems cheat AGAIN.

We will break up this bullshit union and execute all the communists or die trying, ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever!!!


You forget the millions of armed Texans. Because you are an idiot
Yeah, because your rifle is so efficient against Fighter jets, helicopters, mortars, and tanks.

First of all the mexican military has no tanks.
They have 3,yes count em 3!!!! Fighters.
They do have 33 attack aircraft which would be useless when you consider the size of Texas.
And their navy isnt worth mentioning.
Then we have this,not to mention millions of armed Texans,
First of all the mexican military has no tanks.
They have 3,yes count em 3!!!! Fighters.
They do have 33 attack aircraft which would be useless when you consider the size of Texas.
And their navy isnt worth mentioning.
Thanks for looking that up.
Texas won't secede, and who's to say that Mexico would even want to reclaim this area.
This will never happen.

It's happened before. Texas has, historically, had a very independent streak. They've flown six different national flags, after all.
But after 150 years of people moving in and out of the state, I doubt they have enough consensus to support a clean seccession.
It's probably at 30% right now.

More ChiCom kowtowing and loss of liberty and watch that number jump like a motherfucker.

Biden is our greatest hope.

Well, Texas does have 3 viable ports for international trade. Houston, Corpus Christi, and you can also refurbish the Port of Brownsville.
I'd like to see Texas go for it!

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