Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Lying fucking moron, there's audio of them saying they see guns.
The hearing added evidence that some people in the crowd on Jan. 6 were armed, including with assault rifles. The committee played police radio transmissions describing people carrying weapons, as well as testimony from White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson describing President Donald Trump’s urging the Secret Service to remove metal detectors rather than turn away people with weapons.

The new evidence comes on top of multiple people charged in the riot who were found with loaded guns. The Justice Department has also accused the Oath Keepers of stashing weapons just outside D.C. At a hearing last July, former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn testified to seeing the outline of a gun on one rioter’s hip.

The hearing added evidence that some people in the crowd on Jan. 6 were armed, including with assault rifles. The committee played police radio transmissions describing people carrying weapons, as well as testimony from White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson describing President Donald Trump’s urging the Secret Service to remove metal detectors rather than turn away people with weapons.

The new evidence comes on top of multiple people charged in the riot who were found with loaded guns. The Justice Department has also accused the Oath Keepers of stashing weapons just outside D.C. At a hearing last July, former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn testified to seeing the outline of a gun on one rioter’s hip.


Unfortunately for rightards, blanket denials are all that remains in their arsenal following her testimony.
She's a firsthand witness to hearsay testimony?

Fucking moron, she personally heard Trump acknowledge the crowd was armed...

"I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me, take the f’ing mags away, let my people in." ~ Trump
Fucking moron, she personally heard Trump acknowledge the crowd was armed...

"I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me, take the f’ing mags away, let my people in." ~ Trump
And give them to... me? Dude, let me help you up. You have fallen on your face.
Fucking moron, she personally heard Trump acknowledge the crowd was armed...

"I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me, take the f’ing mags away, let my people in." ~ Trump
That isn't what he did, dumbass.
2300+ posts on this single thread. And some folks say 'nobody cares' about the hearings.

I can't read through all of this, so I scanned some recent posts.
Good ones.
Bad ones.

And I'll comment on just two. One of each.

First, the Good. From poster Care4all:

"There was no permit requested by Trump team, to march down to the Capitol, and no request for a permit by trump team to protest at the Capitol...... they were sent there ILLEGALLY, by Trump. The Whitehouse KNEW they were going to send their crowd down there....days ahead of the rally. ....should have requested permits....the capitol could have been better prepared."

Thank you, C4A. That is a point that has been surfaced in other earlier threads about J6. Clearly, the White House bears the blame for any unpreparedness at the Capitol Building. They knew days ahead they were gonna direct the people assembled at the Elipse to go at the legislators on the Hill.
If....IF.....a permit would have been applied for that would have alerted the DC police to set up crowd control barricades, traffic control, and enhanced security at the Capitol itself.

The Trump people did not give the city police any warning about the march. They had a duty to do so. And, as C4A states, the march was illegal. The directive by Don Trump from the stage was irresponsible, reckless, and dangerous. He, and his staff bear the primary responsible for the attack on the Capitol. Accountability is required.

And the question lurks: Was this intentional?
Did they WANT the Capitol to be lightly defended for a reason?


"...put them under oath and ask them if Hutchinson is a lying sack of tampons."
"lying sack of tampons."
Misogyny seems to be a go-to tool for too many of these Trump sycophants who post here. How many times do we read some fool make gratuitous demeaning remarks about adult women on this chatroom?

But, putting aside the petty misogyny by the above poster, she also states that the witness was lying?

About what?
'Lying'....that she was told of an exchange in a car and she truthfully testified as to what she was told by others?

Clue to the cluefull: That ain't lying.


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