Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

I guess you think 70% of the American public are idiots then, not loving the high gas prices, lack of formula and inflation like you do--because it's not the demented basement dummy's fault, after all.


You would rather continue your MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorist and Traitor routine rather than help figure out ways to fix things. We have new linen in Gitmo just for you.
I guess you think 70% of the American public are idiots then, not loving the high gas prices, lack of formula and inflation like you do--because it's not the demented basement dummy's fault, after all.

Idiots would be those who believe that the POTUS sets the global price for a barrel of oil. The demented one isn`t the one who thinks we have a national park called Yo Semite.
You all are trying to convince me.

Ummm, noper. No offfense but.....but that is a tad too me-centric, Sue.
Look, Sue92, I know a bridge-too-far when I see one. Mathew 13 talks about seed on rocky ground. Get the drift?

Anyway, I post, sometimes in response to you, sometimes to other TDS'rs 'cause it's more fun than doing NYT crossword puzzles in the morning. And I respond as some sort of corrective, a prophylactic, so to speak ....against the misinformation, deflections, and fantagasms from those same posters.

I hope you are not offended by being corrected. Think of it as going to the gym for your cardio. It makes you a better person.

Trust me.
You all are trying to convince me. Don't bother with me. Try with the 70% of Americans who agree with me--and growing. This for August West and playtime too. Good luck!

you mean70% of trump humping anti vaxxers who'll keep voting for the chosen one because they are well.... as poorly educated as they can come & donny loves long LONG time!
I guess you think 70% of the American public are idiots then, not loving the high gas prices, lack of formula and inflation like you do--because it's not the demented basement dummy's fault, after all.



dog FOX.jpg
And that's in the middle of summer!
Sounds like a bingo!.......to me.
America has been fortunate to have this serious-minded purposeful Committee executing this endeavor.*

BTW, I've watched all of them. Trust me......this has been great TV.

*And the flip-side of that is: Some folks haven't been as fortunate as America.
For example --- DonT., Mark Meadows, Mike Flynn, Clark & Eastman, Rudy, Krakenpot Powell, Roger Stone, the Secret Service, Josh Hawley. NOT....great TV for those blokes.

About twice as much watch the nightly news on any given night, on the big three.......so what's your point?
you mean70% of trump humping anti vaxxers who'll keep voting for the chosen one because they are well.... as poorly educated as they can come & donny loves long LONG time!
You miss Debbie Birx's reports that they didn't think the vax would be that effective, but pushed it anyways?

Trump aides at heart of explosive Jan. 6 claims have hired private lawyers, committee member says​

Kevin Breuninger@KEVINWILLIAMB
Trump aides at heart of explosive Jan. 6 claims have hired private lawyers, committee member says

'Unusual': Secret Service officials lawyering up, Jan. 6 committee member says​

by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter & Ryan King, Breaking News Reporter |
| July 21, 2022 06:00 PM
| Updated Jul 21, 2022, 11:32 PM
Officials with the Secret Service have retained legal counsel as investigators hone in on deleted text messages sought by the House Jan. 6 committee to provide more insight into the days leading up to the Capitol riot, according to a member of the panel.
'Unusual': Secret Service officials lawyering up, Jan. 6 committee member says

Tony Ornato, Robert Engel Lawyer Up as Secret Service Scrutiny Intensifies​

Tony Ornato, Robert Engel lawyer up as Secret Service scrutiny intensifies

Jan. 6 hearings highlights: Committee examines Trump's actions during riot​

Thursday’s prime-time hearing focused on the 187 minutes between Trump’s speech and his tweet telling rioters to leave the Capitol.

i can always back up what i say, trolldude.


Your posts on the same issue are incredibly misleading.

Lawyering up happens when a person is being questioned and stops the interview and exercises their right to counsel.

Here is what happened without the sensational headline:

Some of the officers said that they would be coming and talking under oath,” select committee member Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., told reporters Thursday night after the panel’s latest public hearing.

“They have not come in, and they recently retained private counsel, which is unusual but they have a right to do that,” Lofgren said.

Which is unusual?

Leftist heroine Cassidy Hutchinson did exactly the same thing when she testified under oath.

Looks like you sat on your own hook, line and sinker......

Keep your facts coming.
The first prime time hearing drew 19 million viewers and the second one had 17 million. Monday Night Football attracts 12-13 million viewers.
Like I said, about double that watch nightly news on the big three.
Your posts on the same issue are incredibly misleading.

Lawyering up happens when a person is being questioned and stops the interview and exercises their right to counsel.

Here is what happened without the sensational headline:

Which is unusual?

Leftist heroine Cassidy Hutchinson did exactly the same thing when she testified under oath.

Looks like you sat on your own hook, line and sinker......

Keep your facts coming.
Breaking News!

Lawyering up happens when a person has something to hide
Wrong.....it happens when someone is in an interview with law enforcement and doesn't want to answer questions anymore.
These people have been asked to testify under oath.....big difference.......bringing their own counsel......just like Cassidy Hutchinson did....but that was ok.
You miss Debbie Birx's reports that they didn't think the vax would be that effective, but pushed it anyways?

ol' deb has had zero credibility since this moment when she kept her mouth shut about yer chosen one.

lol , did it hurt much when you took that hook out yer mouth?
in this case - PERSONAL lawyers ... not white house council, which under normal circumstances would provide their services. they declined because they know that all that 'innocent text deleting' wasn't innocent at all. there are strict by the book guidelines that were not followed; & especially the fact that they were deleted after being told that they were to be preserved for the OIG.
USSS isn't under WH council. And neither was Hutchinson's representation.
Try again.
ol' deb has had zero credibility since this moment when she kept her mouth shut about yer chosen one.
Still providing more misinformation?

BTW---no matter what you think of her, Birx is ratting out the task force.
Your posts on the same issue are incredibly misleading.

Lawyering up happens when a person is being questioned and stops the interview and exercises their right to counsel.

lawyer up​

intransitive verb
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Definition of lawyer up

chiefly US, informal
: to obtain the services of a lawyer especially while being investigated for possible wrongdoing
Definition of LAWYER UP



Cassidy Hutchinson did exactly the same thing when she testified under oath.

uh-huh. 'cept for one thing - she willingly testified. BUT her 1st lawyer was pd for by trump & was giving some advise that she knew wasn't kosher. she realized that the shark was not putting HER best interest in focus but the person paying the bill. that's when she changed lawyers & told the truth.

Looks like you sat on your own hook, line and sinker......

try harder, cause you really haven't made a case for yerself.

Keep your facts coming.

Justice Dept. investigating Trump’s actions in Jan. 6 criminal probe​

People familiar with the probe said investigators are examining the former president’s conversations and have seized phone records of top aides​

By Carol D. Leonnig, Devlin Barrett,
Josh Dawsey
Spencer S. Hsu
Updated July 26, 2022 at 7:47 p.m. EDT|Published July 26, 2022 at 6:58 p.m. EDT

Trump Efforts to Create Fake Electors Probed by US Prosecutors​

  • Pence former chief of staff questioned before grand jury
  • Prosecutors shift from Capitol attackers to Trump inner circle
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


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