Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

After Baby Donald was told the mob was chanting "hang Mike Pence" he said "Mike deserves it, the rioters aren't doing anything wrong." Then he sent out the incendiary tweet about Pence's lack of courage.
Six years later and the fork is in the people after Trump.
Trump was ok with Pence hung by that out of control mob. Which proves that for one, he's crazy & two, if he ever sits in the W.H. again his perceived enemies better watch their back for the rest of their life because Trump will do anything to enact his revenge. Again. Trump was ok with his own V.P. hung by a marauding mob.

That's the guy you defend.
Well, you don't have to believe her, but a lot of other people will, especially if no one comes forward with a contradictory account that is as specific and detailed as hers.
You guys can't see this is a train wreck... No one believes this crap and the hesitations of this witness tell me she is making a lot of this up. She does not appear credible. to many tell tale signs of deceit.
Well, you don't have to believe her, but a lot of other people will, especially if no one comes forward with a contradictory account that is as specific and detailed as hers.
Someone with such possible testimony wouldn’t be called by the Kangaroo Committee.
Holy shit, I hadn't seen that Gallagher post before. "Only you can call this off"

Not Antifa?
Trump was ok with Pence hung by that out of control mob. Which proves that for one, he's crazy & two, if he ever sits in the W.H. again his perceived enemies better watch their back for the rest of their life because Trump will do anything to enact his revenge. Again. Trump was ok with his own V.P. hung by a marauding mob.

That's the guy you defend.
Stop the ridiculous drama. No one believes that crap unless they have a two digit IQ and they have their doubts. Again a cover up for fraud and an insult to the American system of justice.

Why would she risk so much to LIE?

Everything she states has been backed up with PROOF. Video, text or Email.
No ccoberation... No other witnesses... Unbelievable accusations that no one else saw.... Hesitation of the story multiple times... fidgeting and uncomfortable.... nothing says the truth like someone displaying the physical actions of someone lying..

I've interviewed hundreds of people and I know a liar when I see one. It is unmistakable behavior.
Still defending that crazy fuck, Trump's asseater?
I haven’t defended Trump, Mr asseater. I do refute and rebut the numerous false claims or unsupported claims made about him by all manner of libtards and others suffering from TDS.

I know that bothers you.

Just one of the perks.
Members of the cabinet discussed using the 25th A to remove Trump from power. Gee, what a bunch of snowflake libtards..........right Trumpers?
No it doesn’t, in fact, it assumes her testimony is honest or accurate. It might be neither. Let’s wait for the cross examination. Oh wait. There is of course no cross examination. Hm.

Maybe (if he had actually heard about anyone in the rally being armed at all), maybe he didn’t give it any thought. Maybe he thought it was a 2d Amendment “statement.” But, either way, there’s no reasonable inference that he imaginesd that anyone armed was planning to hurt anyone.
And she has what to gain by coming forward? Hounded by Trump cult asslicker's for years to come?

She's already been attacked by the lowlife that you Trumptards bow before.
So Trump wanted armed protestors to march on the capitol and even tried to take control of his secret service car to force his security to let him join with attacking the capitol?

The Trumpanzies will be thrilled.

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