Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

It's a reality show for idiots, and you're in the front row.
You want to talk about idiots? How about a president who thows his lunch against the wall because he did not like what the AG said about fraud, says that he does not care that the Jan 6 riotors are armed because "they do not want to hurt me" and who tries to grab controll of the presidential limo because they were not taking him to the capital to join in the mayhem?

Exactly the kind of behavior that you would want and expect from the leader of (what used to be) the free world, who is responsible for national security, and has access to the nuclear codes. Right?

Now that is aa reality show for idiots!!
It will happen but not by the Select Committee nor Grand Juries; both are investigative.

When indictments are issued, and a jury becomes the trier of facts, during the trial you will get what you want. In fact, more:
  1. Direct Examination
  2. Cross Examination
  3. Redirect
  4. Recross.
Trump's attorney will throw up a blizzard of bogus motions to stop the truth from getting out.

However, what’s of our real interest here is that Trump is being driven around in his bespoke SUV, nicknamed ‘The Beast’.


There are several presidential vehicles.

And the SUV would make it that much easier for Trump to try to grab the wheel.

Lol. I can't help it your star witness has credibility issues.
As Kinzinger said last week, why ask for a pardon if not to escape prosecution for crimes?
When the track record is continuous witch hunts you preemptively prohibit yourself from being put in the cauldron.
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A "fact-finding" committee is supposed to operate under legal rules of evidence... This is nothing more than a giant cluster fuck witch trial.
The committee is following the rules to the letter.

Instead of listening to your lying propagandists, why don't you watch for yourself?

Willfull blindness.

You BEG to be lied to!
The fbi and doj are a joke. They are the Democrats bullies.

Bullshit, Pelosi would not allow the Republicans to pick people to testify. Pelosi personally chose Trump haters to represent republicans.
Pelosi did not choose the witnesses, idiot.

And the witnesses are firsthand witnesses.

My God, your head is so full of bullshit it is amazing you are capable of breathing.
You want to talk about idiots? How about a president who thows his lunch against the wall because he did not like what the AG said about fraud, says that he does not care that the Jan 6 riotors are armed because "they do not want to hurt me" and who tries to grab controll of the presidential limo because they were not taking him to the capital to join in the mayhem?

Exactly the kind of behavior that you would want and expect from the leader of (what used to be) the free world, who is responsible for national security, and has access to the nuclear codes. Right?

Now that is aa reality show for idiots!!
4 years of peace. Of attempting to make peace. To get the foreign friends to pay their fair share. to make the U.S. a stronger and freer sovereign nation. Trump has some Founding Father's backbone in him.
4 years of peace. Of attempting to make peace. To get the foreign friends to pay their fair share. to make the U.S. a stronger and freer sovereign nation. Trump has some Founding Father's backbone in him.
The Founding Fathers did a very good job of providing barriers to a tyrant like Trump from illegally seizing control.

Thank God for them.
4 years of peace.

On March 10, a U.S. drone fired a missile, turning a passenger vehicle outside Janaale, Somalia, into a heap of burnt and broken metal with fresh corpses inside. Whether the people killed that day were “terrorists” or ordinary Somalis is actively disputed. It is also a reminder that the United States’ targeted killing program persists to this day, another legacy of the forever war that has now lasted for three presidential administrations and shows no signs of stopping in the next one. Under U.S. President Donald Trump, however, an already opaque and murderous set of rules has become even more widely applied, and ever less accountable.
You seem visibly upset for one so extremely confident in his case.

(no, I'm not talking about the lawsuits)
You posted a hoax about Trump and an SUV as if it meant Hutchinson lied.

You were busted for being a total rube.

Too bad. So sad.

Why do you keep going back to gobble more bullshit? Seriously.

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