Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Strange. What could be so important that they just had to move up the hearing? It's not as if there's some kind of deadline here.

While I like what they're doing, that smells a little of showbiz to me. We'll see.
Nothing. It is just theatrics. Same lying Evil Shit that was pulled over Russian Collusion during the entire Trump Administration. I will enjoy watching these people involved and all that helped promote such Evil on Judgment Day.
The most I’ve heard so far is that the committee spoke with a witness that they previously had not.

I doubt Pence is venturing forth from his secure undisclosed closet of prayer where he's dancing Jigs with Mommy over abortion.

Interesting though. Possibly the new tapes of WH interviews of Trump and company. But I doubt Pence would truly revolt even if Trump personally ok'ed his murder. LOL
If Adam Schiff said he had those, you'd believe it.

This is a reality show for dumb people like you.
The conversation is available on the most recent remastered version of Black Sabbaths "Master of Reality" when played backward at 78 speed of course.

Honestly, that is a dishonest lie.
The Republican idea of cross-examination is, "Yeahbut inflation! Yeahbut gas prices! LOOK! A SQUIRREL!"

This is the moronic hard left g5000 who doesn't attack Democrats for NOT ALLOWING QUESTIONS FROM THE DEFENSE, but for his paranoid made up attack by Republicans. Incredible. So you still stick with the flimsy, shallow lie you aren't a Democrat, huh? That's just hilarious at this point. You're like a four year old boy thinking no one can find you behind the sofa, LOL
What Republicans? The "hearing" is all DemoKKKrats and Dem-affected losers. It's not a legal proceeding if there's only one side present. You're a dupe, and this is a show to entertain stupid people like you.
Every witness I have seen was a Republican

Every Republican who was willing to serve is on the committee
Republicans boycott the committee and then complain it is not bipartisan enough
This is the moronic hard left g5000 who doesn't attack Democrats for NOT ALLOWING QUESTIONS FROM THE DEFENSE, but for his paranoid made up attack by Republicans. Incredible. So you still stick with the flimsy, shallow lie you aren't a Democrat, huh? That's just hilarious at this point. You're like a four year old boy thinking no one can find you behind the sofa, LOL
The Republicans had their chance, dumbass.

Pelosi tried to form an independent commission like the one after 9/11. It would have been comprised of non-officeholders and would have been 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans.

But Trump killed that idea.

Just think. If there had been an independent commission, they would have released a report no one would read and that would be the end of it, and Trump would declare the report exonerated him.

But nooooooo! Trump killed it instead.

So then Pelosi created a committee, and of the five Republicans McCarthy picked to be on the committee, two of them were potential witnesses. What a dumbass.

So when Pelosi put the kibosh on the two potential witnesses, McCarthy decided to cancel all five Republican seats instead of just replacing the two hacks.

And that, retard, is why there is no cross-examination. Trump shot himself in the mouth.

If McCarthy had appointed five loyalists, you'd be seeing an ocean of red herrings being tossed around by the Trumptards.

Too bad. So sad.
Something triggered paid 4 digits bots in last 5 minutes as three showed up at the same time
Seems scheduled pretty sudden… apparently the Jan 6 Committee is excited to present something to your open minds. I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?

January 6 committee adds new hearing for Tuesday - CNNPolitics
Won't matter any way you slice it. There is already been overwhelming evidence to show Trump is a trader and insurrectionist. The right trumpeter just does not care. So if Trump and cohorts stay out of jail the Dems should just use Trumps plan to stay in power. Kamala Harris should just do what Pence did not. Fight fire with fire. If Trump and company does not go to jail no reason we should not do exactly what they were planning.

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