Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Seems scheduled pretty sudden… apparently the Jan 6 Committee is excited to present something to your open minds. I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?

January 6 committee adds new hearing for Tuesday - CNNPolitics
She made some fake accusations and claims, and the secret service just came out and said none of what she described happened and they are willing to testify to that effect. In other words her testimony was false, coached and concocted by the prosecution. But let's not forget, there is no such thing as a defense in this stupid January 6 stalinist committee.

Now that the secret service has disputed her claims, will she be prosecuted for lying under oath?
This shit is funny.

This Clown Show had to call this "Special Session" because they had a "BOMBSHELL"..................and it blew up in their face in real time.

Too fucking funny. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

We all know you can't accept the truth of her probable lies since there are news about some people who were actually in the car saying she is LYING her ass off!
None of that matters when there are people within the USSS willing to testify under oath that she lied about the whole incident.
Well, to be clear, this woman never said she was in the vehicle and saw the interaction. Rather, she said she was in a room in the White House and an agent who was allegedly the driver was in the room and another individual related a narrative of what happened. That is what Hutchinson said she was testifying to.

The idiots seem totally focused on the assault on the Secret Service Agent. That's the LEAST damning thing that was said today.

I quite agree. If it happened, and I truly believe that Hutchinson was told a narrative that it happened, by Engel or Arnatto.....it is still small potatoes.

Small potatoes compared to the information relayed that the White House knew at least days before the January 6th, that there was going to be a march to the Capitol (which they had previously denied, and for which they refused to seek a permit which would have alerted the DC Police)....and that her immediate boss, Meadows, informed her that it would be "really, really bad" at the Capitol days before the 6th.

How would he know that?

Is there a nexus, a link, between Mark Meadows and Roger Stone and some top bloke in the Oathkeepers or Proud Boys?

I'm betting there are hard serious discussion between a DOJ attorney and some honcho(s) from the Boys or Oathkeepers. Hard discussion along the lines of .....'we are going for a 40yr sentence in a Federal pen. Unless, you can give us truthful testimony that Mark Meadows or Roger Stone gave you instructions.'

Or words to that effect.
She made some fake accusations and claims, and the secret service just came out and said none of what she described happened and they are willing to testify to that effect. In other words her testimony was false, coached and concocted by the prosecution. But let's not forget, there is no such thing as a defense in this stupid January 6 stalinist committee.

Now that the secret service has disputed her claims, will she be prosecuted for lying under oath?
She recounted a conversation she heard. She did this under oath

Let me know when they testify under oath
Well, to be clear, this woman never said she was in the vehicle and saw the interaction. Rather, she said she was in a room in the White House and an agent who was allegedly the driver was in the room and another individual related a narrative of what happened. That is what Hutchinson said she was testifying to.
Which automatically qualifies this as hearsay.

If you aren't there, and are testifying as to what other people told you as opposed to your direct observation of the event, it is hearsay.
And let's remember that Bobby Engle and Tony Ornato were Trump loyalists. The "Palace guard" if you will

This occurred in the in the SUV not "The Beast" so it IS possible for this to have occurred.

But again...this particular incident is the LEAST damning bit of testimony and impugns the rest in no way
And let's remember that Bobby Engle and Tony Ornato were Trump loyalists. The "Palace guard" if you will

This occurred in the in the SUV not "The Beast" so it IS possible for this to have occurred.

But again...this particular incident is the LEAST damning bit of testimony and impugns the rest in no way
Lol. They are saying it didn't happen. And look at you trying to impeach their character and sow doubt.

That's fear, mate. And you're absolutely afraid.
She made some fake accusations and claims, and the secret service just came out and said none of what she described happened and they are willing to testify to that effect.
I don't believe the post above. If the poster can offer us proof, vetting, a credible authoritative source.....I will read it with interest.
Ok, you got me.
Yeah, Stormy zoomed me too.
I don't believe the post above. If the poster can offer us proof, vetting, a credible authoritative source.....I will read it with interest.
Yeah, you're setting barriers between you and actual facts, because you don't want to see the facts. It's that simple.
I don't believe the post above. If the poster can offer us proof, vetting, a credible authoritative source.....I will read it with interest.

Yeah, Stormy zoomed me too.
This is what happens when you have a gestapo style stalinist banana republic trial.

She recounted a conversation she heard. She did this under oath

Let me know when they testify under oath
Surely Nazi Piglosi will have them on a Special Edition Episode tomorrow for damage control, right?

Why have they not scheduled them?

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