Thank you China!

China ended the Holocaust? You're delusional. We were saving China's ass dumbfuck
Communist Soviets ended the Holocaust. China is still a great superpower because of communism. Notice both Russia, and China with roots in communism don't shoot up synagogues like primitive Nazi Americans.

You type like the US wasn't any part of WW II. Like no American citizen died to stop fascism and hitler. You're wrong. It wasn't just the USSR that stopped hitler and fascists.

The US and Britain were a part of the Axis powers. The USSR wasn't the only nation fighting WWII.

As for China and their development. It wasn't communism that did it.

It was capitalism.

The first was to open China up to the US. That was established by richard nixon in the 1970s.

Then the people of China demanded democracy,.

The people protested in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Some lost their lives. While the communist government did squash that protest they were smart and made changes,. They allow some forms of capitalism in China.

Then the bush boy came along, Japan was being abandoned for cheap labor and manufacturing went to China in the bush boy years.

If the communists had not allowed a form of capitalism in China, China wouldn't be a super power now.
China was one of if not the most poor, and backwards nation on the planet before communism. Not true anymore.The USSR liberated Auschwitz. The USSR killed the most Nazis in WWII.
Without our trucks and planes and guns sent to Russia, they would have been over run.
That only amounted to a fraction of Soviet weaponry.
They did not have enough guns or bullets at Stalingrad-they were a hot mess-without the UK and US aid, they were finished.
Geez, the ignorance in this thread!

"US and UK were the Axis" Wrong! US and UK were part of the Allies along with Canada and Australia. Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis.

And then there's this other nutbar in here. :cuckoo:
China retaliates with tariffs on $75 billion of US goods - CNN

For keeping the pressure on our know nothing President. Of course he will retaliate with counter tariffs which will cost the American people big time. Our President is so dumb and poorly educated, he actually thinks China pays the tariffs he imposes, not the American people.

Stay the course China. He will eventually back down; he always does, and then we will all be winners.

This is great news. Maybe now our companies won’t do business with these inhumane communists that use slave labor and destroy the environment with their factories. We should had never gotten in bed with China, it’s been the downfall of our blue collar jobs.

Of course the globalist will squeal like pigs, like the OP.
Trump is destroying our environment. Republicans want to keep wages low.

Proof that Republicans want to “keep wages low”?
Minimum wage. Republicans refuse to raise it.
China retaliates with tariffs on $75 billion of US goods - CNN

For keeping the pressure on our know nothing President. Of course he will retaliate with counter tariffs which will cost the American people big time. Our President is so dumb and poorly educated, he actually thinks China pays the tariffs he imposes, not the American people.

Stay the course China. He will eventually back down; he always does, and then we will all be winners.

This is great news. Maybe now our companies won’t do business with these inhumane communists that use slave labor and destroy the environment with their factories. We should had never gotten in bed with China, it’s been the downfall of our blue collar jobs.

Of course the globalist will squeal like pigs, like the OP.
Trump is destroying our environment. Republicans want to keep wages low.

Proof that Republicans want to “keep wages low”?
Minimum wage. Republicans refuse to raise it.
Good-it was good enough for me.
Leave it to the left to cheer for the Communists.
Better than cheering for the dumb ass that gives 532 sinking of the DOW

The DOW will bounce back and it's revealing your hatred of Trump leads you to this

Pathetic little weasels. Move to China asshole and see how you survive. Jackass
Your support of this demented piece of shit in our WH shows all that you are nothing but an ass kissing moron Go to Russia you cowardly POS Hang out with Putin ,Trumps pal
Leave it to the left to cheer for the Communists.
Better than cheering for the dumb ass that gives 532 sinking of the DOW

The DOW will bounce back and it's revealing your hatred of Trump leads you to this

Pathetic little weasels. Move to China asshole and see how you survive. Jackass
Your support of this demented piece of shit in our WH shows all that you are nothing but an ass kissing moron Go to Russia you cowardly POS Hang out with Putin ,Trumps pal

You're gonna stroke old man. Now sit down, or go play pretend investing lol
What's pretend? Lost more on paper yesterday than you make in a year or more

Last Price
Change 52-Wk High Volume High Low

202.64 -9.82 233.47 46.883M 212.05 201.84

162.44 -9.04 292.76 14.237M 170.59 161.64

133.39 -4.39 141.68 32.524M 138.35 132.80

177.75 -4.29 208.66 17.331M 183.13 176.66

73.52 -3.63 90.34 13.932M 76.97 73.22

106.71 -2.98 176.55 1.023M 110.06 105.61

55.82 -2.90 69.95 1.76M 58.49 54.91

61.78 -2.90 101.15 8.956M 65.05 61.40

91.63 -2.24 107.34 1.35M 94.13 90.50

45.12 -1.91 52.42 11.616M 46.84 44.81

47.33 -1.75 84.68 7.126M 49.38 47.16

93.99 -1.72 98.97 4.651M 96.05 93.41

76.48 -1.31 85.22 2.886M 78.25 76.15

19.89 -1.23 31.05 4.663M 21.59 19.56

29.78 -1.13 41.34 2.656M 30.72 29.66

53.63 -0.88 55.85 5.543M 54.82 53.33

47.10 -0.70 69.21 4.408M 47.87 45.58

30.05 -0.50 42.00 3.96M 30.64 29.97

13.50 -0.07 20.61 2.992M 13.75 13.36

1.5100 +0.0400
Its funny how you ignorant Leftards accuse the others of being "uneducated".

China was poor and backwards due to communism, only after it started copying the US and implemented a semi capitalistic system did it start improving.

There was no USSR before WWII.

Go back to adult night school, maybe you can at least get your elementary school diploma.
China was communist in 1913? Take a look at this even in 1913 Africa was richer than China. This changed because of China becoming communist, and Africa becoming libertarians.
List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Communism was failing China, it only started improving after Nixon's visit when it opens it's doors and started imposing "Capitalism light". The OP should have titled this thread "Thank you US and Western nations for four decades of foolish trade and foreign policy towards China.
Wrong. Communism turned China into a superpower. Libertarian values turned Africa into Medieval Europe.
Perhaps you should provide a link? Communism is a failed ideology that has brought misery, oppression and death, and was thrown into the dustbin of history. Both China and USSR were collapsing under communism, USSR collapsed and changed into a what Russia is today, and China implemented gradual capitalistic changes that ended up with a semi capitalistic system that we have today. Here is some factual history, no charge for educating you:

How China went from communist to capitalist

Between 1959 and 1961, food production plummeted due to crop and industrial shortfalls. A great famine resulted, causing millions of deaths. The loss of privately run sectors was hurting the country tremendously.

In 1978, Deng Xiaoping, a Chinese revolutionary and veteran of the Communist Party, was eager to adopt capitalist methods and reforms in order to stimulate economic growth and restore confidence in the party. He and U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed an historic accord in 1979, reversing decades of China-U.S. tension.

Deng launched several economic reforms that allowed private sectors to start and operate their own businesses once again. He also established four special economic zones along the coast of China with intentions of attracting foreign investments.

Due to the reforms Deng put in place, China has gone from being a country that opposed capitalism to one that embraces property rights, profits and free market competition.

China had famines long before Mao Zedong. They actually stopped shortly after Mao.
List of famines in China - Wikipedia
They had famines before, and after. Point is the strict communism that China and Russia were under were failing systems. Only an uneducated person completely ignorant of history would argue that communism is a positive ideology and form of government for the people, and a good track record.
Last edited:
Wow you have a very messed up version of history.

Japan got bombed because they refused to surrender. They were ravaging the Pacific and even though they were losing they refused give up. They even resorted to suicide bombers, kamakazies, in the end because they were losing so badly against the US.

The reason Germany wasn't nuked is very simple. Because it wasn't needed. They surrendered.
I don't believe it. Germany being nuked would have been bad because most Americans were of a German background.

Are you forgetting that the US and Allies did carpet bomb Germany, turning it into rubbles? And most Americans are not of German background.
Germans are the biggest group in the United States.]German Americans - Wikipedia

They might be now but not back in the 1940s.

Plus America put Germans into internment camps during WWI and WW II.

If America loved Germans too much to use a nuke why did America put them in internment camps?

Nationality had nothing to do with where the bomb was dropped.

In World War One, Many Americans of German Heritage Were Interned In Camps In The USA

Not Widely Know - The Internment Camps of Germans in America During WW2
The United States put in a few token Germans into camps. Meanwhile most of them were almost all Japanese. Clearly an indication of racist Nazism in the United States.
More ignorance. The US defeated Nazism and freed the world from it, just as it did with communism.
China ended the Holocaust? You're delusional. We were saving China's ass dumbfuck
Communist Soviets ended the Holocaust. China is still a great superpower because of communism. Notice both Russia, and China with roots in communism don't shoot up synagogues like primitive Nazi Americans.

You type like the US wasn't any part of WW II. Like no American citizen died to stop fascism and hitler. You're wrong. It wasn't just the USSR that stopped hitler and fascists.

The US and Britain were a part of the Axis powers. The USSR wasn't the only nation fighting WWII.

As for China and their development. It wasn't communism that did it.

It was capitalism.

The first was to open China up to the US. That was established by richard nixon in the 1970s.

Then the people of China demanded democracy,.

The people protested in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Some lost their lives. While the communist government did squash that protest they were smart and made changes,. They allow some forms of capitalism in China.

Then the bush boy came along, Japan was being abandoned for cheap labor and manufacturing went to China in the bush boy years.

If the communists had not allowed a form of capitalism in China, China wouldn't be a super power now.
China was one of if not the most poor, and backwards nation on the planet before communism. Not true anymore.The USSR liberated Auschwitz. The USSR killed the most Nazis in WWII.
Without our trucks and planes and guns sent to Russia, they would have been over run.
That only amounted to a fraction of Soviet weaponry.
German Nazis were defeated in Russia because they were fighting on too many fronts. Hitler's wrong decision to open another front with the Russians (against his generals' advice) greatly weakened the ability of the Germans to fight the Allies which led to D-Day and the defeat of the Nazis.
China retaliates with tariffs on $75 billion of US goods - CNN

For keeping the pressure on our know nothing President. Of course he will retaliate with counter tariffs which will cost the American people big time. Our President is so dumb and poorly educated, he actually thinks China pays the tariffs he imposes, not the American people.

Stay the course China. He will eventually back down; he always does, and then we will all be winners.

This is great news. Maybe now our companies won’t do business with these inhumane communists that use slave labor and destroy the environment with their factories. We should had never gotten in bed with China, it’s been the downfall of our blue collar jobs.

Of course the globalist will squeal like pigs, like the OP.
Trump is destroying our environment. Republicans want to keep wages low.

Proof that Republicans want to “keep wages low”?
Minimum wage. Republicans refuse to raise it.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with the vast majority of wages. Fail argument.
China retaliates with tariffs on $75 billion of US goods - CNN

For keeping the pressure on our know nothing President. Of course he will retaliate with counter tariffs which will cost the American people big time. Our President is so dumb and poorly educated, he actually thinks China pays the tariffs he imposes, not the American people.

Stay the course China. He will eventually back down; he always does, and then we will all be winners.

This is great news. Maybe now our companies won’t do business with these inhumane communists that use slave labor and destroy the environment with their factories. We should had never gotten in bed with China, it’s been the downfall of our blue collar jobs.

Of course the globalist will squeal like pigs, like the OP.
Trump is destroying our environment. Republicans want to keep wages low.

Proof that Republicans want to “keep wages low”?
Minimum wage. Republicans refuse to raise it.

Less than 3% of all hourly wage earners make minimum wage or less.

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Communist Soviets ended the Holocaust. China is still a great superpower because of communism. Notice both Russia, and China with roots in communism don't shoot up synagogues like primitive Nazi Americans.

You type like the US wasn't any part of WW II. Like no American citizen died to stop fascism and hitler. You're wrong. It wasn't just the USSR that stopped hitler and fascists.

The US and Britain were a part of the Axis powers. The USSR wasn't the only nation fighting WWII.

As for China and their development. It wasn't communism that did it.

It was capitalism.

The first was to open China up to the US. That was established by richard nixon in the 1970s.

Then the people of China demanded democracy,.

The people protested in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Some lost their lives. While the communist government did squash that protest they were smart and made changes,. They allow some forms of capitalism in China.

Then the bush boy came along, Japan was being abandoned for cheap labor and manufacturing went to China in the bush boy years.

If the communists had not allowed a form of capitalism in China, China wouldn't be a super power now.
China was one of if not the most poor, and backwards nation on the planet before communism. Not true anymore.The USSR liberated Auschwitz. The USSR killed the most Nazis in WWII.
Without our trucks and planes and guns sent to Russia, they would have been over run.
That only amounted to a fraction of Soviet weaponry.
They did not have enough guns or bullets at Stalingrad-...d.

Or enough experienced field officers, because Stalin was a paranoid fucking idiot.

Fortunately for him, he had the scumbag fdr in his pocket, he placed absolutely zero value on the life of anyone but himself, and hitler was - if possible - an even bigger idiot (figuratively speaking - they were both pretty shrimpy).
... China has gone from being a country that opposed capitalism to one that embraces property rights, profits and free market competition.

Well, only to an extent.
Correct, point is had China not at least implemented some capitalistic changes, it would have been what it is today.

Without a doubt. Over the past 40 years or so, more people have moved out of poverty in China than human beings have ever moved out of poverty in the entire history of the planet combined previously. The CCP is still a corrupt, totalitarian mess, but improvements have been made since Deng’s change of direction.
China retaliates with tariffs on $75 billion of US goods - CNN

For keeping the pressure on our know nothing President. Of course he will retaliate with counter tariffs which will cost the American people big time. Our President is so dumb and poorly educated, he actually thinks China pays the tariffs he imposes, not the American people.

Stay the course China. He will eventually back down; he always does, and then we will all be winners.
It will only last till they run out of crapper paper or plans for new
missiles. of some other tech info. We could just start sending back the students in the USA every month.
China was communist in 1913? Take a look at this even in 1913 Africa was richer than China. This changed because of China becoming communist, and Africa becoming libertarians.
List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Communism was failing China, it only started improving after Nixon's visit when it opens it's doors and started imposing "Capitalism light". The OP should have titled this thread "Thank you US and Western nations for four decades of foolish trade and foreign policy towards China.
Wrong. Communism turned China into a superpower. Libertarian values turned Africa into Medieval Europe.
Perhaps you should provide a link? Communism is a failed ideology that has brought misery, oppression and death, and was thrown into the dustbin of history. Both China and USSR were collapsing under communism, USSR collapsed and changed into a what Russia is today, and China implemented gradual capitalistic changes that ended up with a semi capitalistic system that we have today. Here is some factual history, no charge for educating you:

How China went from communist to capitalist

Between 1959 and 1961, food production plummeted due to crop and industrial shortfalls. A great famine resulted, causing millions of deaths. The loss of privately run sectors was hurting the country tremendously.

In 1978, Deng Xiaoping, a Chinese revolutionary and veteran of the Communist Party, was eager to adopt capitalist methods and reforms in order to stimulate economic growth and restore confidence in the party. He and U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed an historic accord in 1979, reversing decades of China-U.S. tension.

Deng launched several economic reforms that allowed private sectors to start and operate their own businesses once again. He also established four special economic zones along the coast of China with intentions of attracting foreign investments.

Due to the reforms Deng put in place, China has gone from being a country that opposed capitalism to one that embraces property rights, profits and free market competition.

China had famines long before Mao Zedong. They actually stopped shortly after Mao.
List of famines in China - Wikipedia
They had famines before, and after. Point is the strict communism that China and Russia were under were failing systems. Only an uneducated person completely ignorant of history would argue that communism is a positive ideology and form of government for the people, and a good track record.
China in 1960 had a per capita income 1/3rd of Haiti. China chose communism, Haiti chose capitalism by 2016 Haiti had a per capita income 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
I don't believe it. Germany being nuked would have been bad because most Americans were of a German background.

Are you forgetting that the US and Allies did carpet bomb Germany, turning it into rubbles? And most Americans are not of German background.
Germans are the biggest group in the United States.]German Americans - Wikipedia

They might be now but not back in the 1940s.

Plus America put Germans into internment camps during WWI and WW II.

If America loved Germans too much to use a nuke why did America put them in internment camps?

Nationality had nothing to do with where the bomb was dropped.

In World War One, Many Americans of German Heritage Were Interned In Camps In The USA

Not Widely Know - The Internment Camps of Germans in America During WW2
The United States put in a few token Germans into camps. Meanwhile most of them were almost all Japanese. Clearly an indication of racist Nazism in the United States.
More ignorance. The US defeated Nazism and freed the world from it, just as it did with communism.
5 million Nazis were killed by Soviets. Soviets liberated the Polish death camps like Auschwitz. Soviets even helped to found Israel through supplies, and training.

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