Thank You President Obama

On what planet?


This one.

Track the money in your chart.

What was it spent on? And who initiated those costs?

The money was given to unions, and the rest is unaccounted for. Now our economy is about to implode due to the debt. We're fucked, and obama and the democrats did it.

You're about we subtract $700B dollars from Obama and tack it on to W's?....that's just for Wall Street alone.... after we do that, perhaps we can put the cost of two wars from 2001-2008 that were kept off the books.
LOL, Liberals are so pathetic..they say THANK YOU and AMEN when they talk about a MAN who is PRESIDENT, their Dear leader..

tell me that isn't a CULT..

that is sad shit

As opposed to a cult based on corporate greed, treating poor people like dirt, a false teaching of Christ's word, and the idea that when we help out the working poor with food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies....we are giving freebies to them and not Subsidizing big business for being too damned greedy and cheap to pay a wage that is sustainable.
Nope, not confused at all

Debt- How much money we owe other countries from borrowing

Deficit- How much more money we spend, than we make as a country.

And therefore, my original statement still stands

Then you are, of course, wrong.

really? I'm wrong? So you are going to stand by who posted the graph saying the average deficit a year under the Bush era was only $250 billion LOL? I just want to make sure that's what you are saying....
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meh. While this may sound cynical, I truly believe that people run for President with the best of intentions in mind. I think to run for the highest office in the land, you have to have a certain amount of hubris, but also a deep love and a higher calling with regard to serving your country. However, once that position is obtained, I think the person learns just exactly who is in charge of the country and it ain't the POTUS.

Maybe my tin foil hat needs adjusting and maybe I've watched too many movies on the subject, but it seems to me that the POTUS is too often just a puppet acting on behalf of the banks and the corporations and "we the people" got flushed down the toilet just like the turd I left in it this morning.

And "we the people" don't have the power to change jack shit because "we the people" don't have money - the lobbyists and the special interest groups do.
really? I'm wrong? So you are going to stand by who posted the graph saying the average deficit a year under the Bush era was only $250 billion LOL? I just want to make sure that's what you are saying....

You do understand what an average means, don't you? And no, I don't stand by the graph which says the average was only $250 billion. It's actually $282 billion dollars. Far less than a trillion you have suggested, but again I just want to make sure you aren't confusing the debt with the deficit.
really? I'm wrong? So you are going to stand by who posted the graph saying the average deficit a year under the Bush era was only $250 billion LOL? I just want to make sure that's what you are saying....

You do understand what an average means, don't you? And no, I don't stand by the graph which says the average was only $250 billion. It's actually $282 billion dollars. Far less than a trillion you have suggested, but again I just want to make sure you aren't confusing the debt with the deficit.

i am well-aware of the difference between debt, and deficit...and still know that Bush's deficit was way higher than the figures proposed in that graph. I find it interesting that the graph did not include amounts we paid for the Afghan and Iraqi Wars.... hhhmmmmmm

Just wanted to express my gratitude, appreciation and admiration to our president. He is truly a man of the people, for the people and by the people. We finally have someone occupying the White House who has genuine concern for the indigent, the uneducated and those without healthcare.
i won't delve into the obvious racism, anger, intolerance and antagonism he has endured since his election(s), I choose to focus on the good and the people who had the foresight to elect him with hope and faith that our country needed a definite change from the old club.

Thanks also to the DEMOCRATIC Party for nominating Barack Obama!! Albeit, I am an Independent, I still recognize them as the party of tolerance, change and most of all Diversity!!! God Bless America !!!

Have you asked this guy what he thinks as he lives in his $12/hut about his brother who preaches to us we are our brother's keepers???
LOL, Liberals are so pathetic..they say THANK YOU and AMEN when they talk about a MAN who is PRESIDENT, their Dear leader..

tell me that isn't a CULT..

that is sad shit

Why wouldn't liberals say amen to the Pharaoh of goodness, righteousness, and equality
for all? A number of ancient Egyptian pharaohs affixed the suffix "amen" to their names . Further, right wing clergy were so enamored by the word they attached it to the end ,virtually, of every prayer they wrote or uttered.
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i am well-aware of the difference between debt, and deficit...and still know that Bush's deficit was way higher than the figures proposed in that graph. I find it interesting that the graph did not include amounts we paid for the Afghan and Iraqi Wars.... hhhmmmmmm

Now you are confusing Government Expenditures with Congressional Budgets. The graph does include that. You see, you have Outlays and then you have Receipts. The Outlays are the amount you are amount you are spending and the Receipts are the amount that you are collecting in tax revenue. The difference will be either a budget deficit or surplus.
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really? I'm wrong? So you are going to stand by who posted the graph saying the average deficit a year under the Bush era was only $250 billion LOL? I just want to make sure that's what you are saying....

You do understand what an average means, don't you? And no, I don't stand by the graph which says the average was only $250 billion. It's actually $282 billion dollars. Far less than a trillion you have suggested, but again I just want to make sure you aren't confusing the debt with the deficit.

i am well-aware of the difference between debt, and deficit...and still know that Bush's deficit was way higher than the figures proposed in that graph. I find it interesting that the graph did not include amounts we paid for the Afghan and Iraqi Wars.... hhhmmmmmm
It doesn't have to specify what the money was spent on. It was either spent or it wasn't. And the debt isn't necessarily what we owe "other countries". It also includes what we owe the American people who bought government bonds.
[ame=]Thanks Obama - YouTube[/ame]​

Just wanted to express my gratitude, appreciation and admiration to our president. He is truly a man of the people, for the people and by the people. We finally have someone occupying the White House who has genuine concern for the indigent, the uneducated and those without healthcare.
i won't delve into the obvious racism, anger, intolerance and antagonism he has endured since his election(s), I choose to focus on the good and the people who had the foresight to elect him with hope and faith that our country needed a definite change from the old club.

Thanks also to the DEMOCRATIC Party for nominating Barack Obama!! Albeit, I am an Independent, I still recognize them as the party of tolerance, change and most of all Diversity!!! God Bless America !!!

Yes Obama is a man of the people. The banking people, the union people, the lawyer people, the left wing people, etc etc.

Definitely not main street small business
LOL, Liberals are so pathetic..they say THANK YOU and AMEN when they talk about a MAN who is PRESIDENT, their Dear leader..

tell me that isn't a CULT..

that is sad shit

As opposed to a cult based on corporate greed, treating poor people like dirt, a false teaching of Christ's word, and the idea that when we help out the working poor with food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies....we are giving freebies to them and not Subsidizing big business for being too damned greedy and cheap to pay a wage that is sustainable.

Just can't stick with the topic that you lefties bow down and sing amen to a man, Obama, can ya..I'd change the subject too, it's so embarrassing
LOL, Liberals are so pathetic..they say THANK YOU and AMEN when they talk about a MAN who is PRESIDENT, their Dear leader..

tell me that isn't a CULT..

that is sad shit

As opposed to a cult based on corporate greed, treating poor people like dirt, a false teaching of Christ's word, and the idea that when we help out the working poor with food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies....we are giving freebies to them and not Subsidizing big business for being too damned greedy and cheap to pay a wage that is sustainable.

Just can't stick with the topic that you lefties bow down and sing amen to a man, Obama, can ya..I'd change the subject too, it's so embarrassing
Well, you righties had your god, Ronald Reagan, so don't mess with lefty's.- sarcasm intended.
Obama is for no one but himself and his ideology.

Anyone who thinks he give shit one about them is living in la la land.

If he gave a shit he would have zeroed in on the economy and fixed it. He didn't. What he and the great Democratic Party zeroed in on is the ACA. Another huge drain on the taxpayers of America. The only winner will be those that can't afford their own HC. We tax payers will be footing our own bills along with the're's.

Yup. He cares all right.

Guys an asshole.

I didn't call the last republican president anything that extreme & I had zero support for just about everything he did. He, is in large part, responsible for the hole we're in by borrowing Trillions to fight his "war on terra", enlarging the domestic bureaucracy by epic proportions, AND getting more countries to hate the U.S. You are a hack just like Katzndogz. :thup:
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Obama is for no one but himself and his ideology.

Anyone who thinks he give shit one about them is living in la la land.

If he gave a shit he would have zeroed in on the economy and fixed it. He didn't. What he and the great Democratic Party zeroed in on is the ACA. Another huge drain on the taxpayers of America. The only winner will be those that can't afford their own HC. We tax payers will be footing our own bills along with the're's.

Yup. He cares all right.

Guys an asshole.

I didn't call the last republican president anything that extreme & I had zero support for just about everything he did. He, is in large part, responsible for the hole we're in by borrowing Trillions to fight his "war on terra", enlarging the domestic bureaucracy by epic proportions, AND getting more countries to hate the U.S. You are a hack just like Katzndogz. :thup:
You blame Bush for the debt because he spent $4 trillion on the "war on terra", but you DON'T blame Obama for giving $6 trillion to his friends. I would say your blame is a little selective.
Care to explain why there has been a record number of filibusters by the right wing.
Do you not hold them accountable to what is happening in the economy?
Where to budget and spending bills come from, which part of congress?
You post really is so partisan that it is laughable.
But that is what you have become with the unadulterated hatred of one person involved in what happens in this country.

Obama is for no one but himself and his ideology.

Anyone who thinks he give shit one about them is living in la la land.

If he gave a shit he would have zeroed in on the economy and fixed it. He didn't. What he and the great Democratic Party zeroed in on is the ACA. Another huge drain on the taxpayers of America. The only winner will be those that can't afford their own HC. We tax payers will be footing our own bills along with the're's.

Yup. He cares all right.

Guys an asshole.
LOL, Liberals are so pathetic..they say THANK YOU and AMEN when they talk about a MAN who is PRESIDENT, their Dear leader..

tell me that isn't a CULT..

that is sad shit

As opposed to a cult based on corporate greed, treating poor people like dirt, a false teaching of Christ's word, and the idea that when we help out the working poor with food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies....we are giving freebies to them and not Subsidizing big business for being too damned greedy and cheap to pay a wage that is sustainable.

Just can't stick with the topic that you lefties bow down and sing amen to a man, Obama, can ya..I'd change the subject too, it's so embarrassing

Oh...I'm sticking to it just fine...Just pointing out that while there are some on my side of the aisle that are cultish with Obama.....there's a hell of a lot more of you guys that are fucking Waco/Jonestown crazy over on your much so that you've virtually destroyed a legitimate political party.

So, if you're calling our "pot" of left wing fringe black.....I'd like to introduce to you the witches' cauldron of the right wing fringe....which is much larger....and also black.

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