Thank You Resident Biden for High Gas Prices

$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.
wow gas prices depend upon who is president.
Yep the EO king can make that happen.

Yeah if he increase tax on it

Federal excise tax on gasoline hasn't changed in over twenty-seven years. State and local taxes do though.

Here is the scam. Taxpayer pays tax on gasoline purchases.

The government then subsidies oil production using the taxpayers money.

Meanwhile the gas and oil industry has been reporting huge profits in the last few years. Obvious cheap gas helps the little guy. He can get to work in that new car. Yet owners are raking it in with so much money it is mind blowing.

Profit margins in the oil business haven't changed in 40 years.


profit margins are only revenue based on expenditures and revenue. It just something for investors and the profit is what they are interested in. comparing profit margins 50 years ago to current profit margins does not tell the story of what are their revenue.

Exxon Mobil – 2019 revenue: $268.9 billion

it does fluctuate each year

my point is both the federal government and state government subsidizes this industry that is reported this type of revenue

$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?
Gas started going up last year.


Next fauxrage please.

After Bi-Dung's energy EO's it went up 25 cents or more in one felt swoop within one week!

Not faux.....true story!

It is going up because of speculation. Traders are largely Republican. It is going yup now thanks to Republican bungling in Texas. Maybe states should band together and file a lawsuit against Texas. There should be criminal investigations as well.
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.

Despite Obama's opposition to drilling on federal lands, oil output increased under Obama.
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.

Despite Obama's opposition to drilling on federal lands, oil output increased under Obama.
Thanks to fracking during his last two years. Fracking which he opposed but couldn’t prevent.
You’re just another dishonest phony.
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.

Despite Obama's opposition to drilling on federal lands, oil output increased under Obama.
Thanks to fracking during his last two years. Fracking which he opposed but couldn’t prevent.
You’re just another dishonest phony.

President Obama’s Support For America’s Shale Oil And ...
Dec 31, 2019 · Lest we forget that the great U.S. shale oil and natural gas revolution started around 2008, right when Barack Obama took office for …
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
You’re ignorant and dishonest. This is a rerun of 2009 when Obama pronouncements on drilling restrictions drove the price up immediately.
From $1.35 in early 2009 to a six-year average of $3.75 through 2014.

Despite Obama's opposition to drilling on federal lands, oil output increased under Obama.

Last year here in NM gas was around 1.89/1.99. 1st day of Biden presidency it jumped to $2.35 and right now it is at $2.55.

Think about what you just wrote........................the 1st day of the Biden presidency it jumped to 2.35. What did Biden do, wave a magic wand? How in the hell could he have effect on gas prices so quickly?

The jump in prices wasn't because Biden said so, it was because the companies decided they needed to jump the prices, to get as much money as they could in case Biden started to mess with them.
Last year here in NM gas was around 1.89/1.99. 1st day of Biden presidency it jumped to $2.35 and right now it is at $2.55.

Think about what you just wrote........................the 1st day of the Biden presidency it jumped to 2.35. What did Biden do, wave a magic wand? How in the hell could he have effect on gas prices so quickly?

The jump in prices wasn't because Biden said so, it was because the companies decided they needed to jump the prices, to get as much money as they could in case Biden started to mess with them.
Biden pronouncements on stifling fossil fuel, including cutting that pipeline, is enough to fuck with market psychology. Exactly a repeat of Obama — except Biden and his communist puppet masters have designs on abolishing fracking.
Why do democrats insist on fucking people’s lives up, including their own?
Stupidest alleged Americans in history.
Last year here in NM gas was around 1.89/1.99. 1st day of Biden presidency it jumped to $2.35 and right now it is at $2.55.

Think about what you just wrote........................the 1st day of the Biden presidency it jumped to 2.35. What did Biden do, wave a magic wand? How in the hell could he have effect on gas prices so quickly?

The jump in prices wasn't because Biden said so, it was because the companies decided they needed to jump the prices, to get as much money as they could in case Biden started to mess with them.
Biden pronouncements on stifling fossil fuel, including cutting that pipeline, is enough to fuck with market psychology. Exactly a repeat of Obama — except Biden and his communist puppet masters have designs on abolishing fracking.
Why do democrats insist on fucking people’s lives up, including their own?
Stupidest alleged Americans in history.

Bi-Dung is going to make Jimmah Carter look like an energy genius!
Bookmark this!
Last year here in NM gas was around 1.89/1.99. 1st day of Biden presidency it jumped to $2.35 and right now it is at $2.55.

Think about what you just wrote........................the 1st day of the Biden presidency it jumped to 2.35. What did Biden do, wave a magic wand? How in the hell could he have effect on gas prices so quickly?

The jump in prices wasn't because Biden said so, it was because the companies decided they needed to jump the prices, to get as much money as they could in case Biden started to mess with them.
Biden pronouncements on stifling fossil fuel, including cutting that pipeline, is enough to fuck with market psychology. Exactly a repeat of Obama — except Biden and his communist puppet masters have designs on abolishing fracking.
Why do democrats insist on fucking people’s lives up, including their own?
Stupidest alleged Americans in history.

Sorry, but it is the investors who drive up the prices, based on what they think the market is going to do. Greedy people gotta get as much as they can, as quick as they can. You said it yourself, his pronouncements can fuck with market psychology, which means it's not really Biden that drove up the prices, but the investors perception of what they think Biden might do. Until actual policy comes out on this, and prices spike again because of the policies put into place, you can't blame Biden. As far as I know, he hasn't instituted any policy yet.
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?
Dumbfuck, what exactly did you think was gonna happen with gas prices when Texas froze?

So now you're blaming Biden for the weather? :eusa_doh:

Gas prices were on the rise before this.
You and your ilk are addicted to lying!
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?
Dumbfuck, what exactly did you think was gonna happen with gas prices when Texas froze?

So now you're blaming Biden for the weather? :eusa_doh:

Gas prices were on the rise before this.
You and your ilk are addicted to lying!
In my area it was stable at 2.09 before Biden

2.65 now. It will not drop during Biden's term. It can only increase
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?

Republicans' mishandling of the cold weater in Texas is responsible for the latest pri ce hikes. You Nazis are responsible.
China Joe told you he was going to shut down the oil industry in the last debate. What did you think the result would be? Higher prices on everything due to increased production and delivery costs. What comes with higher prices---riiiiiiight, higher taxes because the tax is a percentage of what you spend. He gave you a $15 min wage (due in 2025) prices will rise anyway due to gas prices. By the time you get your increased wage, prices and taxes will have eaten it all up. Additionally, many on welfare and snap will be kicked off due to higher income and those who are not on those social programs will be gifted with higher income tax--it is called an endless inflation cycle and anyone who lived through the 70's knows all about it. Reminds me of that old anti-drug commercial--I do drugs so I can work harder to buy more drugs to work harder to buy more drugs...
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?
Dumbfuck, what exactly did you think was gonna happen with gas prices when Texas froze?

So now you're blaming Biden for the weather? :eusa_doh:

Gas prices were on the rise before this.
You and your ilk are addicted to lying!
In my area it was stable at 2.09 before Biden

2.65 now. It will not drop during Biden's term. It can only increase
Two weeks ago, Reg Unl was 2.25 today, 2.65. Diesel was 2.30 today, 2.99. Offroad Diesel 1.89 today 2.35. I figure we can thank China Joe for $5 diesel by Memorial Day. Maybe we'll see a call for impeachment when the liberals figure out they are paying extreme amounts more to live. Buy gold because the dollar isn't going to be worth the powder and lead to blow it to hell.

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