Thank You Resident Biden for High Gas Prices

Eliminate or restrict supply and demand goes up. And so go prices.

So Biden needs to reduce demand.

Kill off a couple of million more jobs and people won't need to drive to work.

Just wait for delivery of their free money.

No plan yet announced as to where that money might come from when there are few businesses to tax and the free money it tax free.

Oh wait, that's why they're putting printing presses where Rooseveldt's White House swimming pool used to be!
$2.09 January 20th
$2.65 today.
$4.00 Memorial Day?
Gas started going up last year.


Next fauxrage please.

And before that it went way down since demand went way down with Coronavirus keeping so many either at home, or from travelling, or both.

Even Rump didn't claim "credit" for that. He's certainly dishonest enough to claim it, but he didn't. Far as I know.
Eliminate or restrict supply and demand goes up. And so go prices.

So Biden needs to reduce demand.

Kill off a couple of million more jobs and people won't need to drive to work.

Just wait for delivery of their free money.

No plan yet announced as to where that money might come from when there are few businesses to tax and the free money it tax free.

Oh wait, that's why they're putting printing presses where Rooseveldt's White House swimming pool used to be!

What you're (intentionally) leaving out is that supply is not a constant. It can be, and is, massaged by producers and cartels, to compensate for demand. Saudi Arabia recently cut its production IIRC.

When we were hashing this out in the infamous "drill here drill now pay less" malarkey daze, we pointed out that the Bush Administration's own EIA study declared that the end effect (after 22 years to make it happen) of opening ANWR to drilling might raise the price of a barrel of crude by --- a quarter. As in 25 cents. OPEC sees a deficiency, opens their own spigot to compensate, and turns its attention to what's for lunch.
wow gas prices depend upon who is president. Supply and demand has nothing to do with it. Economy 000.
When that Resident shuts down the oil supply it has everything to do with it.

Remember also, driving is down significantly due to the Democrats manufactured crisis

Watch prices skyrocket when people start driving post covid

yeah that massive pileup in Texas sure didn't hear that message that driving was done.
wow gas prices depend upon who is president. Supply and demand has nothing to do with it. Economy 000.
When that Resident shuts down the oil supply it has everything to do with it.

Remember also, driving is down significantly due to the Democrats manufactured crisis

Watch prices skyrocket when people start driving post covid

yeah that massive pileup in Texas sure didn't hear that message that driving was done.
Sid anyone say there is no driving on the road, idiot?

There is SIGNIFIGANTLY less traffic though...God you Biden apologists are as dumb as expected
wow gas prices depend upon who is president. Supply and demand has nothing to do with it. Economy 000.
Speculation has everything to do with it. The instant rise in prices has nothing to do with real world supply or demand. Realistically it would take several weeks for the supply chain to be affected by a disruption in the market. The gas in the stations tanks were one price when filled and shouldn't change instantly because the casino on Wall Street says so. Thank the internet for that.
The speculation is based upon a President who has already shown an unfriendly attitude towards fossil fuels.
The president sets the tone and his tone is fuck fossil fuels and screw the middle class.
Then he picks more elitist career swamp rats to help turn us "green".View attachment 458817
Wake the hell up.
Prices are going up another buck by July.

possibly in the bigger picture on buying and selling on the market but at the pump it can be an event that will instantly raise the price of gas

Polar vortex has cause the recent price increases. As oil production has been cut by at least 30 percent even for a short period. Then again it could have cause more damage when plants are not equipped to handle such cold weather . Still this has reduce production and people get nervous when there is a bump in the road

Greed rears its ugly head when there is a crisis. Still it will go back down after the panic is over and things return to normal.
wow gas prices depend upon who is president.
Yep the EO king can make that happen.

Yeah if he increase tax on it

Federal excise tax on gasoline hasn't changed in over twenty-seven years. State and local taxes do though.

Here is the scam. Taxpayer pays tax on gasoline purchases.

The government then subsidies oil production using the taxpayers money.

Meanwhile the gas and oil industry has been reporting huge profits in the last few years. Obvious cheap gas helps the little guy. He can get to work in that new car. Yet owners are raking it in with so much money it is mind blowing.
wow gas prices depend upon who is president.
Yep the EO king can make that happen.

Yeah if he increase tax on it

Federal excise tax on gasoline hasn't changed in over twenty-seven years. State and local taxes do though.

Here is the scam. Taxpayer pays tax on gasoline purchases.

The government then subsidies oil production using the taxpayers money.

Meanwhile the gas and oil industry has been reporting huge profits in the last few years. Obvious cheap gas helps the little guy. He can get to work in that new car. Yet owners are raking it in with so much money it is mind blowing.

Profit margins in the oil business haven't changed in 40 years.

I paid over $4 last year. Was Biden President?
Last year? Gas here was around $0.99/gal.

Where are you? In Cali? That would explain the $4/gal gauge.
Last year here in NM gas was around 1.89/1.99. 1st day of Biden presidency it jumped to $2.35 and right now it is at $2.55.

And from that we conclude ----------------------------------------------------------- what?

Whatever it is is gonna be as mindlessly silly as the idea of Ronald Reagan secretly freeing hostages with a magic button hidden under the bible he got sworn in on.

Here's some fun stuff for correlation-without-causation gamers. On July 7 2008, average US gas price hit an all-time high of $4.11 a gallon, still a record. By the end of that year it was at $1.61. Shall we conclude George Bush did that? Shall we conclude the election of Barack O'bama did that? Shall we speculate as to why George Bush "raised" that price to $4.11 in the first place? The possibilities are endless. Get Q-anon on the horn, give 'em a Q-tip.
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