Thank you Tucker

If you have evidence that Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist then please present it, Darwin. You, on the other hand, have provided plenty of evidence that your IQ is lower than a house plant. Do you need me to start quoting you the examples?

Oh, and you’re also an anti-Semite bigot

Read his bio and then get back to me.
Read the bios of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson about Jewish people. Look at some of the Jewish people's ways about Black people. If theings ever get bad, there won't be lollipops and gumballs. The Lake of Fire...

I am not going to defend Sharpton or Jackson, but I know Tucker is racist. I do watch his shows sometimes. Ingraham is racist as well.

Can you provide some examples of this racism from Tucker and Ingraham?

Of course not because you are full of Shit.....

Did either go to a Racist Church like obozo for 20 years?

You tards are all brain dead ZEALOTS without logic....

Nope listen to shows or read their bios.

This proves you are full of shit.....

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