Thank YOU USMessageBoard!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.

The fewer RaTz in your life, the better off you will be - FACT.
Fact is that this isn´t Facebook.

Yes I know that. I was pointing out though the major difference between logical rational people like me and my emotional driven Democrat county chairman ex-brother-in-law who I was truly surprised at his very childish responses. Which I was sharing with I hope the more rational people like me on this forum. I definitely know the difference!
Fact is that this isn´t Facebook.

Yes I know that. I was pointing out though the major difference between logical rational people like me and my emotional driven Democrat county chairman ex-brother-in-law who I was truly surprised at his very childish responses. Which I was sharing with I hope the more rational people like me on this forum. I definitely know the difference!
They will see the world is not ending and your former friend will maybe talk to you again at a later point. Incredible stuff, your story. All the people in my environment, and I am living in Germany, are dazzled Obama clowns sharing a unity opinion about anything. They even have a unity facebook account as they differ zero. I should stop talking to them.
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.
Looks like you act like an asshole on Facebook too
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.
Looks like you act like an asshole on Facebook too
Difference being, he's acting, you're not.
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.

Far left drones act like two year olds when you challenge their religion.
Since I became politically aware over the past 5 years I have been terribly harrassed by deadbeat, envious assholes.

Don't argue, just Stonewall, troll. They'll still become brooding and collective enemies but at least you can have SOME fun. Reasoning with them is where shit gets gravely dangerous. Or it does if you are vulnerable as I am.
You were arguing politics and name calling, he unfriended. What a cool story bro.

No I didn't name call. My point was that his response was totally emotionally driven. Which was the antithesis of my perception of him being a logical rational person!
He was denying what a fellow democrat that voted for Trump had to say. Struck him with logic and his response was visceral!

When I asked my former brother-in-law and county Democrat chairman himself what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

he unfriended me. How childish which goes to illustrate how childish Democrats like him are acting now.
Look what Obama is doing!
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.
Your welcome.
I've been a member since 2011. Thank you UsMessageBoard for at least allowing the sharing of facts and my opinion for the last 5 years. This thank you was generated by my being "unfriended" by my college room-mate, former co-worker and ex-brother-in-law!
He almost had his PhD in chemical engineering so he appears to be a logical, rational person that should respect the search for truth. But here is his last email post regarding my comments on his Facebook page.

"Again, I stopped dialog with you because of irrelevant "evidence" (you have linked to something that has no bearing on my view of ideology) and illogical arguments and constant name calling from you. I apologize that I "finally" resorted to a modest attempt at name calling, but, it's how I feel about it."

Now isn't this a sad indictment about a Democrat county chairman and my former brother-in-law and friend?
And what was the "irrelevant evidence?
When I asked my former brother-in-law what he thought about this former Democrat..
David Abbott was a Clark County council President who switched parties last year to support and vote for Trump.

And to hear his latest support for Trump.
Fox News on Twitter

So to all you board readers that boo and hiss and otherwise act like my former brother-in-law who reacted
to the FACTs with his "un-friending" of me... just think before you react.
Looks like you act like an asshole on Facebook too

Based on??????
Oh boy, a thread where everyone thinks that they are perfect and their ideology is perfect and right, all the frikken time!
Here is a fact for you, no one on earth is 100% right or perfect all of the time. Also all this hate and polarization is totally counter productive.
The Bible often points out the goodness of humility and the evil of vanity and hate. Try it sometime.
You talk to people in real life like you do here!? What's wrong with you?

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