Thanks O for ending the war in Iraq

People who want free shit.
Obama is the worst president in human history. And that includes idi Amin.
The only thing worse is the press that allows him to get away with howlers like this all day long.

So well said, Rabbi. So well said.
Who was it that signed the SOFA in 2008 announcing the plan to withdraw all US troops by 2012?

We have already put that BS to rest in numerous other threads. Bush, nor anyone on his team, ever wanted ALL troops removed. Some wanted as many as 30-50,000 left. Even the coward Obama talked about a useless 3000.

The only people buying what you're selling are idiots who have also been lobotomized. Even the un-lobotomized idiots have figured it out by now.
But back to the topic instead of lib diversions on this thread.....So much for ending the war, Obama! LIAR.
We have already put that BS to rest in numerous other threads. Bush, nor anyone on his team, ever wanted ALL troops removed. Some wanted as many as 30-50,000 left. Even the coward Obama talked about a useless 3000.

The only people buying what you're selling are idiots who have also been lobotomized. Even the un-lobotomized idiots have figured it out by now.

Yeah sure you proved it. Except for the fact that President Bush signed it. The only people who buy your re-write of history are the ones who want to believe.......
As my 2th official post in this here forum, I'd like to say that what's going on in Iraq was inevitable from the very moment the Cheney Bush administration lied us into that invasion. Hate him or hate him more, Saddam Hussein was THE only thing holding that country together.
And, mark my words, when we leave Afghanistan, the Taliban will re-take control over that hell-hole whenever they feel like it, whether we leave tomorrow or stay another 20+ years.
As my 2th official post in this here forum, I'd like to say that what's going on in Iraq was inevitable from the very moment the Cheney Bush administration lied us into that invasion. Hate him or hate him more, Saddam Hussein was THE only thing holding that country together.
And, mark my words, when we leave Afghanistan, the Taliban will re-take control over that hell-hole whenever they feel like it, whether we leave tomorrow or stay another 20+ years.

I disagree. The civil war was not inevitable. It was the policy decisions made during the occupation, most notably the dismissal of the Iraq Army.........
Turns out those people 'Trapped' on that mountain in Iraq have been living there for years. They didn't want to be rescued. And there wasn't 40,000 of em either. There was more like 2,000. It was just another War Propaganda farce. Like WMD and this one...

The fact is and regardless who signed an agreement obama took credit for the withdrawal and his blind supporters cheered about
obama got us out of Iraq yeepee, now he no longer wants the credit.
He's a child and acts accordingly.
As my 2th official post in this here forum, I'd like to say that what's going on in Iraq was inevitable from the very moment the Cheney Bush administration lied us into that invasion. Hate him or hate him more, Saddam Hussein was THE only thing holding that country together.
And, mark my words, when we leave Afghanistan, the Taliban will re-take control over that hell-hole whenever they feel like it, whether we leave tomorrow or stay another 20+ years.

I disagree. The civil war was not inevitable. It was the policy decisions made during the occupation, most notably the dismissal of the Iraq Army.........
I'll give you that some really awful decisions were made post-invasion, especially getting rid of the army, but IF Saddam Hussein were still in powe, ISIS wouldn't be in Iraq. Why do you think this kinda stuff doesn't happen in China or NKorrea? Coz those countries are ruled by merciless despots just like Hussein. You don't mess with crazies, even if you're crazy, too.
Obama was happily taking credit for ending the war in Iraq, until the facts on the ground in Iraq, made that victory lap a sham and a political liability, and then it suddenly was Bush who ended the war in Iraq. Kind of like Obama was for the end of the war before he was against it.

The really sad element of this flip flop is how hard the Obamabots work to sell it. True believers to the end. Pray that your Messiah doesn't decide to hitch a ride on a comet.

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