Thanks Obama...Really

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war, they sure are tasting the sourest of pickles...:thup:
I don't know about you guys, but I kind of like witnessing actual debate in congress. Me and Marco Rubio........together at last!

I don't know, I figure the really good stuff is happening behind closed doors...:slap:

You and Mark eh, are you chilling the wine yet?
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.
I don't know about you guys, but I kind of like witnessing actual debate in congress. Me and Marco Rubio........together at last!

Well we are strange beasts LL.

I want pay per view from those back rooms. :eusa_angel:We're into politics. Most other people have lives...hehehehe.
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.

Not a bad summation. Not bad at all. BTW no one pretends that they did support Bush or his intel.

but I'll never believe your intel again ever.

Now, decade ago. We didn't have this ability en masse to question what was presented at the UN.

We do in the here and now have the ability to not only just question but to skewer.
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.

You had me until you said "and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors."

That's when I laughed...and thought of sour pickles..
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war, they sure are tasting the sourest of pickles...:thup:

I wonder how many of them will vote yes for the same reason Eleanor Holmes Norton says she would if she could...

...As D.C.’s delegate to Congress, Holmes is unable to actually cast a vote in the debate, but she told Press: “If [Obama] gets saved at all, I think it’ll be because, it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage.”

She elaborated: “At the moment, that’s the only reason I would vote for it if I could vote on it.”

Dem Congresswoman: 'Only Reason' I'd Vote to Strike Syria Would Be 'Loyalty' to Obama | Mediaite
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.

You had me until you said "and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors."

That's when I laughed...and thought of sour pickles..

Because you are a partisan hack. Republicans voted favorably (by a large margin) for Bush's wars for almost a decade. Now that a Democrat is in office, intervention in another country is bad. I don't think it's right, no matter which party does it. Take your partisan blinders off, and you will realize both parties stand for more militarization. Or keep your head in the sand, and believe Republicans stand for smaller government intervention.
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war

I have a theory...a suspicious really, as to why Obama decided to seek Congressional approval for this war, and it's hasn't a damn thing to do with with Constitution.

I think he knew he wouldn't get the votes for the war, which I believe would make him the first US president to get shot down after asking for permission to use 'his' military. This will garner sympathy for the President and you can bet your ass, claims of racism.

If the Congress votes no and Obama attacks anyway, I'm wrong about this. If not, expect weeks of "Poor Obama" stories from the suck-up media.
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.

Not a bad summation. Not bad at all. BTW no one pretends that they did support Bush or his intel.

but I'll never believe your intel again ever.

Now, decade ago. We didn't have this ability en masse to question what was presented at the UN.

We do in the here and now have the ability to not only just question but to skewer.

In my opinion, the Iraq war came down to partisan politics, the same as the Syrian situation is now. The intel questioning Bush's assertions existed, but was not objectively questioned by Republicans. Now we have the Democrats playing the same game.
I haven't said a lot, because there's not much to be said after "I hope Congress continues with their pattern of saying no to Obama, because I'm fed up to here with war."

Maybe not being quite so happy with the broad-brush painting would stand you in good stead.

Just a thought.
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war, they sure are tasting the sourest of pickles...:thup:

I wonder how many of them will vote yes for the same reason Eleanor Holmes Norton says she would if she could...

...As D.C.’s delegate to Congress, Holmes is unable to actually cast a vote in the debate, but she told Press: “If [Obama] gets saved at all, I think it’ll be because, it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage.”

She elaborated: “At the moment, that’s the only reason I would vote for it if I could vote on it.”

Dem Congresswoman: 'Only Reason' I'd Vote to Strike Syria Would Be 'Loyalty' to Obama | Mediaite

To many Democrats have the habit of voting and thinking in lockstep, they also, seem to like being told what to do...:eusa_doh:

She's just moronic enough to admit it...
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war

I have a theory...a suspicious really, as to why Obama decided to seek Congressional approval for this war, and it's hasn't a damn thing to do with with Constitution.

I think he knew he wouldn't get the votes for the war, which I believe would make him the first US president to get shot down after asking for permission to use 'his' military. This will garner sympathy for the President and you can bet your ass, claims of racism.

If the Congress votes no and Obama attacks anyway, I'm wrong about this. If not, expect weeks of "Poor Obama" stories from the suck-up media.

I kinda agree. I think Obama is "saving face". If enough GOP congressmen oppose the war he can blame it on them. If they approve, and our endeavor fails, he can claim he had congressional approval. Say what you want about Obama, but he is a shrewd politician, and has put himself into a win/win situation.
I find most Democrats and Republicans entertaining in this situation. Democrats have become the war-mongerers, and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors. It really weeds out the partisan hacks on both sides.

You had me until you said "and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors."

That's when I laughed...and thought of sour pickles..

Because you are a partisan hack. Republicans voted favorably (by a large margin) for Bush's wars for almost a decade. Now that a Democrat is in office, intervention in another country is bad. I don't think it's right, no matter which party does it. Take your partisan blinders off, and you will realize both parties stand for more militarization. Or keep your head in the sand, and believe Republicans stand for smaller government intervention.

You're not the least bit hackish...:lol:

Take a deep breath...Syria bomb Yes or No and for what reason?

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