Thanks Obama...Really

Say what you want about Obama, but he is a shrewd politician, and has put himself into a win/win situation.

At who's expense?? That's the problem in a nut shell,The I think he's a shrewd politician.playing games with other peoples lives, crowd voting for these wingnuts ,when we should be looking up the now extinct statesmen.

If in fact this are the maneuvers he has chosen,I wouldn't brag much about the fact.
So many many people contradicting themselves.

When you spend 5 years telling yourself how stupid and incompetent......and shrewd and evil......and weak and indecisive......and authoritarian and dictatorial.....and wishy-washy and thuggish a dude is.......this is what you get.
You had me until you said "and Republicans are pretending they never supported Bush in similar endeavors."

That's when I laughed...and thought of sour pickles..

Because you are a partisan hack. Republicans voted favorably (by a large margin) for Bush's wars for almost a decade. Now that a Democrat is in office, intervention in another country is bad. I don't think it's right, no matter which party does it. Take your partisan blinders off, and you will realize both parties stand for more militarization. Or keep your head in the sand, and believe Republicans stand for smaller government intervention.

You're not the least bit hackish...:lol:

Take a deep breath...Syria bomb Yes or No and for what reason?

I disagree with almost any military action in the Middle East, unless there is an immediate threat. I don't think any of our endeavors over there have fit that criteria so far.

And yes, not liking Bush or Obama makes me a hack.... :doubt:
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I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war

I have a theory...a suspicious really, as to why Obama decided to seek Congressional approval for this war, and it's hasn't a damn thing to do with with Constitution.

I think he knew he wouldn't get the votes for the war, which I believe would make him the first US president to get shot down after asking for permission to use 'his' military. This will garner sympathy for the President and you can bet your ass, claims of racism.

If the Congress votes no and Obama attacks anyway, I'm wrong about this. If not, expect weeks of "Poor Obama" stories from the suck-up media.

Claims of "racism" from who? Why would he allegedly do this for "sympathy"?
I haven't said a lot, because there's not much to be said after "I hope Congress continues with their pattern of saying no to Obama, because I'm fed up to here with war."

Maybe not being quite so happy with the broad-brush painting would stand you in good stead.

Just a thought.

Excellent points.

Thanks. I keep forgetting I am speaking to the willfully deaf, dumb and blind kids.
I appreciate Obama for testing Democrats mettle with this Syrian fiasco/ego war

I have a theory...a suspicious really, as to why Obama decided to seek Congressional approval for this war, and it's hasn't a damn thing to do with with Constitution.

I think he knew he wouldn't get the votes for the war, which I believe would make him the first US president to get shot down after asking for permission to use 'his' military. This will garner sympathy for the President and you can bet your ass, claims of racism.

If the Congress votes no and Obama attacks anyway, I'm wrong about this. If not, expect weeks of "Poor Obama" stories from the suck-up media.

Claims of "racism" from who? Why would he allegedly do this for "sympathy"?

Hate-filled claims of racism by the left got Obama elected twice, he certainly didn't win the elections on merit and too many Americans are paying the price for this foolishness.
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I have a theory...a suspicious really, as to why Obama decided to seek Congressional approval for this war, and it's hasn't a damn thing to do with with Constitution.

I think he knew he wouldn't get the votes for the war, which I believe would make him the first US president to get shot down after asking for permission to use 'his' military. This will garner sympathy for the President and you can bet your ass, claims of racism.

If the Congress votes no and Obama attacks anyway, I'm wrong about this. If not, expect weeks of "Poor Obama" stories from the suck-up media.

Claims of "racism" from who? Why would he allegedly do this for "sympathy"?

Hate-filled claims of racism by the left got Obama elected twice, he certainly didn't win election on merit and too many Americans are paying the price for this foolishness.

Show me an exit poll where the majority of people stated that they voted for him because of the "claims of racism". I'm sure that some did, but definitely not the majority of people who voted for him, in my opinion they simply didn't like what the republicans had and have to offer.
Claims of "racism" from who? Why would he allegedly do this for "sympathy"?

Hate-filled claims of racism by the left got Obama elected twice, he certainly didn't win election on merit and too many Americans are paying the price for this foolishness.

Show me an exit poll where the majority of people stated that they voted for him because of the "claims of racism". I'm sure that some did, but definitely not the majority of people who voted for him, in my opinion they simply didn't like what the republicans had and have to offer.

Do you deny that Democrats used the race card in both elections? The guilt of the Democrats with their extensive racist history and African Americans voting for Obama because he's partially black is obvious. I'm kinda surprised you are unaware of this...:dunno:
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Hate-filled claims of racism by the left got Obama elected twice, he certainly didn't win election on merit and too many Americans are paying the price for this foolishness.

Show me an exit poll where the majority of people stated that they voted for him because of the "claims of racism". I'm sure that some did, but definitely not the majority of people who voted for him, in my opinion they simply didn't like what the republicans had and have to offer.

Do you deny that Democrats used the race card in both elections? The guilt of the Democrats with their extensive racist history and African Americans voting for Obama because he's partially black is obvious. I'm kinda surprised you are unaware of this...:dunno:

Do you deny that people from BOTH parties used "race" in both elections? What are the specific instances of the alleged use of the "race card" that you are referring to? Who are the Democrats that allegedly feel guilty for something that happened in that Party in the 60's and prior? The Democrat party of today is a whole lot more different than the Southern Democrat party during the Civil rights Era, that's for damn sure.
Show me an exit poll where the majority of people stated that they voted for him because of the "claims of racism". I'm sure that some did, but definitely not the majority of people who voted for him, in my opinion they simply didn't like what the republicans had and have to offer.

Do you deny that Democrats used the race card in both elections? The guilt of the Democrats with their extensive racist history and African Americans voting for Obama because he's partially black is obvious. I'm kinda surprised you are unaware of this...:dunno:

Do you deny that people from BOTH parties used "race" in both elections? What are the specific instances of the alleged use of the "race card" that you are referring to? Who are the Democrats that allegedly feel guilty for something that happened in that Party in the 60's and prior? The Democrat party of today is a whole lot more different than the Southern Democrat party during the Civil rights Era, that's for damn sure.

Yes denied...ain't got the time...and you need to do your own research..other than that, good afternoon.
Thanks, Obama for looking like a complete idiot out there in the international community. All of us knew we could count on you.


I am glad this whole thing happened, if only to show the rest of the world just how right their suspicions have been about our inexperienced, narcissist-in-chief..president, who has just cemented his legacy of recklessness, and even with most of his own supporters. It had to happen. Every dog has his day??

What a way to go down....:eusa_whistle:

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