"Thanksgiving was founded on a massacre." : Stupid left wing Hollywood ignorant losers.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Unless things are done about the fucking education in this country.....

Look at her stupid fucking face and how smart she thinks she is too.
The Shocking Savagery of America’s Early History | History | Smithsonian

The haunting figure presaging the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelation plays an important part in Bailyn’s explanation of the European settlers’ descent into unrestrained savagery. The key passage on this question comes late in his new book when Bailyn makes explicit a connection I had not seen before: between the physical savagery the radical dissenting Protestant settlers of America wreaked on the original inhabitants, and the intellectual savagery of their polemical attacks on the church and state authorities they fled from in Europe—and the savagery of vicious insult and vile denunciation they wreaked upon each other as well.

white christian savages

William Bradford, then-governor of Plymouth, was intent on claiming the land for the white settlers and sought to completely eradicate the Native Americans whose land they were occupying. Bradford truly believed in the punishment-heavy religious traditions taught by those like Richard Baxter and viewed the Indians not as human, but agents of demonic forces, describing them as “savage people, who are cruel, barbarous, and most treacherous.”

In 1937, the war on the Pequot villages of Southeastern Connecticut began, and settlers savagely slaughtered Pequot men, women, and children by the hundreds. Bradford’s own notes described the savagery of his men in graphic detail:

“Others ran into their houses, and brought out fire, and set them on fire, which soon took in their mats, and, standing close together, with the wind, all was quickly on a flame, and thereby more were burnt to death than was otherwise slain,” Bradford wrote. “Those that escaped the fire were slain with the sword; some hewed to pieces, others run through with their rapiers, so as they were quickly dispatched, and very few escaped.

It was conceived they thus destroyed about 400 at this time. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire…horrible was the stink and scent thereof, but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them.”

After some 500 Pequots were slaughtered in massacres in May, June, and July, Bradford declared victory in November and stated that the massacre of the Pequots would be a holiday celebrated by all white settlers.

“For the next 100 years, every Thanksgiving Day ordained by a Governor was in honor of the bloody victory, thanking God that the battle had been won.”

Thanksgiving Is an Origin Myth That Whitewashes Native American Genocide
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It is true that the white man did
1. Kill a lot of native Americans
2. Released(unintentionally)diseases that killed a lot of native Americans
3. moved native Americans into reservations. Forcefully.
"The present King of Great Britain...has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers; the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." ---Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence.

"Indians have nothing human except the shape ...the gradual extension of our settlements will as certainly cause the savage, as the wolf, to retire; both being beasts of prey, tho' they differ in shape. They are wolves and beasts who deserved nothing from the whites but 'total ruin'
."---George Washington, 1783.

"Root them out from their 'dens' and kill the women and their 'whelps'." ---Andrew Jackson.

"We are obliged "...to pursue [Indians] to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach."---Thomas Jefferson.

"It needs but little familiarity with the actual, palpable aborigines to convince anyone that the poetic Indian—the Indian of Cooper and Longfellow—is only visible to the poet's eye. To the prosaic observer, the average Indian of the woods and prairies is a being who does little credit to human nature—a slave of appetite and sloth, never emancipated from the tyranny of one animal passion save by the more ravenous demands of another."---Horace Greeley.

"If the savage resists, civilization, with the Ten Commandments in one hand and the sword in the other, demands his immediate execution."---Andrew Johnson, Message to Congress, 1867.

"The idea that a handful of wild, half-naked, thieving, plundering, murdering savages should be dignified with the sovereign attributes of nations, enter into solemn treaties, and claim a country 500 miles wide by 1,000 miles long as theirs in fee simple, because they hunted buffalo or antelope over it, might do for a beautiful reading of Hiawatha, but is unsuited to the intelligence and justice of this age, or the natural rights of mankind."---New Mexico Supreme Court, United States v. Lucero, 1 NM S. Ct. 422, 1869.

"I suppose I should be ashamed to say that I take the Western view of the Indian. I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. "---Theodore Roosevelt.

"All men of sane and wholesome thought must dismiss with impatient contempt the plea that these continents should be reserved for the use of scattered savage tribes, whose life was but a few degrees less meaningless, squalid, and ferocious than that of the wild beasts with whom they held joint ownership."---Theodore Roosevelt.

"Why did Yankees almost instantly discover gold in California, which had been trodden upon and overlooked by Indians and Mexican greasers for centuries?”---Abe Lincoln, "Lecture on Discoveries, Inventions, and Improvements, Springfield, Illinois, February 22, 1860.
It is true that the white man did
1. Kill a lot of native Americans
2. Released diseases that killed a lot of native Americans
3. moved native Americans into reservations. Forcefully.
Also gave them a new word. Wheel.

I know you are one of those assholes who think natives were just peaceful peyote drinking people living in harmony until white Christians showed up with a musket and bible.

Got it.

Simplistic morons.

Do you know native tribes owned slaves? Do you know native tribes butchered one another?

Why is it again native tribes did not need to defend their land the way every other nation on earth need to?

I thought left wingers loved the notion of survival of the fittest.

Do you know how many things natives have received? Out of pity?

Do you know the advantages of that pipeline? Oh right. Icky oil and every fucking left wing tree hugging hypocrite uses.

Stupid ass hypocritical gasbags. How many things do you use that utilizes icky oil? Computer for one...

Dumb ass hypocrite.
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So why is everyone saying she is wrong?
First of all thanksgiving was not a massacre.

Second, there are many advantages that the pipeline is going to provide.

Third, if she is so concerned about their plight then she should give up her house to one of them.

All left wingers are bloviated ignorant hypocrites.
It is true that the white man did
1. Kill a lot of native Americans
2. Released diseases that killed a lot of native Americans
3. moved native Americans into reservations. Forcefully.
Also gave them a new word. Wheel.

I know you are one of those assholes who think natives were just peaceful peyote drinking people living in harmony until white Christians showed up with a musket and bible.

Got it.

Simplistic morons.

Do you know native tribes owned slaves? Do you know native tribes butchered one another?

Why is it again native tribes did not need to defend their land the why every other nations on earth need to?

I thought left wingers loved the notion of survival of the fittest.

Do you know how many things natives have received? Out of pity?

Do you know the advantages of that pipeline? Oh right. Icky oil and every fucking left wing tree hugging hypocrite uses.

Stupid ass hypocritical gasbags. How many things do you use that utilizes icky oil? Computer for one...

Dumb ass hypocrite.

Wait, using oil means you should accept any oil pipeline? One cannot find issues with a particular oil pipeline, whether because of the land it will be placed on, or questions of safety, or whatever other reason a person might oppose a particular oil pipeline, if they make use of oil?

That sounds like some twisted reasoning.
It is true that the white man did
1. Kill a lot of native Americans
2. Released diseases that killed a lot of native Americans
3. moved native Americans into reservations. Forcefully.
Also gave them a new word. Wheel.

I know you are one of those assholes who think natives were just peaceful peyote drinking people living in harmony until white Christians showed up with a musket and bible.

Got it.

Simplistic morons.

Do you know native tribes owned slaves? Do you know native tribes butchered one another?

Why is it again native tribes did not need to defend their land the why every other nations on earth need to?

I thought left wingers loved the notion of survival of the fittest.

Do you know how many things natives have received? Out of pity?

Do you know the advantages of that pipeline? Oh right. Icky oil and every fucking left wing tree hugging hypocrite uses.

Stupid ass hypocritical gasbags. How many things do you use that utilizes icky oil? Computer for one...

Dumb ass hypocrite.

Wait, using oil means you should accept any oil pipeline? One cannot find issues with a particular oil pipeline, whether because of the land it will be placed on, or questions of safety, or whatever other reason a person might oppose a particular oil pipeline, if they make use of oil?

That sounds like some twisted reasoning.
Yeah, it seems they are the ones that do not want to listen.
I don't know all the details of the pipline, but the crying snowflake is WRONG when she says, "Thanksgiving" is based on a massacre.

She is a typical America hating alt left loon.
It is true that the white man did
1. Kill a lot of native Americans
2. Released(unintentionally)diseases that killed a lot of native Americans
3. moved native Americans into reservations. Forcefully.

Those were the times back then...right or wrong that's how the world was...stronger army's conquered and took whatever they wanted by all means necessary. For the new age world to be judgmental of those times is actually quite ignorant.
'There once was a caveman who killed another caveman and took his cave....blah, blah, blah'
Do you see where I could go with this?
HereWeGoAgain and BrokeLoser have trouble with the truth. One needs to be careful of present-ism (the placing of our values culturally today on the cultures of the past), but one can say Hitler was a "bad guy", and one can say truthfully that the white race engaged in genocide against the Native Americans for more than 400 years. Those are the facts.

BrokeLoser, you don't get to massacre the people next door because you want their hut.

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