That 600-pound gorilla.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
A 600-pound gorilla is a scary thing; I try to cut people a break if they avoid it. I am nearly finished with Dr. Judy Mikovits’s book, Plague of Corruption, while in the background my television is replete with ads for prescription medications and pharmaceuticals, a practice unheard of just a few decades ago. It is in fact unheard of in every country on Earth now except for the United States and New Zealand.

A generation of Americans has grown up thinking the practice of treating serious and sometimes dangerous medications like toy commercials aimed at children is normal and acceptable. Kids see a toy on TV and then pressure their parents to buy it for them. Why would this be happening with prescriptions in a doctor’s office? The answer is money and lots of it.

Dr. Mikovits has impeccable credentials and while she does not specifically address this issue, she does suggest that money, power, and prestige are corrupting medial science and important research. America is an aging country loaded with smokers, drinkers, and drug abusers that poison themselves on a daily basis. The treasure of alcohol, tobacco, and now marijuana is massive and the corruption of US politicians by the industries that produce them is a ubiquitous plague far more toxic than Covid-19.

Few realize that about ten percent of America’s drinkers consume ninety percent of the booze and this huge swath of the population dies early and often. But they are spending money to make others rich. This may explain why liquor stores remained open while churches were shut down during the pandemic.

Mikovits is sounding alarm bells about side effects of vaccines that may cause disease from animal tissue used to culture them. Her concerns are valid, but they are buried while she is ostracized by the greed of science that sees dollar signs not human benefit.

Now we come to that 600-pond gorilla that no one wants to talk about. Did the Chinese purposely unleash a pestilence on the world to take out Donald Trump? Trump was indirectly exposing the scam by calling attention to the racket. Why would US Congress hand over control of our pharmaceutical industry to the Chinese? You know the answer, money.

The world is now under the control of the most wicked among us. They are bragging that things will never be the same. It is time to wake up.
"Before using this medication, tell your doctor if you have liver problems."

Now, I'm wondering. Wouldn't your doctor know if you have liver problems?

Commercials for prescription drugs should be banned from broadcast. And take that Mike Slocumb Firm too. No lawyers.
Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a hoax. Did they also spread that disinformation for China, to help make the pandemic worse in the US; or, is the current US administration worse than Cuba or Venezuela?
A 600-pound gorilla is a scary thing; I try to cut people a break if they avoid it. I am nearly finished with Dr. Judy Mikovits’s book, Plague of Corruption, while in the background my television is replete with ads for prescription medications and pharmaceuticals, a practice unheard of just a few decades ago. It is in fact unheard of in every country on Earth now except for the United States and New Zealand.

A generation of Americans has grown up thinking the practice of treating serious and sometimes dangerous medications like toy commercials aimed at children is normal and acceptable. Kids see a toy on TV and then pressure their parents to buy it for them. Why would this be happening with prescriptions in a doctor’s office? The answer is money and lots of it.

Dr. Mikovits has impeccable credentials and while she does not specifically address this issue, she does suggest that money, power, and prestige are corrupting medial science and important research. America is an aging country loaded with smokers, drinkers, and drug abusers that poison themselves on a daily basis. The treasure of alcohol, tobacco, and now marijuana is massive and the corruption of US politicians by the industries that produce them is a ubiquitous plague far more toxic than Covid-19.

Few realize that about ten percent of America’s drinkers consume ninety percent of the booze and this huge swath of the population dies early and often. But they are spending money to make others rich. This may explain why liquor stores remained open while churches were shut down during the pandemic.

Mikovits is sounding alarm bells about side effects of vaccines that may cause disease from animal tissue used to culture them. Her concerns are valid, but they are buried while she is ostracized by the greed of science that sees dollar signs not human benefit.

Now we come to that 600-pond gorilla that no one wants to talk about. Did the Chinese purposely unleash a pestilence on the world to take out Donald Trump? Trump was indirectly exposing the scam by calling attention to the racket. Why would US Congress hand over control of our pharmaceutical industry to the Chinese? You know the answer, money.

The world is now under the control of the most wicked among us. They are bragging that things will never be the same. It is time to wake up.
Thanks for another fantastic post, Ray. Nicely done.
Congress has no authority to control where or who manufactures pharmaceuticals if that were true Trump and/or Congress would have changed it, Yet that is not the case.
I never understood advertising medications to the general public.

You still can’t go to a drug store and buy the latest heart medication. Your doctor should be the one recommending treatment, not some ad
Few realize that about ten percent of America’s drinkers consume ninety percent of the booze and this huge swath of the population dies early and often. But they are spending money to make others rich. This may explain why liquor stores remained open while churches were shut down during the pandemic
Vast private fortunes have been made by socializing alcohol's costs onto its victims:

Imagine the difference if all those private riches from poisons like liquor and fossil fuels were taxed into extinction to pay for their toxic effects on society?

Family Liquor Fortunes Worth $70 Billion Took Centuries To Build

"Take the Bacardis.

"The world’s enduring thirst for their light rum has pumped billions of dollars into the family’s coffers since 1862, enriching hundreds of clan members now spread across the globe.

"About 6 million Bacardi rum and Cokes are thrown back every day, and the popularity of that classic cocktail known as the Cuba Libre helped Bacardi Ltd. sell 17 million cases of its eponymous spirit in 2017."

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