That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Predjuiced against what?

Any man that defends himself with a gunespecially if the shooter is 'white' and the dead man a black.

At this point, Zimmerman seems to be the aggressor.

He only seems to be the aggressor if you ignore the bleeding wounds Zimmerman had to the back of his head where MArtin hit him, and the bleeding wounds he had to his face where Martin then stood over him and beat and kicked him on the ground.

He *followed* Martin, apparently stopped after the dispatcher said to, and then got blindsided by this 17 year old young adult. (it is amazing how libtards like to call late teenagers 'young adults' but they magically become 'children' when it suits to use them as victims).

At the very least..Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with Homicide. Then the forenics could take their course while the public is assured safety.

You werent there and you dont know jack shit except for what the MSM spoon feeds you.

This also points out why that "No Retreat" law is so bad. It's very vague as to what counts as "self defense". And it allows anyone with a grief or beef to construe it's okay to go vilgilante.


The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are the real point here.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Take my guns bitch.

Um..aside from your blather..the Germane points here are:

-Zimmerman was chasing Martin.
-Martin's girlfriend's interview conflicts with Zimmerman's in that she heard him confront Martin.
-Martin had the very same right to defend himself.
-Zimmerman is not a trained LEO. He wasn't registered as Neighborhood watch either.
-Zimmerman has shown that he has the capacity to take human life.
Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

Well, because I finally allowed the liberal community to educate my dumb self, and I now know that white people are racist by default until proven not racist, and minorities are not racist...ever. Ever.

So how can he be both hispanic and racist?

But reading more on the case, I saw they said Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. So then it made perfect sense. His racist white half did the profiling. His violent hispanic half did the kiling.

See? Without racial assumptions we'd never solve anything:D I'm sure Al Sharpton and his ilk who have flocked to Orlando for the "Million Hoodie March" aren't making any racial assumptions yet though.

Who is it that told you that white people were racist by default and what about their argument was so compelling to you?
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There's a lot of folks claiming Zimmerman called this guy a 'coon', but I've listened to all the 911 calls I can find and don't hear it or see it in any transcripts. Can anyone provide a link that PROVES this assertion, or is it just being made up to further your agenda?
:eusa_shhh:So far, what we know isTrayvon Martin initiated a verbal confrontation. :eusa_shhh:

it seems like the young man might have started a physical confrontation after he started a verbal confrontation, all before he knew the guy had an equalizer ... poor kid, but he acted stupidly. a tragedy for all involved.

The reports say Zimmerman was attacked and had a bad bruise on his face from being hit in the face with a soda can. A witness said the young man was on top of him beating the older man. That tells you the kid wasn't innocent in this either and there was a confrontation.

The chief listened to what Zimmerman said, there are reports that Zimmerman had wounds on him, and there is an eyewitness who saw him on the ground before he shot the kid.

According to the Sanford police report, George Zimmerman, 28, a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, is found armed with a handgun, standing over Martin. He has a bloody nose and a wound in the back of his head.

Sanford police on Thursday also challenged a WFTV-Channel 9 report, in which Mary Cutcher said police largely ignored her even though she told them, "I know this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling."

Police said they twice tried to interview her without success, and the third time, she wrote a very short sworn statement for her roommate that was consistent with Zimmerman's account.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida


According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard.

so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?
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[ame=]Hadza Monkey Hunt and Pot Smoking - YouTube[/ame]
Predjuiced against what?

Any man that defends himself with a gunespecially if the shooter is 'white' and the dead man a black.

He only seems to be the aggressor if you ignore the bleeding wounds Zimmerman had to the back of his head where MArtin hit him, and the bleeding wounds he had to his face where Martin then stood over him and beat and kicked him on the ground.

He *followed* Martin, apparently stopped after the dispatcher said to, and then got blindsided by this 17 year old young adult. (it is amazing how libtards like to call late teenagers 'young adults' but they magically become 'children' when it suits to use them as victims).

You werent there and you dont know jack shit except for what the MSM spoon feeds you.

This also points out why that "No Retreat" law is so bad. It's very vague as to what counts as "self defense". And it allows anyone with a grief or beef to construe it's okay to go vilgilante.


The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are the real point here.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Take my guns bitch.

Um..aside from your blather..the Germane points here are:

-Zimmerman was chasing Martin.
-Martin's girlfriend's interview conflicts with Zimmerman's in that she heard him confront Martin.
-Martin had the very same right to defend himself.
-Zimmerman is not a trained LEO. He wasn't registered as Neighborhood watch either.
-Zimmerman has shown that he has the capacity to take human life.

So which side of the family does this criminality come from?

His white side or hispanic side?

Is this bull shit worth starting a nationwide race-riot?

Is this justification of any black asshole in the country to begin showing their ass in public?

Trust me, it's already started.

Does it feel good to foment racial unrest, giving Obama the turmoil he wanted this Summer?
According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard.

so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?

In what fucking universe does asking a guy following you 'why are you following me' considered 'starting a verbal confrontation'?

In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

I am not fully supporting either side until all the facts are out.

That being said, I'm not entirely convinced that an unofficial self-appointed neighborhood watch captain who carries a gun and follows 'suspicious characters' around late at night and doesn't listen to the 911 operator, can be completely trusted to give an honest account of what happened.
According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard.

so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?

In what fucking universe does asking a guy following you 'why are you following me' considered 'starting a verbal confrontation'?

In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

I am not fully supporting either side until all the facts are out.

That being said, I'm not entirely convinced that an unofficial self-appointed neighborhood watch captain who carries a gun and follows 'suspicious characters' around late at night and doesn't listen to the 911 operator, can be completely trusted to give an honest account of what happened.

Dante suffers from confirmation bias. And he likes to spam the board with facts that aren't facts.
According to the victim's own girlfriend who was on the phone with him, the victim started a verbal confrontation: young man: "why you following me?" - Hispanic man: "what are you doing around here?" - a struggle ensues on girlfriend's call and call ends with NO shot heard.

so, a guy follows a kid. kid confronts the guy starting a verbal confrontation. a physical fight ensues. kid ends up shot and dies.

where is the crime?

In what fucking universe does asking a guy following you 'why are you following me' considered 'starting a verbal confrontation'?

In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

I am not fully supporting either side until all the facts are out.

That being said, I'm not entirely convinced that an unofficial self-appointed neighborhood watch captain who carries a gun and follows 'suspicious characters' around late at night and doesn't listen to the 911 operator, can be completely trusted to give an honest account of what happened.

Dante suffers from confirmation bias. And he likes to spam the board with facts that aren't facts.

seems to be a rash of that going around the board lately.

I wonder if there's a cream or something to cure it?
What if someone later finds Zimmerman to be suspicious and pumps some lead into his back claiming self-defense.

Wouldn't that be something?

And what makes you at this point, any different than what you are accusing another of ? Hatred is simply hatred, and it cuts both ways when applied before the facts are all in...........

Are you really that much of an idiot, or are you just so desperate to maintain a BS position that you've already abandoned all sense of reason? Nobody is advocating that Zimmerman be murdered. The point was that the interpretation of law that is required to believe Zimmerman is innocent by self defense is both absurd and extremely dangerous to society.
In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

When its private property he holds an ownership interest in.

And was the guy on private property? I was under the understanding that he was walking down the street.

Private street, dedicated privately per condo plat.

You cant have public right-of-way behind gates in Florida.
In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

When its private property he holds an ownership interest in.
You keep saying that with no proof to back yourself up.

A property search in Seminole County returns no results for George Zimmerman.

You also can't seem to back up your claim that the boy had no right to be on the property.
In what fucking universe does the hispanic/white/what fucking eva guy have the right to just walk up to someone and ask 'what are you doing around here?'

When its private property he holds an ownership interest in.
You keep saying that with no proof to back yourself up.

A property search in Seminole County returns no results for George Zimmerman.

You also can't seem to back up your claim that the boy had no right to be on the property.

Got it. Keep thinking you know everything.
I find it incomprehensible that so many are defending Zimmermann's actions.

And there are some other issues here, also. Why, with Zimmermann's record, was he given a concealed carry permit? Why did not the Sanford Police Department tell him to cease and desist after about his 20th bogus call? Why at his 40th bogus call did they not pull him in, and realize that he was packing and dangerous? This is one fucked up situation, and a 17 year old kid that had done nothing at all wrong has paid for it with his life.
Most of the hypocrital 'hang-em-high' race-baiting fools in the media are ignorant of Zimmermans side of the story.

Zimmerman's side of the story:

Yes, I chased that "fucking coon" down.

Yes, I shot him.

Let's just call it self defense.

They have no idea that Martin was seen on top of Zimmeran pounding him with his feet and fists.


And you better come up with something good to justify you sucking Zimmerman's dick. You know damn well that you have nothing to back that up, and that you're simply inventing out of thin air.

Even if it were true, the fact still remains that Zimmerman chased after Martin. Self defense does not apply to a situation you put yourself into by chasing down what you have already told police you think is a "suspicious" person "up to no good."

They have no idea that Zimmerman had bleeding wounds to the back of his head and his face and was covered in grass from Martin having put him on the ground.


But the libtards dont care as long as they get their pound of flesh.

What's remarkable is that this issue is one where most of the right and left on this board are in agreement. On this board, that's saying something HUGE. You're in the fringe minority, with even some severe wing nuts of both sides being able to find agreement that Zimmerman was in the wrong.

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