That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.
What if someone later finds Zimmerman to be suspicious and pumps some lead into his back claiming self-defense.

Wouldn't that be something?

And what makes you at this point, any different than what you are accusing another of ? Hatred is simply hatred, and it cuts both ways when applied before the facts are all in...........

Lets take a look at your suspect or suspicious analogy above, and lets think about what you have written, then apply it to the street... What makes you any different from Zimmermen in your alledged hatred and suspicions you accuse him of before all the facts are in on the case ? Otherwise if were to encounter someone you then suspect could be a bad guy or gal (Zimmerman in your statements written) and/or are then suspicious of out on the street, I mean with your mindset given, and then accompanied by your hatred as shown above (pumping led into his back, claiming self defence), wouldnot the outcome be the same in which you claim against Zimmerman, having not yet the full facts of the case still ?

Why not take the high road always, and speak about the facts needing to be known totally now in such a case, and if there is a serious misjudgement on Zimmerman's part, and he did things that wrongfully led to the teens death, then we can only hope that justice will prevail in such a case, and that it should definitely be reviewed by a grand jury, and with indictments given out next.

People if not careful, can lower themselves to the very thing by which they are accusing another of, thus placing themselves also as the very thing in which they are accusing another of, and thus should excuse themselves from the jury due to extreme (racial) bias just as well in such a case..

Didnot they take the handcuff's off of OJ Simpson when first captured, sighting that he had not been proven guilty as of yet (i.e. didnot prove to be a flight risk)??? So why then were the handcuffs used on OJ was the question posed (even under the weight of the overwhelming situation found in the pursuit and/or chase) he was still required by law to be treated as innocent until proven guilty. So what happened to "Innocent until proven Guilty in a court of law" ? I'm asking you....................................

In this case as it were with OJ Simpson (remember), Zimmerman is now being tried in the court of public opinion or by the media, and is "guilty" first by interent and media standards that have been set, and this until he is somehow proven innocent ?? :cuckoo:

This can make a lot of people eat crow quickly if not careful, so it best to let the courts handle it from here on out, don't cha think ?

This smells of media hysteria so bad, it reminds me of the early Duke case.

Most of the hypocrital 'hang-em-high' race-baiting fools in the media are ignorant of Zimmermans side of the story.

They have no idea that Martin was seen on top of Zimmeran pounding him with his feet and fists. They have no idea that Zimmerman had bleeding wounds to the back of his head and his face and was covered in grass from Martin having put him on the ground.

But the libtards dont care as long as they get their pound of flesh.
Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

So Clint Eastwood is a racist for calling a black a 'spook'?

Saying the word coon is proof that Zimmerman had murderous intent?

Do you ever bother to connect the dots you present?

How does one reasonably go from 'he called him a coon' to 'he killed him in cold blood'?
Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

Well, because I finally allowed the liberal community to educate my dumb self, and I now know that white people are racist by default until proven not racist, and minorities are not racist...ever. Ever.

So how can he be both hispanic and racist?

But reading more on the case, I saw they said Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. So then it made perfect sense. His racist white half did the profiling. His violent hispanic half did the kiling.

See? Without racial assumptions we'd never solve anything:D I'm sure Al Sharpton and his ilk who have flocked to Orlando for the "Million Hoodie March" aren't making any racial assumptions yet though.
Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

So Clint Eastwood is a racist for calling a black a 'spook'?

Saying the word coon is proof that Zimmerman had murderous intent?

Do you ever bother to connect the dots you present?

How does one reasonably go from 'he called him a coon' to 'he killed him in cold blood'?

How does one go from "he said a racial epithet" to "he killed him in cold blood?"

Do YOU ever respond to what's posted, and not some blatant assumption based on what's NOT even there? :cuckoo:
Wait, I'm confused. So he's hispanic, and murdered a black kid. But the murder was racially motivated, so he must be white. So how can he be both racist (white) and hispanic (not racist) at the same time?

I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

Well, because I finally allowed the liberal community to educate my dumb self, and I now know that white people are racist by default until proven not racist, and minorities are not racist...ever. Ever.

So how can he be both hispanic and racist?

But reading more on the case, I saw they said Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. So then it made perfect sense. His racist white half did the profiling. His violent hispanic half did the kiling.

See? Without racial assumptions we'd never solve anything:D I'm sure Al Sharpton and his ilk who have flocked to Orlando for the "Million Hoodie March" aren't making any racial assumptions yet though.

Well, just because you heard it on TV doesn't make it true.
I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

So Clint Eastwood is a racist for calling a black a 'spook'?

Saying the word coon is proof that Zimmerman had murderous intent?

Do you ever bother to connect the dots you present?

How does one reasonably go from 'he called him a coon' to 'he killed him in cold blood'?

How does one go from "he said a racial epithet" to "he killed him in cold blood?"

Do YOU ever respond to what's posted, and not some blatant assumption based on what's NOT even there? :cuckoo:

Then what the hell does "He was calling the kid a coon" have to do with the price of shit in China?

Why do you bring it up like it is somehow relevant?

Of course we both know that you are a lying shit and just ducking away from your idiotic implication.
No, Really.

The Sanford City Commission passed a vote of "no confidence" in police Chief Bill Lee Wednesday night.
City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte Jr. will decide whether to ask for the chief's resignation or fire him. If Bonaparte decides to do neither, he can then be held accountable for any future problems with the chief.

Yeah, political geometry these days requires the cops to arrest anyone the leftist pigs think committed a crime if the criminals in question are not part of the Democratic Parties creiminal syndicates. They cant stand rivalry.

A lot of it is BS, like an officer is PROHIBITED from arresting someone if they claim self defense and the "physical evidence" appears to back that up. The police are not judge & jury. I note it was the CITY OF SANFORD that got DOJ involved. The picture of the young man makes it more heartbreaking every time I see it. ( Please remember, those who "feel" for the killer, the young man killed had NO record, and there have been NO reports he was anything but a 17 year high school old student. )

Trayvon had no record that the courts will release. Since he is a juvenile he is not supposed to have his records made public, right?

But whatever Travnors record is, Zimmerman had an arrest or two with no plea bargains or technical fouls. So he is as innocent in the eyes of the law as Tavnor.

And at what point do you think it is OK to shoot in self-defense?

When the riminal has you fading out of consciousness from kicking you in your head?

When you get knocked down to the ground on your back?

You people are engaged in prejudice aagainst Zimmerman when you do not have all the facts.

According to Zimmermans testimony and a third party, Tavnor hit Zimmerman in the back of the head from behind, knocking him to the ground, where Travnor commenced to kicking Zimmerman and pounding him with their fists.

Untill someone can do better than just 'Whites ar racists and secretly want to kill a black man, any black man' there is no evidence that contradicts Zimmermans tale and a third person witnessed the assault. Travnor had Zimmerman on his back and was pounding the guy with his feet and fists.

Predjuiced against what?

At this point, Zimmerman seems to be the aggressor. He was chasing Martin, a minor by the way.

At the very least..Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with Homicide. Then the forenics could take their course while the public is assured safety.

This also points out why that "No Retreat" law is so bad. It's very vague as to what counts as "self defense". And it allows anyone with a grief or beef to construe it's okay to go vilgilante.
I'm not sure what your color has to do with if you're racist or not. He was calling the kid a coon.

Well, because I finally allowed the liberal community to educate my dumb self, and I now know that white people are racist by default until proven not racist, and minorities are not racist...ever. Ever.

So how can he be both hispanic and racist?

But reading more on the case, I saw they said Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. So then it made perfect sense. His racist white half did the profiling. His violent hispanic half did the kiling.

See? Without racial assumptions we'd never solve anything:D I'm sure Al Sharpton and his ilk who have flocked to Orlando for the "Million Hoodie March" aren't making any racial assumptions yet though.

Well, just because you heard it on TV doesn't make it true.

But the libtards on TV are true when they report the libtard view of this case, because they are themselves libtards.
So Clint Eastwood is a racist for calling a black a 'spook'?

Saying the word coon is proof that Zimmerman had murderous intent?

Do you ever bother to connect the dots you present?

How does one reasonably go from 'he called him a coon' to 'he killed him in cold blood'?

How does one go from "he said a racial epithet" to "he killed him in cold blood?"

Do YOU ever respond to what's posted, and not some blatant assumption based on what's NOT even there? :cuckoo:

Then what the hell does "He was calling the kid a coon" have to do with the price of shit in China?

Why do you bring it up like it is somehow relevant?

Of course we both know that you are a lying shit and just ducking away from your idiotic implication.

I was responding to a post about race, dipshit.
Well, because I finally allowed the liberal community to educate my dumb self, and I now know that white people are racist by default until proven not racist, and minorities are not racist...ever. Ever.

So how can he be both hispanic and racist?

But reading more on the case, I saw they said Zimmerman is half white, half hispanic. So then it made perfect sense. His racist white half did the profiling. His violent hispanic half did the kiling.

See? Without racial assumptions we'd never solve anything:D I'm sure Al Sharpton and his ilk who have flocked to Orlando for the "Million Hoodie March" aren't making any racial assumptions yet though.

Well, just because you heard it on TV doesn't make it true.

But the libtards on TV are true when they report the libtard view of this case, because they are themselves libtards.

Ok, so "jimbowie" is another unhinged radical who has the "us versus them" mentality like all the leftist and righty loons here.

I'll put that "check" in my head and remember never to take you seriously. Thnx.
Predjuiced against what?

Any man that defends himself with a gunespecially if the shooter is 'white' and the dead man a black.

At this point, Zimmerman seems to be the aggressor.

He only seems to be the aggressor if you ignore the bleeding wounds Zimmerman had to the back of his head where MArtin hit him, and the bleeding wounds he had to his face where Martin then stood over him and beat and kicked him on the ground.

He was chasing Martin, a minor by the way.

He *followed* Martin, apparently stopped after the dispatcher said to, and then got blindsided by this 17 year old young adult. (it is amazing how libtards like to call late teenagers 'young adults' but they magically become 'children' when it suits to use them as victims).

At the very least..Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged with Homicide. Then the forenics could take their course while the public is assured safety.

You werent there and you dont know jack shit except for what the MSM spoon feeds you.

This also points out why that "No Retreat" law is so bad. It's very vague as to what counts as "self defense". And it allows anyone with a grief or beef to construe it's okay to go vilgilante.


The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are the real point here.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Take my guns bitch.
Well, just because you heard it on TV doesn't make it true.

But the libtards on TV are true when they report the libtard view of this case, because they are themselves libtards.

Ok, so "jimbowie" is another unhinged radical who has the "us versus them" mentality like all the leftist and righty loons here.

I'll put that "check" in my head and remember never to take you seriously. Thnx.

So why dont you answer the fucking questions instead of using that bullshit for cover?

You lying fucktard.

You dont give a shit about Martin or Zimmerman.

You just want to help lynch an innocent man because you are too lazy or stupid to get the facts straight.
How does one go from "he said a racial epithet" to "he killed him in cold blood?"

Do YOU ever respond to what's posted, and not some blatant assumption based on what's NOT even there? :cuckoo:

Then what the hell does "He was calling the kid a coon" have to do with the price of shit in China?

Why do you bring it up like it is somehow relevant?

Of course we both know that you are a lying shit and just ducking away from your idiotic implication.

I was responding to a post about race, dipshit.

No shit, you were responding to the post.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

WHY do you think it relevant is the question, POS.
But the libtards on TV are true when they report the libtard view of this case, because they are themselves libtards.

Ok, so "jimbowie" is another unhinged radical who has the "us versus them" mentality like all the leftist and righty loons here.

I'll put that "check" in my head and remember never to take you seriously. Thnx.

So why dont you answer the fucking questions instead of using that bullshit for cover?

You lying fucktard.

You dont give a shit about Martin or Zimmerman.

You just want to help lynch an innocent man because you are too lazy or stupid to get the facts straight.

Nobody asked me a question, loon.

You don't know if he's innocent yet, loon.

Seems someone is using Politics to decide the case for them - and it's you - right here - in this post. Strong work, loon.
This whole debate is horse-shit.

My guess is the race-baiters are stewing for riots in L.A.

They already got them going in NYC.

What is this????

It's media-driven racism condoned by government.
Last edited:
Ok, so "jimbowie" is another unhinged radical who has the "us versus them" mentality like all the leftist and righty loons here.

I'll put that "check" in my head and remember never to take you seriously. Thnx.

So why dont you answer the fucking questions instead of using that bullshit for cover?

You lying fucktard.

You dont give a shit about Martin or Zimmerman.

You just want to help lynch an innocent man because you are too lazy or stupid to get the facts straight.

Nobody asked me a question, loon.

You don't know if he's innocent yet, loon.

Seems someone is using Politics to decide the case for them - and it's you - right here - in this post. Strong work, loon.

I have asked you several questions, but so what? You wont answer the questions NOW either.

And yes, the politics here is the anti-gun effort to roll back stand your ground laws, nothing more than that.

And I do know that there is insufficient evidence to arrest this guy according to local police and the FBI as well.

But you want the guy lynched anyway?

Piss off.
So why dont you answer the fucking questions instead of using that bullshit for cover?

You lying fucktard.

You dont give a shit about Martin or Zimmerman.

You just want to help lynch an innocent man because you are too lazy or stupid to get the facts straight.

Nobody asked me a question, loon.

You don't know if he's innocent yet, loon.

Seems someone is using Politics to decide the case for them - and it's you - right here - in this post. Strong work, loon.

I have asked you several questions, but so what? You wont answer the questions NOW either.

And yes, the politics here is the anti-gun effort to roll back stand your ground laws, nothing more than that.

And I do know that there is insufficient evidence to arrest this guy according to local police and the FBI as well.

But you want the guy lynched anyway?

Piss off.

Don't tell me what I want. You're a sucker, I'm a sucker free b-o-s-s.
So why dont you answer the fucking questions instead of using that bullshit for cover?

You lying fucktard.

You dont give a shit about Martin or Zimmerman.

You just want to help lynch an innocent man because you are too lazy or stupid to get the facts straight.

Nobody asked me a question, loon.

You don't know if he's innocent yet, loon.

Seems someone is using Politics to decide the case for them - and it's you - right here - in this post. Strong work, loon.

I have asked you several questions, but so what? You wont answer the questions NOW either.

And yes, the politics here is the anti-gun effort to roll back stand your ground laws, nothing more than that.

And I do know that there is insufficient evidence to arrest this guy according to local police and the FBI as well.

But you want the guy lynched anyway?

Piss off.

As long as he's white. If it becomes known by all that he's hispanic their argument shifts to gun rights. This guy has to be labled a white guy, possibly conservative. They desperately need a Rush Limbaugh type to start busting caps in the hood.

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