That’s Racist!… NAACP Demands Photo ID for Attendees to Join Protest Against Photo ID

the Naacp has become nothing more than a joke and an organization to stir up hate and shit on us American citizens...unfortunately, they have people who will follow their nonsense
links and paper stating RULES at site


You just can’t make this stuff up!
The NAACP is holding a protest against photo ID laws…
But you must bring a photo ID in order to join them at the rally.

ALL of it here,
photo id naacp

Pundit Press reported:

The NAACP will be holding a march to protest voter ID laws. In order to attend, all members are required to bring along a photo ID.

In a flier entitled “Important Dos and Don’ts for Marchers!!!,” the NAACP state at the top that all protesters conduct themselves “in accordance with the historic custom of the Civil Rights Movement.” They should also listen to their “marshals at all times” and follow the “Dos” and “Don’ts” underneath the opening paragraph…

…In the middle of the list, however, is a drastically ironic “Do.” To go to the rally, you are asked to have “photo identification (driver’s license, passport or other valid photo id) with you and keep it on your person at all times.”

Read the rest here.

all of it here
That?s Racist!? NAACP Demands Photo ID for Attendees to Join Protest Against Photo ID Laws | The Gateway Pundit

Lying sack of shit Stephanie is at it again.

They recommended people bring in case they get arrested.

Dumb conservative gal can't read apparently.

Nice try, steph.

Better luck next time.
Sews....I go to the NAACP about this march, and first thing I see is THIS :

And THIS is what the March is about:

On February 8, 2014, tens of thousands of people will gather at Shaw University on Wilmington St. between South St. and MLK Jr. Blvd. at 9:00 a.m. in downtown Raleigh. The march to Fayetteville St.l will begin around 10:30 a.m. after which we will begin the mass people's assembly on the doorstep of the State Capitol.

For the past seven years, a fusion movement has been growing in North Carolina. In 2006, the Historic Thousands on Jones St. (HKonJ) People's Assembly Coalition was formed under the leadership of Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II and the North Carolina NAACP.

It has grown to include over 150 coalition partners. Each year this fusion movement comes together on the second Saturday in February to hold a mass people's assembly to reaffirm its commitment to the 14 Point People's Agenda and to hold lawmakers accountable to the people of North Carolina.
This year's annual people's assembly will be held in the wake of a powerful push back to the immoral and unconstitutional policies supported and passed by Governor Pat McCrory, Speaker Thom Tillis, Senate Leader Phil Berger, Budget Director Art Pope and other extremists in the NC General Assembly during the 2013 Session.

After 13 Moral Mondays in Raleigh leading to almost 1,000 arrests for civil disobedience and 24 local Moral Mondays spanning the entire state, the Forward Together Moral Movement and the HKonJ coalition will join together once again for the Moral March on Raleigh HKonJ People's Assembly.
If you believe that an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, if you understand that what happens in North Carolina has implications for the future of the nation, if you believe that we can build a moral movement together to save the soul of our state and country, then join us as we tell Governor McCrory and the North Carolina General Assembly, "Forward Together, Not One Step Back!"We are calling on all people of conscience and concern to join us as we stand against the extreme and regressive agenda being pushed in North Carolina. This agenda is a reflection of what is happening across the United States.

Historic Thousands on Jones St. People's Assembly Coalition

Directed from here: North Carolina NAACP | Forward Together, Not One Step Back!
Soo, once again, Jim Hoft - Stupidest Man on the Internet strikes again.

Just to drive in the nail of the premise of this thread being a lie a little further:

RALEIGH, N.C. - Following a year marked by hundreds of arrests and national publicity but few policy victories, leaders of the movement opposing the Republican agenda in North Carolina vowed Saturday to keep fighting and to speak clearly at the ballot box in 2014.

Thousands of people angry with GOP policies approved in 2013 were energized while attending the "Moral March on Raleigh," the largest gathering of its kind since weekly Monday protests began last spring at the Legislative Building.

[At this event, which happened yesterday] There were no reported arrests or disturbances. More than 900 people were arrested during more than a dozen protests during the 2013 legislative session in nonviolent opposition to the GOP agenda. Saturday's event was not intended to include such civil disobedience.

Event organizers said people from more than 30 states planned to attend the rally, a reflection of the spread of the "Moral Monday" protests to nearby Southern states. It was a diverse group of rally participants who chanted, sang and danced at the end, waving placards on topics ranging from campaign finance and education funding to gay rights and abortion rights.

"Someone can say, 'what can one man or one woman do?" asked Kirkland Carden, 25, a Georgia State University student who traveled with Planned Parenthood organizers to participate. "But when everybody comes here, you get waves like this."

The NAACP and like-minded advocacy groups have held similar annual winter marches and rallies for the past seven years demanding changes in North Carolina government, but none received the kind of attention as Saturday's event. Everything changed when the Republican-led General Assembly and Gov. Pat McCrory passed laws last year opponents call extreme and backward.

Those laws include a refusal to expand Medicaid to more working people under the federal health care law, a photo identification requirement to vote in person, additional abortion rules, taxpayer-funded grants for low-income children to attend public schools and tax changes critics say hurt the poor.

"I mean, this legislature is disgusting," said Susan Stone, 71, of Black Mountain. She left on a bus at 2 a.m. Saturday from Asheville to attend the rally. She held a sign reading, "Why don't you care about the least of these - God does!"
RALEIGH: Annual march, rally builds upon NC Moral Mondays - WJBF-TV ABC 6 Augusta-Aiken News, Weather, Sports
What a incredibly moronic OP. You cant make this sort of stupidity up if you tried. Where does it stipulate the ID is required in order to attend the march? Advising someone to bring ID is not the same as requiring them to. More evidence that reading comprehension is at a all time low amongst some members of the right.

it is not advising says as invitees they agree to obey the rules and marshal...and then says they must "do" these things.

shut up

Reading comprehension is obviously and acquired skill you lack. It doesn't require them to bring and ID it suggests that they bring one.
it was not suggested. learn to read.

Learn to comprehend and read dummy. Please show where it says required. I'll wait.

"participants agree to conduct themselves accordingly"...."do bring photo ID"

please tell me you are smarter than this....

Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.
Learn to comprehend and read dummy. Please show where it says required. I'll wait.

"participants agree to conduct themselves accordingly"...."do bring photo ID"

please tell me you are smarter than this....

Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.

it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.
"participants agree to conduct themselves accordingly"...."do bring photo ID"

please tell me you are smarter than this....

Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.

it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

So you don't see the word required? Don't you think they would use that word if thats what they meant? it also says do wear a hat. Is that "required" as well? Like I said shut the fuck up and learn reading comprehension before typing a response.
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Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.

it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

So you don't see the word required? Don't you think they would use that word if thats what they meant? it also says do wear a hat. Is that "required" as well? Like I said shut the fuck up and learn reading comprehension before typing a response.

if you come to my house and i say, if i let you in, you agree to take your shoes off. is it required for you to take your shoes off?
So you don't see the word required? Don't you think they would use that word if thats what they meant? it also says do wear a hat. Is that "required" as well? Like I said shut the fuck up and learn reading comprehension before typing a response.

they are also REQUIRED to wear comfortable shoes.


Have the idiots acknowledged yet this isnt a "Protest against Photo ID?"
it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

So you don't see the word required? Don't you think they would use that word if thats what they meant? it also says do wear a hat. Is that "required" as well? Like I said shut the fuck up and learn reading comprehension before typing a response.

if you come to my house and i say, if i let you in, you agree to take your shoes off. is it required for you to take your shoes off?
Conservatives always make the stupidest analogies.
it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

So you don't see the word required? Don't you think they would use that word if thats what they meant? it also says do wear a hat. Is that "required" as well? Like I said shut the fuck up and learn reading comprehension before typing a response.

if you come to my house and i say, if i let you in, you agree to take your shoes off. is it required for you to take your shoes off?

Stop reaching dumb ass. Your arms nor your intellect are long enough. If a cow had nuts it would be a bull.
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What a retarded thread....and a retarded bunch of responses.

The idea that there is ANY requirement beyond being legally registered to vote......laid upon any American citizen......before he or she can cast a ballot......offends true American patriots. It does not offend the OP and the idiots agreeing with the OP's lameness. I wonder why?

That some people here equate the act of voting with any other act requiring picture identification speaks to their lack of common sense.

Voting requirements are the responsibility of each state. Unless there is a federal or a state law forbidding the states to require each person to identify themselves with a picture ID when going to the poll, it will be remain so in the states that have the requirement.

I find it common sense to make sure that the person voting is the same one with the same address as what is on the registration list.
What a retarded thread....and a retarded bunch of responses.

The idea that there is ANY requirement beyond being legally registered to vote......laid upon any American citizen......before he or she can cast a ballot......offends true American patriots. It does not offend the OP and the idiots agreeing with the OP's lameness. I wonder why?

That some people here equate the act of voting with any other act requiring picture identification speaks to their lack of common sense.

Voting requirements are the responsibility of each state. Unless there is a federal or a state law forbidding the states to require each person to identify themselves with a picture ID when going to the poll, it will be remain so in the states that have the requirement.

I find it common sense to make sure that the person voting is the same one with the same address as what is on the registration list.

It also makes common sense that if you are not in the military you have no need for a weapon.
"participants agree to conduct themselves accordingly"...."do bring photo ID"

please tell me you are smarter than this....

Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.

it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

You are pissing into the wind arguing with a liberal. They are still trying to figure out if the meaning of "is" is getting a BJ is or is not sex.
Please tell me you can recognize the word required in a sentence. If you cant then shut the fuck up and learn to read.

it says right there, if you're a participant, you AGREE to follow the rules, to conduct yourself accordingly....accordingly is "do bring photo ID".

just because the word "required" is not there does not mean the meaning is not there. you're a simpleton, you don't understand words. you're a child. go home.

You are pissing into the wind arguing with a liberal. They are still trying to figure out if the meaning of "is" is getting a BJ is or is not sex.

Sounds more like an attempt by a retard to see the word "required" where it does not exist. Are you saying that you are conservative but cannot read?
They're actually just generic rules to follow for any protest. That it coincided with a protest against photo ID is just an unfortunate coincidence and irony, not hypocrisy.

Now that's a funny excuse. Nice spin try. TeaParty didn't require ID, Occupy didn't require ID, been to many events that did not require ID.

You are as funny as the NAACP.

The protest did not require ID. It was suggested. How did you miss that?

They are asking for all that attend, to obey all their rules. One of the rules is to have your id. Did you miss that?
Now that's a funny excuse. Nice spin try. TeaParty didn't require ID, Occupy didn't require ID, been to many events that did not require ID.

You are as funny as the NAACP.

The protest did not require ID. It was suggested. How did you miss that?

They are asking for all that attend, to obey all their rules. One of the rules is to have your id. Did you miss that?

Yes I missed it. Please show me where the requirement was to bring ID. I did see that people were asked to do bring a hat and warm clothes along with an ID but that is not a rule or requirement. That is a suggestion. You dont ask if its a requirement or rule. You state it. How did you misunderstand that?
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The protest did not require ID. It was suggested. How did you miss that?

They are asking for all that attend, to obey all their rules. One of the rules is to have your id. Did you miss that?

Yes I missed it. Please show me where the requirement was to bring ID. I did see that people were asked to do bring a hat and warm clothes along with an ID but that is not a rule or requirement. That is a suggestion. You dont ask if its a requirement or rule you state.

If it says do, I'd see it as a rule. I also wonder why they need id.
They are asking for all that attend, to obey all their rules. One of the rules is to have your id. Did you miss that?

Yes I missed it. Please show me where the requirement was to bring ID. I did see that people were asked to do bring a hat and warm clothes along with an ID but that is not a rule or requirement. That is a suggestion. You dont ask if its a requirement or rule you state.

If it says do, I'd see it as a rule. I also wonder why they need id.

Dont be so easily led. Question everything. There is no rule or requirement you bring ID. It was a suggestion probably so if you dropped dead on the sidewalk someone could ID you.

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